I would think that a p-value of 0.8013 is very insignificant.  Am I missing 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 10:46:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates

Yes, with a 95% confidence range of .7962 to .8065

On 12/17/2013 11:04 AM, Jon Wieser wrote:
> so in the following cluster, the cluster-wise p-value is  0.80130?
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    CWP    CWPLow   
>  CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot
>   1          3.247   90900    134.66    -37.1  -33.2  -24.5  0.80130  0.79620 
>  0.80640   267  fusiform
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 4:28:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
> look at the CWP column
> doug
> On 12/16/2013 05:14 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>> Hi Doug
>> I ran :
>> mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ --cache 2.0 abs --cwp .999999999
>> I have attached three of the output summary files
>> Can you please confirm  how to assess the cluster-wise p-value?
>> Jon
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>, Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 12:12:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>> I would have thought that it would have gotten all of them. You can try
>> something like --cwp .999999999
>> On 12/13/2013 01:03 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>> HI doug
>>> thanks,  that worked.  it  captured from 3-13  clusters  for each contrast, 
>>>  not quite the 30-45 that I was seeing  in the GUI.
>>> perhaps theses are the most significant clusters?
>>> Jon
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 11:43:29 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>> use the command I gave you before just add --cwp .99 to it
>>> doug
>>> On 12/13/2013 12:25 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>> Hi doug
>>>> it's requesting the --sim  option
>>>>      mri_glmfit-sim  --glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ  --cwp  .99
>>>> ERROR: must spec --sim
>>>>      mri_glmfit-sim  --glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ  --cwp  .99  --sim
>>>> ERROR: flag --sim requires four arguments
>>>> what args do I give the --sim!
>>>> Jon
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 11:18:49 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>> sorry, it is --cwp
>>>> On 12/13/2013 12:12 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>> HI Doug
>>>>> MRI_glmfit-sim didn't recognize the --cwd option
>>>>>       mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ  --cwd .99
>>>>> ERROR: Flag --cwd unrecognized.
>>>>> --glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ --cwd .99
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 10:54:19 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>> I'm sure that those clusters are not very significant. Try running
>>>>> mri_glmfit-sim with --cwd .99 to capture all clusters
>>>>> doug
>>>>> On 12/12/2013 03:27 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>> HI Doug,
>>>>>> here's a screen shot, showing the clusters and a scatter plot for one of 
>>>>>> the 45 clusters.
>>>>>> for this dataset, ussualy there is 0 or 1 clusters after monte carlo 
>>>>>> simulation.  i'm not sure if they match one of the 45 clusters in qdec. 
>>>>>> i'l have to  look into that.
>>>>>> I would  like to have a file  which contains the data represented in the 
>>>>>> scatter plot, for all of the 45 clusters, vlaues of thickness for each 
>>>>>> subject.  is that possible?
>>>>>> I tried runnin mri_surfcluster, but it only gave me the average data for 
>>>>>> that clusters, not the individual data.
>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:15:58 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>> I'm not sure what is going on. Can you send a screen shot of the qdec
>>>>>> window when you see 40 clusters? It might be that it is showing clusters
>>>>>> regardless of the cluster significance. Do the 3 or 4 clusters created
>>>>>> when you run mri_glmfit-sim match clusters in qdec?
>>>>>> On 12/10/2013 05:32 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Doug
>>>>>>> I'm looking at the effect of MJ usage,   the effect of whetherthe 
>>>>>>> subject has AHDH, and  the interaction between MJ usage and ADHD
>>>>>>>         our threshold is 1.3
>>>>>>> i have attahced our qdec.table.dat  file
>>>>>>> we are also looking at age and gender as covariates
>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>, Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:20:30 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>> which contrast are you looking at in QDEC? Also, what is the voxel-wise
>>>>>>> threshold in QDEC? The value I gave in the command below is 1.3 but I
>>>>>>> got that from one of your CSD files.
>>>>>>> On 12/10/2013 05:10 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>> HI doug,
>>>>>>>>          no, the  summary files in the contrasts  have the same # of 
>>>>>>>> cluster as the columns in their OCN.dat \
>>>>>>>> the 40 cluster are seen in qdec when I run the  "find cluster" and 
>>>>>>>> Goto max" button.   most of these clusters go away in qdec when I run 
>>>>>>>> the montecarlo  simulation
>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:03:06 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>> So one of the contrasts has 40 clusters in the summary file but the
>>>>>>>> y.ocn.dat file only has a few columns?
>>>>>>>> On 12/10/2013 04:54 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>> yes, that is what we want,  but the files contain only 1-3 columns
>>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3:44:50 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>>> There should be a column for each cluster in contrast. Is that what 
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> want?
>>>>>>>>> On 12/10/2013 04:37 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> I ran
>>>>>>>>>>            mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ --cache 1.3 abs
>>>>>>>>>> MTA_ADHD_MJ  is my project file and has the results from qdec in it
>>>>>>>>>> it has produced:
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Avg-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Avg-thickness-Age-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Avg-thickness-Gender-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> lh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Avg-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Avg-thickness-Age-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Avg-thickness-Gender-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> rh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>> these files have 120 rows.  each row has a thickness value s
>>>>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>>>>>               2.71869
>>>>>>>>>>               2.52448
>>>>>>>>>>               2.50450
>>>>>>>>>>               2.53677
>>>>>>>>>>               2.58363
>>>>>>>>>>               2.50404
>>>>>>>>>>               2.42116
>>>>>>>>>>               2.61757
>>>>>>>>>>               2.51820
>>>>>>>>>>               2.59009
>>>>>>>>>>               2.42524
>>>>>>>>>>               2.72043
>>>>>>>>>>               2.59479
>>>>>>>>>>               2.38014
>>>>>>>>>>               2.41052
>>>>>>>>>>               2.58483
>>>>>>>>>>               2.49214
>>>>>>>>>>               2.45870
>>>>>>>>>>               2.51685
>>>>>>>>>>               2.62981
>>>>>>>>>>               2.59232
>>>>>>>>>> it appears that there is the thickness for each subject in the files
>>>>>>>>>> I would like to have the thickness value, for each cluster, for 
>>>>>>>>>> every subject
>>>>>>>>>> we have 120 subjects, with  about 40 clusters
>>>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 2:30:31 PM
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>>>> OK, sorry, I thought qdec was running a script called mri_glmfit-sim 
>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>> it appears to be running the correction internally. That means that 
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> will have to run mri_glmfit-sim yourself, something like
>>>>>>>>>> mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir glmdir --cache 1.3 abs
>>>>>>>>>> doug
>>>>>>>>>> On 12/10/2013 02:53 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> i have a mri_glmfit.log,(attached)   but no 
>>>>>>>>>>> cache.mri_glmfit-sim.log  in the qdec output directory
>>>>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>, Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:42:37 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>>>>> Is there a cache.mri_glmfit-sim.log in the output folder? Can you 
>>>>>>>>>>> send
>>>>>>>>>>> it to me? Also, please remember to post to the list. thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>> doug
>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/10/2013 02:30 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> FS version 5.3
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>, Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:05:26 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>>>>>> hmmm, it should be there. What version of FS are you using?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/10/2013 12:57 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i was getting the values for the command terminal, when I press 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the "find clusters and GOTo Max" button on the qdec GUI.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no file named cache.th20.abs.y.dat or something similar. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  i did a "find" command to list all the  *abs*.dat files in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>> qdec/MTA_ADHD_MJ/lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> qdec/MTA_ADHD_MJ/lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th20.pdf.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Avg-thickness-Age-Cor/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Avg-thickness-Gender-Cor/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> these files  contain:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # CSD PDF/CDF
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # simtype null-z
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # anattype surface  fsaverage lh
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # FixGroupSubjectArea 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # merged      0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # contrast    NA
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # seed        1271277527
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # thresh      1.300000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # threshsign  0.000000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # searchspace 74612.965197
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # nullfwhm    15.000000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # varfwhm     -1.000000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # nrepetitions 10000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # NOTE: nreps and nrepetitions are both valid for volume data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # NOTE: nreps is invalid (-1) for surface data to assure.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # NOTE:   backwards INcompatibility.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # $Id: volcluster.c,v 2011/03/28 15:32:36 greve Exp $
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # nreps       -1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # FixSurfClusterArea 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # $Id: surfcluster.c,v 2011/11/10 16:01:11 greve Exp $
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # nbins 100
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # BinNo  MaxClustBin MaxClustPDF MaxClustCDF GRFCDF    MaxSigBin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> MaxSigPDF MaxSigCDF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 0      204.826004   0.000500     0.999500  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.998289     2.456050  0.000500  0.999500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 1      220.348267   0.001800     0.997700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.996805     2.811329  0.008100  0.991400
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 2      235.870529   0.004300     0.993400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.994388     3.166609  0.022200  0.969200
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 3      251.392792   0.007100     0.986300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.990673     3.521888  0.030300  0.938900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 4      266.915039   0.015600     0.970700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.985251     3.877167  0.028900  0.910000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 5      282.437317   0.017500     0.953200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.977702     4.232447  0.022600  0.887400
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 6      297.959595   0.021400     0.931800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.967628     4.587726  0.015200  0.872200
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 7      313.481842   0.033600     0.898200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.954689     4.943005  0.012300  0.859900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 8      329.004089   0.036100     0.862100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.938634     5.298285  0.009800  0.850100
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 9      344.526367   0.038000     0.824100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.919325     5.653563  0.007300  0.842800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>               10      360.048645   0.042500     0.781600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.896747     6.008843  0.009200  0.833600
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                11      375.570892   0.050000     0.731600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.871009     6.364122  0.006900  0.826700
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                12      391.093140   0.043400     0.688200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.842332     6.719401  0.007100  0.819600
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                13      406.615417   0.047300     0.640900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.811034     7.074681  0.005500  0.814100
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                14      422.137695   0.050700     0.590200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.777508     7.429960  0.005500  0.808600
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                15      437.659943   0.047400     0.542800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.742195     7.785239  0.005200  0.803400
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                16      453.182190   0.044100     0.498700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.705560     8.140518  0.004900  0.798500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                17      468.704468   0.042700     0.456000  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.668070     8.495798  0.005100  0.793400
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                18      484.226746   0.040600     0.415400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.630176     8.851077  0.006100  0.787300
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                19      499.748962   0.034900     0.380500  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.592300     9.206356  0.004800  0.782500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                20      515.271240   0.032200     0.348300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.554820     9.561636  0.003600  0.778900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                21      530.793518   0.031400     0.316900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.518067     9.916915  0.003400  0.775500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                22      546.315796   0.032400     0.284500  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.482320     10.272194  0.004000  0.771500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                23      561.838013   0.023800     0.260700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.447809     10.627474  0.004800  0.766700
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                24      577.360291   0.026100     0.234600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.414711     10.982753  0.004500  0.762200
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                25      592.882568   0.022700     0.211900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.383160     11.338033  0.003300  0.758900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                26      608.404846   0.017500     0.194400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.353244     11.693312  0.003100  0.755800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                27      623.927063   0.018200     0.176200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.325018     12.048591  0.003700  0.752100
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                28      639.449341   0.017400     0.158800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.298504     12.403871  0.003800  0.748300
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                29      654.971619   0.014900     0.143900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.273697     12.759150  0.004400  0.743900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                30      670.493896   0.014200     0.129700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.250569     13.114429  0.003700  0.740200
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                31      686.016113   0.014300     0.115400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.229078     13.469708  0.002800  0.737400
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                32      701.538391   0.013100     0.102300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.209165     13.824987  0.003800  0.733600
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                33      717.060669   0.011700     0.090600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.190763     14.180266  0.003700  0.729900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                34      732.582947   0.008500     0.082100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.173798     14.535546  0.002900  0.727000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                35      748.105164   0.008400     0.073700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.158191     14.890825  0.003200  0.723800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                36      763.627441   0.006800     0.066900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.143861     15.246104  0.003300  0.720500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                37      779.149719   0.007100     0.059800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.130727     15.601384  0.004600  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                38      794.671936   0.007200     0.052600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.118707     15.956663  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                39      810.194214   0.005400     0.047200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.107723     16.311943  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                40      825.716492   0.005400     0.041800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.097698     16.667221  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                41      841.238770   0.004800     0.037000  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.088559     17.022501  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                42      856.761047   0.004600     0.032400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.080237     17.377781  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                43      872.283264   0.003200     0.029200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.072665     17.733059  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                44      887.805542   0.003400     0.025800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.065783     18.088339  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                45      903.327820   0.002200     0.023600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.059531     18.443619  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                46      918.850037   0.002600     0.021000  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.053855     18.798897  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                47      934.372314   0.002200     0.018800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.048707     19.154179  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                48      949.894592   0.001900     0.016900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.044040     19.509457  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                49      965.416870   0.002200     0.014700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.039810     19.864735  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                50      980.939148   0.000700     0.014000  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.035979     20.220016  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                51      996.461365   0.002100     0.011900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.032510     20.575294  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                52      1011.983643   0.000800     0.011100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.029371     20.930573  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                53      1027.505981   0.000800     0.010300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.026530     21.285854  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                54      1043.028198   0.001000     0.009300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.023961     21.641132  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                55      1058.550415   0.001000     0.008300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.021638     21.996410  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                56      1074.072754   0.000900     0.007400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.019538     22.351692  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                57      1089.594971   0.000900     0.006500  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.017640     22.706970  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                58      1105.117310   0.000800     0.005700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.015925     23.062248  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                59      1120.639526   0.000100     0.005600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.014375     23.417530  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                60      1136.161743   0.000300     0.005300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.012975     23.772808  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                61      1151.684082   0.000800     0.004500  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.011711     24.128086  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                62      1167.206299   0.000400     0.004100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.010569     24.483368  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                63      1182.728516   0.000200     0.003900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.009538     24.838646  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                64      1198.250854   0.000200     0.003700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.008607     25.193924  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                65      1213.773071   0.000300     0.003400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.007767     25.549206  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                66      1229.295410   0.000400     0.003000  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.007008     25.904484  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                67      1244.817627   0.000400     0.002600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.006323     26.259762  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                68      1260.339966   0.000300     0.002300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.005705     26.615044  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                69      1275.862183   0.000400     0.001900  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.005147     26.970322  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                70      1291.384399   0.000100     0.001800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.004644     27.325600  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                71      1306.906738   0.000000     0.001800  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.004190     27.680882  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                72      1322.428955   0.000400     0.001400  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.003780     28.036160  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                73      1337.951172   0.000100     0.001300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.003410     28.391438  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                74      1353.473511   0.000100     0.001200  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.003076     28.746719  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                75      1368.995728   0.000100     0.001100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.002775     29.101997  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                76      1384.517944   0.000100     0.001000  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.002503     29.457275  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                77      1400.040283   0.000300     0.000700  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.002258     29.812557  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                78      1415.562500   0.000100     0.000600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.002037     30.167835  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                79      1431.084839   0.000000     0.000600  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.001838     30.523113  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                80      1446.607056   0.000100     0.000500  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.001658     30.878395  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                81      1462.129272   0.000200     0.000300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.001495     31.233673  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                82      1477.651611   0.000000     0.000300  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.001349     31.588951  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                83      1493.173828   0.000200     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.001217     31.944233  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                84      1508.696167   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.001098     32.299511  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                85      1524.218384   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000990     32.654789  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                86      1539.740601   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000893     33.010071  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                87      1555.262939   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000805     33.365349  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                88      1570.785156   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000727     33.720627  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                89      1586.307373   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000655     34.075909  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                90      1601.829712   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000591     34.431187  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                91      1617.351929   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000533     34.786469  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                92      1632.874146   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000481     35.141747  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                93      1648.396484   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000434     35.497025  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                94      1663.918701   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000391     35.852306  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                95      1679.441040   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000353     36.207584  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                96      1694.963257   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000318     36.562862  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                97      1710.485474   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000287     36.918144  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                98      1726.007812   0.000000     0.000100  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000259     37.273422  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                99      1741.530029   0.000100     -0.000000  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.000234     37.628700  0.715900  0.000000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 5:02:41 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which file did you look in? It should have a name like
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cache.th20.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/09/2013 05:09 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I found data for the average thickness all subjects for each 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cluster, but I haven't found the individual subject's thickness 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for each cluster.  can you direct me to that data?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <wie...@uwm.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 2:15:39 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is in one of the output files. Look for the .dat file in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mri_glmfit-sim --help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/09/2013 03:01 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks doug,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We've  run a 2x2 analysis for thickness in Qdec and want the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get the average thickness value for each cluster, for each 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subject.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can i get a table of thickness data , for feach subject in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the analysis
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 1:48:15 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jon, QDEC does not currently allow more than one covariates 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interest. You will have to use the command-line stream (ie,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mris_preproc, mri_surf2surf, mri_glmfit, mri_glmfit-sim)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doug
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/05/2013 02:57 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HI freesurfer experts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to do an analysis in qdec with 2 groups(ADHD, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marijuana usage)  and 2 covariates(age and gender) to study 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effect of these factors on cortical thickness. I can only 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select a covariate in the qdec gui.  is there a way to select 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both covariates in the qdec GUI?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jon

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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