yes, I believe so
On Mon, 3 Oct 2016, Hanbyul Cho wrote:

Dear Bruce Fischl

?h.white.H,  ?h.curv, and H Mean reflected the vector fields with 'sign(+ or
-)', and MeanCurv reflected the integral of the 'absolute' value of mean
curvature.  Am I understanding this correctly?

Best Wishes,


On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 7:49 AM, Bruce Fischl <>
      Hi Han

      I'm not sure I understand you question. The sign of the
      curvature depends on the arbirary convention you choose for the
      normal vector field over the surface. We pick and outwards
      pointing normal, which means that gyral regions in general have
      negative curvature (since they lie 'below' the tangent plane in
      terms of their dot product with the normal) and sulcal ones are
      positive. AFAIK both the ?h.white.H and ?h.curv curvatures obey
      this convention, although the smoothing applied to the ?h.curv
      will mean that some places they will have different sign. If you
      plot them both you will see that they are pretty highly
      correlated though.

      Does that answer your question? If not, can you clarify?


      On Sun, 2 Oct 2016, Hanbyul Cho wrote:

            Dear FreeSurfer Team,

            I apologize for the repetitive questions.

            I made 2 labels which included bilateral paracentral
            lobule and sulcus
            Then I extract the values:  
               - MeanCurv
                 After mris_anatomical_stats processing, I
            extracted the MeanCurv by the
              'aparcstats2table --hemi ?h --parc <label> --meas
            meancurv --subjects
            <subjects list> --tablefile <output.txt>'

               - ?h.Curv  
                  After mris_anatomical_stats processing with
            the option '-t lh.curv', I
            extracted the curvature value by the command,
              'aparcstats2table --hemi ?h --parc <label> --meas
            <subjects list> --tablefile <output.txt>'

              - H <mean> +- <std>,   H Mean Rectified Surface
                The Mean curvature values were compute by the
                'mris_curvature_Stats -l <label> -g -n -m -f
            white -o <output.txt>
            <subject> ?h'

            I analyzed the each value. The ?h.Curv mean (within
            the label) has opposite
            relationship with Z value compared to MeanCurv,
            while similar relationship
            with Z value compared to H <mean>.

            I heard that the MeanCurv is the integral of the
            rectified mean curvature of
            white matter surface (1/r mm), and ?h.curv is the
            mean curvature of the
            white matter surface with a Gaussian smoothing
            kernel applied.
            It looks that the MeanCurv and H Mean Rectified
            Surface Integral has only
            positive values, while the H <mean> and ?h.curv has
            positive or negative

            I wonder whether MeanCurv and ?h.curv has the
            difference meaning or
            difference formula.
            And I would like to know the meaning of the ?h.curv
            negative value.
            Is H <mean> ( by mris_curvature_Stats ) compute from
            ?h.curv ?

            Thank you.


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