> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:43 AM
> Subject: Project
> Hello,
> I have a project that I would like to be accepted by the ASF. It is
> written on the site that I have to go through the Incubator. But how?
> Where do I start? This was not quite clear.

First, make sure you have read:



What you need most is a "Champion" -- one or more ASF members who support
your entry into the Foundation.  Finding a champion is perhaps the
trickest part of the whole process.  If you happen to already know a few
ASF committers or members, you might want to directly approach them. 
Otherwise, you could prepare some material about your project and present
it to the Incubator and hope you get someone's attention.

Another critical factor for incoming projects is community size.  The ASF
prefers to host projects which already have a diverse developer team.  If
you do not already have several developers working on the project, then
you may be told to host the project elsewhere (such as SourceForge.net)
until you reach that critical mass.

Some of us have promised to make the documentation better, but haven't
gotten around to it yet. :)


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