Hi Douglas,
Please find below the mri_coreg terminal output :
*$Id: mri_coreg.c,v 1.27 2016/04/30 15:11:49 greve Exp $*
*cwd /NAS/tupac/matthieu/FS5.3/207118_M0_2014-01-29/pet*
*cmdline mri_coreg --s 207118_M0_2014-01-29 --mov BS7_PET.lps.nii.gz --reg
Pet2T1.BS7.register.dof6.mri_coreg.lta --regd
Hi HsinTsung
FreeSurfer V6 isn't out yet, but we are moving towards having a beta.
I'll leave the registration questions for Doug
On Mon, 3 Oct 2016, Hsin-Tsung Lee wrote:
Dear freesurfer community
I have used the freesurfer v5.30 stable on linux, I want to fusion
the C
Hi Han
I'm not sure I understand you question. The sign of the curvature depends
on the arbirary convention you choose for the normal vector field over the
surface. We pick and outwards pointing normal, which means that gyral
regions in general have negative curvature (since they lie 'below' t
Registration is now open for Brain-anatomy-hack in Paris.
Brain-anatomy-hack aims at promoting the interaction between scientists on
questions concerning (1) the investigation of brain anatomy based on
magnetic resonance imaging or post mortem dissection; (2) the evolution of
nervous systems acros
Can you tar up the FS anat analysis and BS7_PET.lps.nii.gz and send it
to me on our filedrop?
On 10/3/16 6:55 AM, Matthieu Vanhoutte wrote:
Hi Douglas,
Please find below the mri_coreg terminal output :
/$Id: mri_coreg.c,v 1.27 2016/04/30 15:11:49 greve Exp $/
/cwd /NAS/tupac/matthieu/FS5.
Hi Douglas,
I have just sent it to you on Filedrop.
Best regards,
2016-10-03 17:45 GMT+02:00 Douglas Greve :
> Can you tar up the FS anat analysis and BS7_PET.lps.nii.gz and send it to
> me on our filedrop?
> On 10/3/16 6:55 AM, Matthieu Vanhoutte wrote:
> Hi Douglas,
> Please fi
Dear FS users
I am trying to compare subcortical volumes of 3 groups (and no co-variates) pre
and post an intervention using mri_glmfit in Paired-Analysis.
My question pertains to which file I should specify as the input (--y) in the
mri_glmfit command. The examples in the Wikis use either a prep
Dear Douglas,
I have a segmented gyrus curvature file (.curv or .w) and I would like to
calculate the volume (and other statistics) of this gyrus.
I currently only know mris_anatomical_stats to perform that, but requiring a
'.label' file.
Can I extract statistics directly from the ".curv" f
Dear Dr. Bruce
I have one more question, does the "mri_coreg" available in version
5.30 stable, or it only available in v6.0(or it's beta version)?
Best Regard
HsinTsung Lee
2016-10-03 21:30 GMT+08:00 Bruce Fischl :
> Hi HsinTsung
> FreeSurfer V6 isn't out yet, but we are moving towards
Dear Bruce Fischl
?h.white.H, ?h.curv, and H Mean reflected the vector fields with 'sign(+
or -)', and MeanCurv reflected the integral of the 'absolute' value of mean
Am I understanding this correctly?
Best Wishes,
On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 7:49 AM, Bruce Fischl
> Hi Han
you can get it from here
On 10/03/2016 12:46 PM, Hsin-Tsung Lee wrote:
> Dear Dr. Bruce
> I have one more question, does the "mri_coreg" available in
> version 5.30 stable, or it only available in v6.0(or it's beta version)?
> Best
yes, I believe so
On Mon, 3 Oct 2016, Hanbyul Cho wrote:
Dear Bruce Fischl
?h.white.H, ?h.curv, and H Mean reflected the vector fields with 'sign(+ or
-)', and MeanCurv reflected the integral of the 'absolute' value of mean
curvature. Am I understanding this correctly?
Best Wishes,
Dear Bruce Fischl
I appreciate your explanation. Thank you.
Best Wishes,
On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 11:37 AM, Bruce Fischl
> yes, I believe so
> On Mon, 3 Oct 2016, Hanbyul Cho wrote:
> Dear Bruce Fischl
>> ?h.white.H, ?h.curv, and H Mean reflected the vector fields with 'sign(
Thanks Dr. Harms and Dr. Greve.
So can I do the cortical thickness comparison if we have healthy controls
data from the same scanner but acquired using different protocol e.g. if we
get access of age-matched healthy controls data from another lab who used
the same scanner?
On Fri, Sep 30,
I would still say no -- the differences could still be due to
differences in acquisition parameters
On 10/03/2016 02:30 PM, Martin Juneja wrote:
> Thanks Dr. Harms and Dr. Greve.
> So can I do the cortical thickness comparison if we have healthy
> controls data from the same scanner but acquire
Hi all, just following up on my previous question. For the purposes of
showing uncorrected p-values <0.005 as well as the corrected results (via
mri_glmfit-sim) I would like to get the table of uncorrected p-values. I
have tried using mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir results.glmdir --cache 2.3 abs
--cwp 1 -
In the table produced by glmfit-sim, the maximum vertex-wise uncorrected
-log10(p) is given. Is that enough?
On 10/03/2016 02:55 PM, Corinna Bauer wrote:
> Hi all, just following up on my previous question. For the purposes of
> showing uncorrected p-values <0.005 as well as the corrected resul
I am looking to run a GLM on a single subject, where data was collected
across several different sessions. What is the best way to go about doing
this in the FSFAST pipeline? I was thinking that I should just 1) drop the
data for all the runs into a single BOLD directory as though they were
Sorry for the delay ...
1. FS cannot do hierarchical regression. Can you elaborate on the sum of
squares types? Or point me to a web page/
2. DODS will account for all 2 way interactions between discrete and
continuous variables. If you want other interactions, you'll have to add
them. For exa
You can do it that way. If you use the -per-run option, it will motion
correct and coregister each run separately and only combine them in the
common space (eg, surface space). The alternative is to analyze each
separately, then combine the results using a fixed effect model using
I'm really sorry to keep pestering you about this but I just can't seem
to get this to work. See my replies below:
On 09/30/2016 02:00 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> First, bring up the ROI on the volume along with the surface in the
> volume. You can do this with FreeView. Make sure that t
you can get a copy of mri_coreg here
On 10/03/2016 09:30 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi HsinTsung
> FreeSurfer V6 isn't out yet, but we are moving towards having a beta.
> I'll leave the registration questions for Doug
> cheers
> Bruce
Sorry, it sent before I finished. I'll try this again.
On 09/30/2016 02:00 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> First, bring up the ROI on the volume along with the surface in the
> volume. You can do this with FreeView. Make sure that the ROI intersects
> the surface.
Yes, this looks fine
> Then run mr
Dear list,
I'm trying to extract vertex-level measures of thickness, area, etc, for
all of my subjects. I ran recon-all -all on all subjects as normal, then
recon-all -s {subject} -qcache
where {subject} is the subject ID. This was followed by `mris_convert` to
make the values human-readabl
I think it might have to do with the format of your output file - perhaps
try .mgz? This is what I used.
Then open the surface and use the "overlay" option to overlay your ROI as a
surface overlay.
Ph.D. Candidate
McGill University
Integrated Program in Neuroscience
On M
Should be, so long as it is the uncorrected value. Is that the CWPmax?
On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Douglas N Greve
> In the table produced by glmfit-sim, the maximum vertex-wise uncorrected
> -log10(p) is given. Is that enough?
> On 10/03/2016 02:55 PM, Corinna Bauer wrote:
> > Hi
No, it is labeled as "Max", the 2nd column of the table. The next column
is the VtxMax, the vertex where the max uncorrected appeared
On 10/03/2016 05:43 PM, Corinna Bauer wrote:
> Should be, so long as it is the uncorrected value. Is that the CWPmax?
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Douglas
Thanks for your help. Yes.
It looks like it is crashing during make_roi_paths.m
Any ideas? Thanks.
On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 06:32:06 -0700 Alan Francis
Hi Prasser:
Did you set the environment for MATLAB e.g.,
setenv MATLABPATH /Applications/MATLA
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