External Email - Use Caution
Thanks, I realized it was in another folder called DICOM in the practice area:
On Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 03:58:01 PM EST, Fischl, Bruce R.,PHD
Hi Allison
The parameter you give the -i flag is the file name for a single slic
Hi Allison
The parameter you give the -i flag is the file name for a single slice in the
correct dicom series (the t1-weighted scan).
On Jan 11, 2025, at 3:51 PM, allio34...@aol.com wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I'm following the tutorial for dcmunpack, b
External Email - Use Caution
Hi, I'm following the tutorial for dcmunpack, but am getting stuck here:
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks,Allison O.
On Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 08:32:09 AM EST, Douglas N. Greve
welcome to freesurfer!
To conver
welcome to freesurfer!
To convert from dicom to mgz, you can do a couple of things:
use mri_convert, eg,
mri_convert /path/to/dicomfile mprage.mgz
Then run recon-all like
recon-all -i mprage.mgz -s subjectname -all
You can also use dcmunpack to unpack all volumes from a dicom directory
See https:/
I am still trying to find the right command line approach to running recon
-all. I am sure this is documented somewhere - any pointers?
Do I have to set any environment variables like FREESURFER_HOME etc.for
each terminal I try to run freesurfer? Also, can my images be on Google
Drive when I try t
Great! Thank you for the prompt response and the pointers. I am going
through the tutorials now to learn how to use freesurfer and will try out
what you suggested.
On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 2:26 PM Bruce Fischl
> Hi Ankita
> dicom is perfect. Just give recon-all a single f
Hi Ankita
dicom is perfect. Just give recon-all a single file from the correct dicom
series and it will figure out the rest of them
On Mon, 18 Jan 2016, Arindam Chatterjee wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> Thank you for your prompt response! Sorry for my novice questions - does
> T1-weighted scan wi
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for your prompt response! Sorry for my novice questions - does
T1-weighted scan with voxels have to be in a specific format like jpg,
dicom or mesh format?
On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 1:59 PM Bruce Fischl
> Hi Ankita
> sure, we compute GI. You need to get a good
Hi Ankita
sure, we compute GI. You need to get a good T1-weighted scan with voxels
that are about 1mm isotropic, then run it through our recon-all script
Mon, 18 Jan 2016, Arindam Chatterjee wrote:
> Hello,I am a new user of the freesurfer platform. I am a high school junior