Dear all,
I read the tutorial
and I want to know how to visualize the lh.gender_age.thickness.10.mgh.
All the best.
Rujing Zha___
Freesurfer mailing list
I'd like to ask whether there exist any (implemented/objective) measure to
identify a correct surface reconstruction beyond the visual inspection in
order to identify gross defect or wm/gm boundary.
Thanks in advance.
Dídac Vidal Piñeiro
Dept. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology
unfortunately not.
On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, Dídac Vidal wrote:
I'd like to ask whether there exist any (implemented/objective) measure to
identify a correct surface reconstruction beyond the visual inspection in
order to identify gross defect or wm/gm boundary.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Bruce,
I uploaded the data to your server.
All files can be divided into 2 subjects. And one subject has incorrect
segmentation (subject), the other has a multiframe ERROR(LJH_error).
All the best.
Rujing Zha___
Freesurfer maili
Dear FS experts,
I have a very strange error after running autorecon2-cp. I never saw this
kind of error with previous versions of FS. I run recon-all -all on my
subject, and obtained very good surface reconstructions, with the exception
of few excluded wm voxels (see attachment called "befo
Hi Rujing
the multi-frame I'm not going to be able to help with - you need to run
recon-all on the anatomical not an epi image.
I'll try to find time to take a look at the other one though
On Tue, 17 Dec
2013, Rujing
Zha wrote:
Hi Bruce,
I uploaded the data to your server.
Tracula experts,
I was hoping to upgrade to Freesurfer 5.3 in order to use the new motion
detection feature of Tracula. The issue is that all of the preprocessing has
already been completed in Freesurfer 5.2 with the older version of Tracula.
Would I need to redo all the preprocessing in 5.3 in
so in the following cluster, the cluster-wise p-value is 0.80130?
# ClusterNo Max VtxMax Size(mm^2) MNIX MNIY MNIZCWPCWPLow
CWPHi NVtxs Annot
1 3.247 90900134.66-37.1 -33.2 -24.5 0.80130 0.79620
0.80640 267 fusiform
- Original Message -
That looks correct. The contrasts for the 2nd example will test whether
the score is equal to 0 or not (and not an interaction between diagnosis
and score). It is not wrong, but I just wanted to make sure you know
what you are testing.
On 12/17/2013 01:50 AM, Rujing Zha wrote:
> Dear al
You can load is as an overlay in tksurfer or freeview and scroll through
the frames
On 12/17/2013 07:21 AM, Rujing Zha wrote:
> Dear all,
> I read the tutorial
> and I want to know how to visualize the lh.gender_age.thicknes
Hi everybody,
I'm having problems running the trac-all -path command. It's giving me this
*Segmentation fault (core dumped) Linux opbg 3.11.0-15-generic #23-Ubuntu
SMP Mon Dec 9 18:17:04 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux trac-paths
exited with ERRORS at mar 17 dic 2013, 16.09.33,
Yes, with a 95% confidence range of .7962 to .8065
On 12/17/2013 11:04 AM, Jon Wieser wrote:
> so in the following cluster, the cluster-wise p-value is 0.80130?
> # ClusterNo Max VtxMax Size(mm^2) MNIX MNIY MNIZCWPCWPLow
> CWPHi NVtxs Annot
> 1 3.247
Is that all it says? Can you send the log file?
On 12/16/2013 10:00 PM, Rujing Zha wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Thanks Doug.
> I tried the "-run 15" option, it generate a "015" folder. However
> unpacksdcmdir code echo ERROR message:
> "ERROR:mri_convert
> child killed: segmentation violation ",
> and
Hi all
I am wondering what is the best to present GLM results in a table on top
of the visual display.
For the significant clusters after clusterwise correction, should we
display the Max -log10(p) as in the summary file itself, or the p value
directly, or a transformed pvalue like a Z score?
Hi Celine, you should report the clusterwise p-value (which is neither
of those).
On 12/17/2013 12:11 PM, Celine Louapre wrote:
> Hi all
> I am wondering what is the best to present GLM results in a table on top
> of the visual display.
> For the significant clusters after clusterwise correc
Oh so we don't report the significance itself? because for example if we
have a small cluster but highly significant, does the cluster-wise
correction p value take it into account? (compared to a large cluster but
with lower significance). I may not have completely got this.
Thanks Doug
> H
The cluster p-value is the significance corrected for multiple
comparisons. It is possible for a cluster to be large and yet made up of
voxels whose individual significances are low. The p-value for such a
cluster may be significant, whereas a small cluster made of individual
highly significan
Hi again, Douglas and freesurfer experts.
Unfortunately my problem cannot be explained by having made manual edits
and then not finishing recon-all. When I load subjects that I did not
manually edit, I am either unable to load an annotation file (specifically
r/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot) at all, or I
Hi Douglas,
I checked the status of each subject once recon-all was completed (by
looking in the terminal window before I closed it). Each of my roughly 90
subects had the message "*recon-all -s* subjectID *finished without
error*at date and time".
When I look at the recon-all.log file the same
It could be that SPM is setting some scaling factor in the nifti header
that FS is not reading properly. Which version of FS are you using?
On 12/17/2013 02:38 PM, JARED NIELSEN wrote:
> I looked at the nifti files in freeview. The orientation in freeview is
> correct, but it appears all
Hi Matthieu - This error had to do with a change in bedpostx's command
line arguments after an FSL upgrade. The problem is fixed in the newer
version of tracula. Again, I'd strongly recommend upgrading to the newer
Hope this helps,
On Thu, 12 Dec 2013, Matthieu Vanhoutte wrote:
Hi Gari - This is coming from the new code in the update that I posted
recently. Which build of freesurfer 5.3 and which build of the tracula
update do you have? Using our Centos 6 build, I was not able to replicate
your error.
On Wed, 11 Dec 2013, Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga wrote:
> Hi An
Hi Ruth - If you download the update and unzip it, you'll see an
executable called dmri_motion. You can run it without any arguments to see
the help text.
Try something like this:
dmri_motion --dwi yourDWIs.nii.gz --mat your.ecclog --bval your.bvals --out
On Fri, 13
Dec 201
Hi David - Based on the error message in your log file, the right angular
bundle ( is also failing. Looks like a similar problem with the
right ILF, probably that tract is also affected by the blank slices in
your volume. Nothing on the list after gets reconstructed because
of t
Hi Laura - Please read the information on the wiki page:
Tracula in 5.2 and 5.3 is identical. The motion measures are not in 5.3
but in a newer update, that you can download from that wiki page.
As an aside, you should not be using reco
For the subject that you were not able to load the annot, did you check
the recon-all log file? Did recon-all complete properly?
On 12/17/2013 01:35 PM, Laura Taylor wrote:
> Hi again, Douglas and freesurfer experts.
> Unfortunately my problem cannot be explained by having made manual
Hi Vincent - TBSS shouldn't care what mask was applied to the FA maps that
you feed into it. Of course it's best if the same mask has been applied to
both the FA maps and bedpostx outputs. However, the diffusion and
structural masks should only differ in voxels around the brain, not deep
in th
I looked at the nifti files in freeview. The orientation in freeview is
correct, but it appears all of the T1s that resulted in an error are washed out
in freeview. I can vaguely see the outline of the head, but there's a gray box
covering the image. When I click on regions of bone or brain in t
Hi Francesco - Can you please send us your tracula log file, from
scripts/trac-all.log? It's impossible to guess what went wrong without
seeing the log file.
On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:
Hi everybody,
I'm having problems running the trac-all -path command.
Hi Anastasia,
It was solved after reinstalling netCDF and updating the links (and some 64
bit packages missing too), now it is working, many thanks!!
On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Anastasia Yendiki wrote:
> Hi Gari - This is coming from the new code in the update that I posted
> recently.
So when you say you cannot load it, what do you mean?
On 12/17/2013 02:55 PM, Laura Taylor wrote:
> Hi Douglas,
> I checked the status of each subject once recon-all was completed (by
> looking in the terminal window before I closed it). Each of my
> roughly 90 subects had the message
After running a group comparison using qdec I wanted to use mc-z
for multiple comparison correction
I tried running:
mri_glmfit-sim \
--glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ2 \
--sim mc-z 1000 2.0 mc-z.negative \
--sim-sign abs --cwpvalthresh 0.999 \
ERROR: dimension mismatch between X and
I would think that a p-value of 0.8013 is very insignificant. Am I missing
- Original Message -
From: "Douglas N Greve"
To: "Jon Wieser"
Cc: "freesurfer"
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 10:46:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
Yes, with a
Yes, it is insignificant. I had you set the clusterwise p-value
threshold (--cwp) to .9 which means keep all the clusters regardless
of how significant it is because you wanted the 40 clusters.
On 12/17/2013 12:21 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
> I would think that a p-value of 0.8013 is very insig
Dear Doug,
Thanks for your precious help.
Considering the 2nd example, I just want to know whether some brain surface
thickness correlate the score without subjects coming from control or patient
group. I think my aim is the same as want you told me "test whether the score
is equal to 0 or not".
Dear Doug,
Thanks Doug.
In my server, I cannot visualize the file but seeing the time courese window. I
want to know whether there is a limit in graphics card for visualing the
inflated data.
All the best.
Rujing Zha
发件人:Douglas N Greve
发送时间:2013-12-18 00:32
主题:Re: [Fre
36 matches
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