External Email - Use Caution
Dear All,
I am a master student in Turkey. For my thesis; I have to do exactly this;
Desikan atlas (which I have in the tailarach space) in the MNI space, as a file
(Desikan_mni.nii). I am aware that transforming from one space to the other is
not a
brain using Desikan Atlas.nii?
Gönderen: ece ulug
Gönderildi: 10 Ekim 2018 Çarşamba 12:27
Kime: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Konu: Desikan Atlas in MNI Space
Dear All,
I am a master student in Turkey. For my thesis; I have to do exactly this;
o map the aparc into the vbm volume?
On 10/11/2018 09:59 AM, ece ulug wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi,
> May be i cannot tell well,
> I would like to use the Desikan atlas, which is a surface-based atlas
> normally, as a volume template.
or VBM? If so, then you can use mri_label2vol specifying the desikan
> annotation as the --annot and using
> $FREESURFER_HOME/average/mni152.register.dat as the registration file.
>> On 10/11/2018 11:42 AM, ece ulug wrote:
>> External Email - Use Cautio
parcellation is sampled into the volume
alread in the file aparc+aseg.mgz in the subject's mri dir. Is that what
you are looking for?
On Mon, 5 Nov 2018, ece ulug wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Experts,
> I am very beginner in
x27;t know what it
would be if it existed.
Maybe we can take a step back and you can let us know what you are trying
to achieve?
On Mon, 5 Nov 2018, ece ulug wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Thanks for your reply doctor. Actually I want to access Desikan K. Atlas
e helpful. (for every m file)
Gönderen: Mcnorgan, Christopher adına
Gönderildi: 6 Kasım 2018 Salı 20:05
Kime: Freesurfer Mailing List
Konu: Re: [Freesurfer] Desikan Atlas in volume space (ece ulug)