I looked at the nifti files in freeview. The orientation in freeview is 
correct, but it appears all of the T1s that resulted in an error are washed out 
in freeview. I can vaguely see the outline of the head, but there's a gray box 
covering the image. When I click on regions of bone or brain in the washed out 
images, the intensities are comparable with those of non-washed out images.

I created the nifti files using spm. When I display the nifti files in afni or 
spm they look great. Is there something about the spm-generated nifti files 
that freesurfer doesn't like? Should I use a different program to convert the 
dicoms into niftis? 

I also went back to the original dicoms. If I generate the 001.mgz file from 
the dicoms, recon-all works appropriately and the image is not washed out. I 
could always go back and work with the dicoms directly, but moving forward I 
would prefer working with the nifti files for protected health information 


On Dec 12, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Jared Nielsen <jared.niel...@hsc.utah.edu> wrote:

> Hi Bruce,
> Thanks for your response. It's a bit of a pain to access the dicoms, but it's 
> possible. The bigger problem now is that I can't get freeview to work. I type 
> in freeview into the command line and receive the following error:
> freeview.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libvtkverdict.so.5.6: 
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Forgive my lack of linux knowledge, but is there some software I failed to 
> download? I searched for the error in the Mail Archive and the only entry is 
> from April 7, 2011. The response to the query says something about glxgear. 
> Is that something I should try to get freeview running? If so, how do I do 
> that?
> As a side note, tksurfer and tkmedit seem to work fine.
> Jared
> On Dec 12, 2013, at 3:36 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Jared
>> for the ones that run quickly and end, it's because you haven't told it to 
>> do anything. The first couple of lines of the recon-all.log file give the 
>> command line as:
>> Thu Dec  5 14:00:18 MST 2013
>> /mnt/NAS3/freesurfer/freesurfer//bin/recon-all
>> -i Time3_28908_s11038064-0005-00001-000001-01.nii -subject Time3_28908
>> this will just convert the nifti and create the subject dirs for 
>> Time3_28908. You need to add "-all" at the end of the line, as you did in 
>> the other ones.
>> For the one that failed the talairach it's hard to say. You are starting 
>> with nifti - can you try it directly on the dicoms? Where did you get the 
>> nifti from? If you bring the nifti input volume up in freeview does it show 
>> in the correct orientation? That is, is what freeview thinks is anterior 
>> truly anterior, etc....?
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Thu, 12 Dec 2013, JARED NIELSEN wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm new to FreeSurfer and have been going through the tutorials, YouTube 
>>> videos, and Mail Archive. I've run recon-all on a handful of scans with 
>>> variable success. Some of the scans are processed after five or six hours 
>>> without any problems, and the output looks good. Others are processed 
>>> "without any errors" after a matter of minutes, and logically I don't see 
>>> any output. Finally, others hit a hard error after a few minutes of 
>>> processing during the talairach transformation step. I looked at the 
>>> orig.mgz file (for the scan that failed at transformation step) through 
>>> tkmedit, and it is a blank white rectangle. I don't see anything that 
>>> resembles a head or brain. I've attached examples of each recon-all.log 
>>> (i.e., good, bad, and bad_talairach). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jared
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>> addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
>> contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance 
>> HelpLine at
>> http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in 
>> error
>> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and 
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