David Reiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> J Aaron Farr wrote:
>> git could be an issue.
> Can you explain what the issue is with Git?

Leo already gave a decent explanation.

Basically, it comes down to two aspects:

  1) infrastructure support
  2) cultural bias

There's no "No git" rule that I know of, so in theory, it could be
possible.  In practice, you'll get some resistance.

One aspect of resistance will be from the infrastructure team.  SVN is
basically the "standard" here, we have experience with it and we can
support it well.  Due to painfully learned lessons, our infra team
(mostly volunteer) tends to be very conservative about adding new
tools to our stack.  That said, no one wants to arbitrarily stand in
the way of a project, so there's some give and take, some flexibility.
The point is, this is something the Thrift committers would have to
work out with the infra team.  I don't see it as a show stopper from
this respect, but I hope you understand why this could cause some

The second issue is cultural.  One concern we've had about distributed
version control is the lack of a central repository which _requires_
committers to cooperate and communicate.  This "deficiency" is seen as
a feature by many in the Apache community because it encourages people
to work closely together and it also makes clear which bits of code
are blessed by the community at large.

That said, the workflow you describe sounds great.  Many of us have
used distributed version control systems and there's been idle talk
about it now and then, so this attitude could change, particularly if
a project could demonstrate how to avoid the potential pitfalls.

Hope that clears things up a bit.

  J Aaron Farr     jadetower.com        [US] +1 724-964-4515 
    馮傑仁          cubiclemuses.com     [HK] +852 8123-7905  

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