
I'm really sorry to keep pestering you about this but I just can't seem
to get this to work.  See my replies below:

On 09/30/2016 02:00 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> First, bring up the ROI on the volume along with the surface in the
> volume. You can do this with FreeView. Make sure that the ROI intersects
> the surface.
Yes, this looks fine
>   Then run mri_vol2surf so sample the binary ROI volume onto
> the surface.
This is what I ran:
mri_vol2surf  --src $SUBJECTS_DIR/subA/tmpdir/roi.mgz \
--out $SUBJECTS_DIR/subA/tmpdir/rh.roiS.mgh \
--regheader subA --hemi rh --surf pial
>   You can view the ROI on the surface by loading it as an
> overlay.
This is a volume or a surface now?  Is it just a volume resampled to the
surface space?  I can't get it to load in freeview as a surface (it just
crashes), and it doesn't look like anything as an overlay.
> Then run mri_cor2label using the surface-sampled ROI as input
> and specifying --surf (see the --help) to make this a surface-based
> label. You can also view this label in the surface in freeview. Finally,
> run mri_label2label using the --regmethod surface

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