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May be i cannot tell well,

I would like to use the Desikan atlas, which is a surface-based atlas normally, 
as a volume template.

Generally Desikan_surface.gii file is accesible. Can I visualize VBM results 
correctly in for instances SPMglass brain using Desikan Atlas.nii?


Gönderen: ece ulug <eceulu...@hotmail.com>
Gönderildi: 10 Ekim 2018 Çarşamba 12:27
Kime: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Konu: Desikan Atlas in MNI Space

Dear All,

I am a master student in Turkey. For my thesis; I have to do exactly this;

Desikan atlas (which I have in the tailarach space) in the MNI space, as a file 
(Desikan_mni.nii). I am aware that transforming from one space to the other is 
not a very good idea but nevertheless I would like to test some computations.

Anyone can attach/send a link/know of if exists such a file? the aparc+aseg.mgz 
in fsaverage is in mni305 space. will that work?

This is a mail dated 2014, freesurfer maillist, and I find this via internet.

Desikan Atlas 'aparc+aseg.mgz' or .nii format where should I look for these 

And what is your opinion, is it good idea?

(To transform Desikan atlas to mni space for visualization VBM results?)

Thanks in advance

E. Ece Uluğ

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