Re: [Freesurfer] WG: WG: [Fwd: WG: missing temporal lobes]

2014-05-27 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Kristina can you please post to the list so others can answer? If you add control points to the temporal WM where you are missing gm it should recover most if not all of it. Hippocampus is not neocortical and isn't supposed to be included. The surfaces are somewhat arbitrary there, and excl

[Freesurfer] FW: WG: WG: [Fwd: WG: missing temporal lobes], calculation CSF

2014-05-27 Thread Mayer Kristina
Oh, I see. So in the calculation of total GM in aseg.stats does it include the hippocampus, although it is not showing on the masks for surface of GM or PIAL? I also tried to calculate total intracranial CSF (ventricles + outer liquor spaces). Is following calculation correct: e T

Re: [Freesurfer] FW: WG: WG: [Fwd: WG: missing temporal lobes], calculation CSF

2014-05-27 Thread Louis Nicholas Vinke
Hi Kristina, This page has the details I believe you are looking for: -Louis On Tue, 27 May 2014, Mayer Kristina wrote: Oh, I see. So in the calculation of total GM in aseg.stats does it include the hippocampus, although it is not s

Re: [Freesurfer] FW: WG: WG: [Fwd: WG: missing temporal lobes], calculation CSF

2014-05-27 Thread Mayer Kristina
Dear Louis, I got my information from the same page. As eTIV is a totally different algorithm, I am not sure if it is faisible to calculate total CSF from this parameters. As eTIV isn't representing voxels should I rather use the following: eTIV - BrainSegNotVentSurf = total intracrani

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_convert to GIFTI misaligned in freeview

2014-05-27 Thread Franz Liem
Hi Michael, I had a similar problem a while ago. Maybe this might help. Best, Franz Am 23.05.2014 um 05:38 schrieb Harms, Michael: > > Hi, > I converted a surface to GIFTI > e.g., > mris_convert lh.white lh.white.gii >

Re: [Freesurfer] High Intensity Spots and Surfacing Issues

2014-05-27 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jon definitely not control points. I guess you would have to draw stuff in, but that kind of intensity patch is so far from our expectations it may be hard. Any idea where it comes from? Bruce On Tue, 27 May 2014, Jonathan Holt wrote: Hi all, this is a recurring issue that I'm hoping I

Re: [Freesurfer] High Intensity Spots and Surfacing Issues

2014-05-27 Thread Jonathan Holt
No idea, I think it’s due to the scanner, but could be wrong. Drawing in WM voxels? On May 27, 2014, at 10:20 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Jon > > definitely not control points. I guess you would have to draw stuff in, but > that kind of intensity patch is so far from our expectations it may

Re: [Freesurfer] High Intensity Spots and Surfacing Issues

2014-05-27 Thread Bruce Fischl
yes, that's what I meant. It looks too far in the interior to be a B0 effect. Do you see it in all your subjects? What sequence/scanner are you using?On Tue, 27 May 2014, Jonathan Holt wrote: No idea, I think it’s due to the scanner, but could be wrong. Drawing in WM voxels? On May 27, 2014,

[Freesurfer] Registration and Surface Flattening

2014-05-27 Thread Caka
Thank you Bruce, I convert the fsaverage flat map into a ascii file, using: mris_convert -p lh.cortex.patch.flat lh.cortex.patch.flat.asc. Now I need to read these two files. (1) I used read_patch.m to read lh.cortex.patch.flat. But an error came out, it said ‘ Error using ==> read_patch a

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_convert to GIFTI misaligned in freeview

2014-05-27 Thread Matt Glasser
Yes the HCP pipelines have to take care of this as well so that the surfaces and volume align outside of FreeSurfer. Peace, Matt. On 5/27/14, 8:35 AM, "Franz Liem" wrote: >Hi Michael, > >I had a similar problem a while ago. Maybe this might help. >

Re: [Freesurfer] Registration and Surface Flattening

2014-05-27 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Qiongmin why are you trying to read the patches into matlab? Also, can you send us your full matlab command that generated the error? Sounds like you passed the incorrect file name cheers Bruce On Tue, 27 May 2014, Caka wrote: Thank you Bruce, I convert the fsaverage flat map into a

[Freesurfer] Registration of Functional Data to the Inflated Brain

2014-05-27 Thread Sherryse Corrow
Hi FreeSurfer Team, Please help out a FreeSurfer newbie! We are having an issue with mapping our functional data onto the inflated brain. When we finish the mapping, it seems that much of the data is showing up in white-matter space, and therefore, cannot be seen on the external surface of th

Re: [Freesurfer] High Intensity Spots and Surfacing Issues

2014-05-27 Thread Jonathan Holt
we used an SPGR sequence on a GE 3T, it was 7-10 years old at the time. it’s not on every subject, but on the handful of subjects that do present this issue, it’s definitely stubborn and I’ve been unable to fix it as of yet. On May 27, 2014, at 10:28 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > yes, that's what

Re: [Freesurfer] Registration of Functional Data to the Inflated Brain

2014-05-27 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Sherryse you only need to register the anatomicals to the funtionals once, then sample the functional data onto the surface using mri_vol2surf. This will create a surface overlay that can be visualized on any of the surfaces for that subject (e.g. lh.white, lh.pial, lh.inflated) cheers Br

Re: [Freesurfer] How to obtain stats on custom anatomical ROI in freeview/freesurfer

2014-05-27 Thread Ruopeng Wang
Hi Lucette, Are you saying that the label file saved by freeview can not be loaded by other tools in freesurfer? Can you post the complete commands and output that did not work? Best, Ruopeng On 05/27/2014 02:03 AM, Lucette Cysique wrote: Dear Ruopeng and colleagues, I am interested in fol

[Freesurfer] dt_recon error

2014-05-27 Thread Weber, Wade (weberw)
Hi all, I have been trying to work with DTI data in FreeSurfer for the first time. We acquire our data on a 4T Varian and reconstruct into AFNI format (BRIK/HEAD files). I set up the bval and bvec files successfully and ran the "dt_recon" script. It seemed to run fine until I got an fslregist

[Freesurfer] "average" brain files

2014-05-27 Thread Borzello, Mia
Hi Freesurfers, I was wondering if the SurferOutput files for the average subject's brain were somewhere tobe downloaded on the wiki or within the toolbox? Thanks, m ___ Freesurfer mailing list https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvar

Re: [Freesurfer] unpacking error

2014-05-27 Thread Douglas N Greve
What is the model of the scanner? I think there is an error in there because it can' find the parameters it needs. You can also try something like mri_convert 160 11147SACC000.MR.RESEARCH_NEURO. test.mgh this might print something more informative to the terminal. You can also try mri_probed

Re: [Freesurfer] R: Re: R: Re: R: Re: Problem of size

2014-05-27 Thread Douglas N Greve
Why not just use the wmparc.mgz created by recon-all? doug On 05/22/2014 12:04 PM, Andrea Tateo wrote: > Hi FreeSurfer expert, > > after that I have used the command "recon-all" > > I would like to obtain wm-lh and wm-rh information ( for example > wm-lh-bankssts,wm-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate,w

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal design

2014-05-27 Thread Tudor Popescu
Hi Martin, Wasn't sure whether you'd seen my reply below, look forward to hear back your thoughts, thanks! Tudor On 25 May 2014 21:40, "Tudor Popescu" wrote: > Thanks very much Martin and Bruce. I guess I'd misread the Wiki (my own > fault, not the text's), and am glad to hear that the longitudin

Re: [Freesurfer] bbregister and FLAIR

2014-05-27 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Kayle, can you try the following bbregister --s SLOTS007 --mov flair.mgz --init-header --reg reg.test.dat --t2 --lta reg.test.lta this should hopefully generate a good registration. If it does, then I can find a work-around for you doug On 05/23/2014 03:05 PM, Kayle Sawyer wrote: > Hello,

Re: [Freesurfer] Error: no dicom files found

2014-05-27 Thread Douglas N Greve
Are they siemens dicoms? If not, use dcmunpack. If so, what is the command you ran and terminal output? On 05/26/2014 11:34 AM, Caroline Lewis wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to use the unpacksdcmdir command to convert my dicom files > to mgz/nifti, and when i run the command: > > unpacksdcmdir -

Re: [Freesurfer] URGENT: Error in analyse

2014-05-27 Thread Douglas N Greve
Does it print out anything else? An alternative is to use the command line stream (create your own fsgd file, run mris_preproc, smooth, mri_glmfit, mri_glmfit-sim) doug On 05/27/2014 06:38 AM, Saloni Sharma wrote: > I am attaching a screen shot of the error, if it helps! > > > On 26 May 2014

Re: [Freesurfer] Registration of Functional Data to the Inflated Brain

2014-05-27 Thread Douglas N Greve
recon-all will not produce the registration file you are looking for. It should be produced by reg-feat2anat. Try running it with --debug as the first argument and post the terminal output to the list doug On 05/27/2014 12:10 PM, Sherryse Corrow wrote: > Hi FreeSurfer Team, > > Please help ou

Re: [Freesurfer] dt_recon error

2014-05-27 Thread Douglas N Greve
Did it actually fail? If not, does the registration look ok? That msg should just be a warning doug On 05/27/2014 02:06 PM, Weber, Wade (weberw) wrote: > > Hi all, > > I have been trying to work with DTI data in FreeSurfer for the first > time. We acquire our data on a 4T Varian and reconstruct

Re: [Freesurfer] URGENT: Error in analyse

2014-05-27 Thread Saloni
It prints out fine and gives results if I only use it to analyse two groups(differentiated on stress levels) but if I add gender as a discrete variable or even as a continuous one along with the groups it shows this error. Sent from my iPhone > On 27 May 2014, at 23:40, Douglas N Greve wrote: