Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Satrajit Ghosh
hey mike, take a look at: cheers, satra On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 2:04 AM, Michael Waskom wrote: > Hi Doug, > > Is it possible to use the bbregister parameters to resample a functional > image such that it is in register wit

[Freesurfer] Unpacking Error

2011-12-19 Thread dmiller3
Hello, I was hoping someone may know the answer to this. I am using freesurfer version 5.1. Using this command unpacksdcmdir -src DICOMS/"$1"_dicom -targ $1 -fsfast -scanonly $1/scan_"$1".txt where scan_name.txt lists the scan names used in the protocol and $1 is the subject's ID. I keep gett

[Freesurfer] recon-all problems

2011-12-19 Thread LAOUCHEDI MAKHLOUF
hi eveyone   i ru the command recon-all of the 5.1 version of freesurfer on some subjects using the following arguments : recon-all -i database/ctr/ctr1 -subjid ctr1. it created a directory ctr1 in my SUBJECTS_DIR directory with all the sub-directories inside, but with no

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all problems

2011-12-19 Thread Allison Player
-i needs to point to the first dicom (or whichever format your scanner data is in) in the series. Allison On Mon, 19 Dec 2011, LAOUCHEDI MAKHLOUF wrote: hi eveyone   i ru the command recon-all of the 5.1 version of freesurfer on some subjects using the following arguments : rec

Re: [Freesurfer] Unpacking Error

2011-12-19 Thread Douglas N Greve
What scanner did these come from? That tag is the pixel spacing. If that is not there, then something is really wrong. doug wrote: > Hello, > > I was hoping someone may know the answer to this. I am using freesurfer > version 5.1. > > Using this command unpacksdcmdir -src DICOMS/

Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Douglas N Greve
That may or may not do what you want. I think that version keeps the functional data in the functional space. It would be better to register each TR to the anat, then simply sample each TR to the anatomical space (volume or surface) rather than going back into functional space. doug Satrajit G

[Freesurfer] Surface-based cortical volume calculation

2011-12-19 Thread _andreia_
Hello, Recalling these emails: "The methods are somewhat different. For the value in the aseg.stats table, the method is to compute the total volume inside the pial surface and subtract the total volume inside the white surface. For mris_anatomical_stats, the method is to compute the thickness ti

Re: [Freesurfer] Surface-based cortical volume calculation

2011-12-19 Thread Michael Harms
As you noted, the surfaces bisect the hippocampus and amygdala, so the small amount of tissue outside the pial surface is not included in the surface based measures of total GM volume. Compared to the overall variation in brain size, this should be inconsequential. cheers, -MH On Mon, 2011-12-1

Re: [Freesurfer] bedpost failure using tracula

2011-12-19 Thread Scott Hayes
Hi, running bedpostx directly from the command line appears to have worked >bedpostx dmri Multiple subjects now have the following files and directories within their bedpostx directory: bvals mean_ph2samples.nii.gz bvecs mean_th1samples.nii.gz co

[Freesurfer] FsFast Functional Connectivity

2011-12-19 Thread Maya Rosen
Hi all, We've been trying to use FsFast for functional connectivity analysis using the left hippocampus as the seed (isolated from aseg). We used the following command to make the analysis: mkanalysis-sess -fwhm 0 -fsd bold -mcextreg -polyfit 2 -TR 2.6 -analysis lhippo_fcfsfast-analysis -nuisreg

Re: [Freesurfer] FsFast Functional Connectivity

2011-12-19 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Maya, the problem is that the wm.dat file, by default, only has one column (just the mean of the WM). It is possible to have the top N principle components in the wm.dat file, but this needs to be set up when you configure the WM fcseed (it does not really help much). The same goes for VCSF.

Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Michael Waskom
Hi Satra and Doug, That script is good to know about. But, from what I can tell, it looks like it will output a timeseries in the same space as the original template (each frame gets transformed with a combination of the matrix specifying its registration to the anatomical and the inverse of the

Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Douglas N Greve
It will output a register.dat for each frame. You can extract the frame from the time series (mri_convert --frame ), apply the reg with mri_vol2vol or mri_vol2surf, then concatenate the results back into a time series (mri_concat) doug Michael Waskom wrote: > Hi Satra and Doug, > > That script

Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Michael Waskom
Sorry, I guess it's not clear what I'm hoping to do. Because I'm going to use this data for mvpa, I don't want to resample into 1x1x1 voxels or go onto the surface. But I have multiple runs that I want to use, so I need there to be a voxel-to-brain correspondence across the different runs. Michae

Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Satrajit Ghosh
hi michael, so for each frame of every session you get a bbreg file and the script ends up aligning the volumes to some reference. all you need to do is propagate that reference across your sessions. you might for example want this to be the middle volume of your entire experiment. cheers, satra

Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Michael Waskom
OK, cool, I'll look into this for the future. But back to my original question. If I already have data preprocessed with several runs, each run motion-corrected within-session, and an affine registration from each run's space to the anatomical determined by bbregister, is there any way to use thos

Re: [Freesurfer] Surface-based cortical volume calculation

2011-12-19 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Andreia, I don't think this is a problem for the GM volume (ie, parts of the amyg or hippo getting counted twice). The thickness should be 0 in those areas, so they should not contribute to GM volume. The computation of the WM volume is done in a different way (still surface based) but autom

[Freesurfer] Using subject-specific surface label as seeds on functional connectivity

2011-12-19 Thread konglq
Hi Freesurfers, We are trying to do a resting-state functional connectivity analysis using freesurfer. Instead of using the aparc+aseg segmentations as seeds, we would like to use a subject-specific surface label that we have defined a priori as the seed region. In the fcseed-config step, what sh

Re: [Freesurfer] Reliability and accuracy of Freesurfer

2011-12-19 Thread Thomas Yeo
Hi Donald, With regards to longitudinal analysis, I am not as familiar with the issue you are mentioning. Perhaps some other person on the list can comment. With regards to your other comments, I think your reading is correct. However, I should mention that the reported accuracies *really* depend

Re: [Freesurfer] Use bbregister parameters to transform to EPI geometry

2011-12-19 Thread Satrajit Ghosh
ah in that case you need to multiply the affine stored in one session's bbreg with the inverse of the other bbreg from the target session and then use mri_vol2vol with the composite transform. note: only nearest or trilinear interp cheers, satra On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Michael Waskom