Hi Bruce,
Thank you for your prompt response! Sorry for my novice questions - does
T1-weighted scan with voxels have to be in a specific format like jpg,
dicom or mesh format?


On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 1:59 PM Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> Hi Ankita
> sure, we compute GI. You need to get a good T1-weighted scan with voxels
> that are about 1mm isotropic, then run it through our recon-all script
> cheers
> Bruce
> On
> Mon, 18 Jan 2016, Arindam Chatterjee wrote:
> > Hello,I am a new user of the freesurfer platform. I am a high school
> junior
> > conducting research on brain MRI scans and came across this wonderful
> > platform. However I am not very sure how to proceed with my research - I
> am
> > trying to find the whole brain Gyrification Index, which I did manually
> on a
> > different software called ImageJ using multiple image scans of brain
> slices.
> > Will freesurfer be able to analyze brain scan images and provide a whole
> > brain GI or does it only analyse and provide local GI which is what I
> found
> > through some forums? If so, are there any tutorials to learn how to do
> that?
> > Do I need any other software like MatLab to find out the Gyrification
> Index?
> >
> > Thank you in advance!
> > Ankita
> >
> >
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