Re: binary updates for firefox and chromium?

2013-01-31 Thread Peter Vereshagin
ase on- WH> > WH> x86_64), which has nothing special at all by way of hardware. WH> > WH> > It use to take me a day (~20h) to rebuild each of: www/firefox, WH> > www.seamonkey, mail/thunderbird. WH> WH> 20h? What on earth is your hardware? Neither hurry nor x86_64

Re: binary updates for firefox and chromium?

2013-01-31 Thread Peter Vereshagin
hall follow this way when we can have it centralized? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: 1754B9C1 ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send

binary updates for firefox and chromium?

2013-01-31 Thread Peter Vereshagin
akes me want even more to install a pc-bsd or the like into the jail and rolling binary updates there without its GUI. Is there any 'been there, done that' for the case? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: 1754B9C1 ___ fr

'svn-export' incrementing?

2013-01-22 Thread Peter Vereshagin
7;]' returned non-zero exit status 1 I believe there is something wrong in the way I use the 'svn-export'. Otherwise it's a no problem for me to patch for '--force'. How can I update the already created 'work tree' with 'svn update'? I

Re: svn-export Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-20 Thread Peter Vereshagin
lways considered to be about. I'd disclose that following TIMTOWTDI the so called 'modern perl' and a 'perl6' can be used to reconsider on this. For the case of following the former line the switch to python may (or may not) happen to be the (good) difference about such a

Re: svn-export Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-18 Thread Peter Vereshagin
t; > options missing. I have added those in today's release. Wow. ;-) WB> > p.s. I have not subscribed to this list, so please keep me in CC if you would WB> > like me to reply (in case this isn't done automatically). WB> WB> It's standard procedure for t

Re: svn-export Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/17 00:55:33 +0400 Peter Vereshagin => To : PV> GL> If anyone wants to create a port for svn-export and send it my way for PV> GL> review, I would be happy to do that. Otherwise, I expect to have a PV> GL> look myself within th

Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/17 01:04:40 +0400 Peter Vereshagin => To : PV> CS> If you're using Subversion-1.7 on the client side, there's only one .svn PV> Oops I didn't yet... * meant having svn-1.6 about here. Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin

Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/16 16:17:55 -0700 Warren Block => To Peter Vereshagin : WB> On Thu, 17 Jan 2013, Peter Vereshagin wrote: WB> > 2013/01/16 15:24:00 -0500 Greg Larkin => To Peter Vereshagin : WB> > GL> Please see my message from a similar thread a few months ago for a WB&

Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/16 15:24:00 -0500 Greg Larkin => To Peter Vereshagin : GL> Please see my message from a similar thread a few months ago for a GL> possible solution: GL> ANother heck is I can't see officially where can

Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/16 11:47:30 -0800 Chuck Swiger => To Peter Vereshagin : CS> On Jan 16, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Peter Vereshagin wrote: CS> [ ... ] CS> > Over again: How could I 'svn checkout' the sources without those '.svn' CS> > subdirectories in the each

svn-export Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/16 15:24:00 -0500 Greg Larkin => To Peter Vereshagin : GL> On 1/16/13 3:07 PM, Peter Vereshagin wrote: GL> > 2013/01/16 13:51:42 -0600 "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" GL> > => To Peter Vereshagin : JANJ> On 01/16/13 GL> > 13:35, Peter Vereshagin

Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/16 13:51:42 -0600 "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" => To Peter Vereshagin : JANJ> On 01/16/13 13:35, Peter Vereshagin wrote: JANJ> > 2013/01/16 13:19:19 -0600 "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" => To Peter Vereshagin : JANJ> > JANJ> On 01/16/13 12:58, Peter V

Re: svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2013/01/16 13:19:19 -0600 "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" => To Peter Vereshagin : JANJ> On 01/16/13 12:58, Peter Vereshagin wrote: JANJ> > Hello. JANJ> > JANJ> > By far the 'portsnap' has a lag from svn. I think firefox-18.0,1 update was JANJ> &g

svn bdb checkout?

2013-01-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
. And, 'bdb' svn backend is known of its lack of reliability. Should I treat it seriously in such a case, e. g., the repositories are a kind of large? Any clues? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: 1754B9C1 ___ freeb

Re: Reading the handbook from console

2013-01-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
ter, FreeBSD or Linux. TM> TM> Use ASCII art or framebuffer? If you're about to ascii then I'd say that 'svgatextmode' was great when I used linux. And, I don't believe the 'frame buffer' stuff is usable in freebsd. Thank you. --

download port directory/tarvall ?

2013-01-12 Thread Peter Vereshagin
of the ports without directory selection, or did I overlook a thing? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: 1754B9C1 ___ mailing list To unsubscri

Re: Gamin/IMAP issue

2013-01-10 Thread Peter Vereshagin
nd/or fam to look up for the mailbox quota usage, %%. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: 1754B9C1 ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to

Re: Which k3b is recommended?

2013-01-03 Thread Peter Vereshagin
' and the only thing I time to time use to find missing there is the '-joliet-long' checkbox. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: 1754B9C1 ___ mailing list

Re: PPPOED: reading data of line quality from the A/DSL modem

2012-12-27 Thread Peter Vereshagin
you need. It should be nothing complicated to make such a tool or install the ready-to-use software from the FreeBSD Ports system. Same can go here about the web interface your modem can be controlled by saying not about the telnet(1) but about web browser, correspondently. -- Peter Vereshag

Re: set connection to a modem

2012-12-02 Thread Peter Vereshagin
___ sm> > > mailing list sm> > > sm> > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to " sm> >" sm> > I am just poking about so s

sha-1 Re: Security Incident on FreeBSD Infrastructure

2012-11-17 Thread Peter Vereshagin
09: "We need to be prepared for the eventual deprecation of SHA-1, but we do appear to still have time." How much serious shall this be to us? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin (ht

Re: Old file reappeared by itself

2012-11-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
min implementation. AK> ? ?, AK> ? ? AK> "?? ?? ??" ... Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; ? -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list http

Re: Moused error in 9.1-RC3

2012-11-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
"YES" in rc.conf LJ> Do I need to set some right in devfs for it to go away? Yes, in the case if your kernel detected the 'psm0' device, typically that message found in dmesg for that case. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___

Re: My freebsd partition changed by Windows chkdsk (Leslie Jensen)

2012-11-02 Thread Peter Vereshagin
=1 LJ> Will you explain the details, Please? Copy first 512 bytes from every block device to different files. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list

Re: Famp Server

2012-10-30 Thread Peter Vereshagin
replace not knowing how MP> to install software. I hate methodologies and teaching. But here are my cents: - Such a metaport creation task can motivate him on learning about the 'porting and installing software for freebsd' topic by himself. Ain't it great for hi

Re: Famp Server

2012-10-30 Thread Peter Vereshagin
reation of such a package can be a more trivial task for sysadm than the such of a package installation or upgrade by itself. Such a metaport can be a person-scale/company-wide solution, not a public one so no harm for the general freebsd usage approaches/pphilosophy which is a kind of a public stu

Re: Famp Server

2012-10-29 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2012/10/29 10:31:31 +0100 Karol Buja??ek => To : KBe> On 10/29/2012 7:50 AM, Peter Vereshagin wrote: KBe> > I think this can be implemented as a 'metaport'. You may try to make KBe> > it yourself or ask someone else e. g.

Re: Famp Server

2012-10-28 Thread Peter Vereshagin
a one select and install which will do everything for the famp server rather than downloading selecting extensions, installing this and that exectra. I think this can be implemented as a 'metaport'. You may try to make it yourself or ask someone else e. g., me. -- Peter V

Re: Sysctls and privacy

2012-10-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2012/10/13 12:09:39 -0300 => To Peter Vereshagin : > > y > > Hello. > > > > it's a -questions@ here, right? (= > > Indeed. :-) Ouch! it's already not... But I Cc: there. Oops? > > What's a specific of the case? &g

Re: Sysctls and privacy

2012-10-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
s an exception (to run gkrellm). I don't think it's possible at the moment. Do you think this can be implemented without performance loss? Sysctl is a kind of the kernel stuff... How about emaulators/qemu, virtualbox, etc? > Thanks for your time. -- Peter Vereshagin (http://

Re: Sharing COM ports to Windows hosts

2012-09-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
be able to run that software and use com-ports from the master freebsd system at the same time. Then you can you can use remote access features for workstation access to the software. VS> doubts ... English is so poor coffee is your friend (c) -- Peter Vereshagi

Re: Sharing COM ports to Windows hosts

2012-09-03 Thread Peter Vereshagin
remind though if this was for 'printer-only' purposes e. g. output-only, supplied with a mandatory queueing facilities, etc., or not. Who knows if modern smb protocol implementations could do this, too. Depending on a task I think the most interactive user-friendly solution here is

Re: Is there a way to run FreeBSD ports through port 80?

2012-07-12 Thread Peter Vereshagin
en? If you need to install a program from a freebsd port then pcbsd allows it,too. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list

Re: Is there a way to run FreeBSD ports through port 80?

2012-07-12 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2012/07/12 14:44:48 -0400 Lowell Gilbert => To Peter Vereshagin : LG> Peter Vereshagin writes: LG> LG> > 2012/07/12 13:19:56 -0400 Lowell Gilbert => To Kaya Saman : LG> > LG> URLs as well as FTP. For ones that aren't, (and assuming the rather LG>

Re: Is there a way to run FreeBSD ports through port 80?

2012-07-12 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. Why don't you use a portsnap? it's over http... 2012/07/12 19:01:15 +0100 Kaya Saman => To Peter Vereshagin : KS> I will check it out however and see if that method is best, however KS> CVSup would be the best way for us and I'm already looking at this: KS>

Re: Is there a way to run FreeBSD ports through port 80?

2012-07-12 Thread Peter Vereshagin
y no one is interested about what kind of a danger the ftp protocol can ever be? i. e. skype is much more vicious in comparison to ftp and s much harder to be restricted by a packet filter if even possoible. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 _

Re: `ls -l` shows size of file other than of the folder?

2012-06-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2012/06/14 00:23:25 +0400 Peter Vereshagin => To PV> ot the least how could I see the 'real' size of each of those files, both ~150M PV> actulally, with a system command? also, 'du' works that way for regular files. But i

`ls -l` shows size of file other than of the folder?

2012-06-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
rent file sizes stored on a ufs1 in their metadata? ot the least how could I see the 'real' size of each of those files, both ~150M actulally, with a system command? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 _

Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2012/06/13 14:43:29 -0400 Simon => To Chuck Swiger : S> There is no segfault which is what usually happens when you have memory then there is the daemon's log... -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ freebs

Re: Making a bootable backup (hard)disk... how?

2012-06-10 Thread Peter Vereshagin
p rw-mounted volume with dd. dump(8)ing rw-mounted ufs makes a snapshot behind the scenes. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list

Re: FreeBSD on the ASUS P8H67-M LGA1155 H67 motherboard

2012-06-02 Thread Peter Vereshagin
ith nvidia. Any modern one has support of 'xvideo' extension with the 'driver nv' that is 'just enough' for watching movies. I've no modern hardware but the model that works good for years for me is: tnt2 agp 32M. Just the same as out of every TransNeft's t

Re: How to indicate source directory in other than /usr/src?

2012-06-01 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2012/05/30 17:04:42 +0400 Peter Vereshagin => To : PV> xterm works for me in my mutt under tmux, ask me if you need to tweak locale ( I see his L char with the '/' over it in place, and the cyrilic letters in my other mail, too ) PV> P

Re: termcap/terminfo magicians anyone? // colors in vim

2012-05-30 Thread Peter Vereshagin
fferent colorscheme depending on its -T parameter ? At the least TERM=linux does the needed trick on vim but not on, say. 'ls -G' ... On a second look I see only 3 colors enough (+ black + white) on the what-I-need picture, they are just as bright as they should. u> cheers, u> ?

termcap/terminfo magicians anyone? // colors in vim

2012-05-30 Thread Peter Vereshagin
han ':set term=linux' doesn't work for colors that way. Thanks in advance. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list

Re: How to indicate source directory in other than /usr/src?

2012-05-30 Thread Peter Vereshagin
wn better in mlterm rather than in xterm. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: Address to reach human operator regarding problems with list?

2012-05-30 Thread Peter Vereshagin
. Anyway that message should mean that there is a closed and hidden mailing list and it's the where the TM's message was redirected? -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ freebsd-questio

Re: securing MySQL: easiest/best ways?

2012-05-09 Thread Peter Vereshagin
g, say HUP or USR1 posix signal to chenge its settings on the fly. This is why in this particular case the configuration file must reside within the databse directory. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ freebsd-questions@freeb

Re: securing MySQL: easiest/best ways?

2012-05-08 Thread Peter Vereshagin
PB> Are you trying to win an argument or solve a problem? Whatever I may need. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list

Re: Links the command line browser

2012-04-05 Thread Peter Vereshagin
out (well... mostly) problems with mouse pointer. Of course you are welcome to try the www/links-hacked port especially if that is your case. Anyway www/elinks port possess far more features for ttyvX/xterm than www/links, it's a rather nice tool, too. -- Pe

Re: FreeBSD Security in Multiuser Environments

2012-04-01 Thread Peter Vereshagin
s as regular users). Sure I am interested. I myself try to run Xorg server in a chroot and its clients from a different jail(s) via tcp on lo0. Trouble still is I can't get my VT ttyvXs because of that strange 'console ownership' stuff. > Also, thanks for Capsicum, it sure is u

Re: lighttpd + php + external mssql server

2012-03-04 Thread Peter Vereshagin
atures like 'go' clause batch runs and scroll cursors with fetching from them on the contrast to the 'traditional' dblib-based mssql php extension. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ freebsd-questions@fre

Re: graphics tablets

2012-02-12 Thread Peter Vereshagin
on-trivial quirks able to bother someone else with such a setup -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mai

Re: I am FreeBSD user.

2011-12-15 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2011/12/15 16:37:12 + Matthew Seaman => To : MS> On 15/12/2011 15:36, Peter Vereshagin wrote: MS> > I find that kernel log messages about killed processes are doubling the MS> > characters just like that (on an SMP machine). Probabl

Re: I am FreeBSD user.

2011-12-15 Thread Peter Vereshagin
MP machine). Probably thay are getting killed simultaneously and the kernel writes msg about that one-by-one character. Should I file a PR on this? Have no idea how could I reproduce a situation. but it's regularly sent from 'periodic daily' several kernel log messages collected fo

realtime priority for subspawned process

2011-11-17 Thread Peter Vereshagin
user doesn't seem to be able to use the audio/ardour? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: Can't access a music CD (or any other media now)

2011-11-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
card? That way one should get a mixer's separate "CD" volume regulator at no cost... But sure this makes impossible the any processing like this: cdda2wav | tee /some/file > /dev/dsp Either way has its advantages and drawbacks. -- Peter Vereshagin

Re: How to login to my jail from host itself (normal user)

2011-11-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
hen manage the login MS> process to create a new login session within the jail. I'd find it obvious to try to launch getty by mean of jexec by setting the command in /etc/ttys? Something like that: ttyv0 "/usr/sbin/jexec `cat /var/run/` /usr/libexec/getty Pc"

Re: What are the technical differences between Linux and BSD?

2011-11-12 Thread Peter Vereshagin
y BSD-based, but also not yet SysV-ied. According to "Just for fun" book, he was taking functions from the SunOS functions reference and implementing them from scratch but according to that specs. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 _

portupgrade -P does not 'su'?

2011-11-09 Thread Peter Vereshagin
-f /usr/ports/packages/All/p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1.tbz It does use to be all ok with 'pkg_delete ... make install' sequence though. Any clues? ps. Same goes here about copying the obsoleted shared libraries to /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg -- Peter Vereshagin (http://vereshagin.o

Re: Need to Backup Using Dump

2011-10-23 Thread Peter Vereshagin
dump of the snapshot. -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

cvs mirror on 8, 5G dvd? Re: Extract particular date snapshot from /var/db/portsnap?

2011-10-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. I think I should correct myself as what I found that way was unexpected, even after aside from portsnap. 2011/06/15 06:51:32 +0400 Peter Vereshagin => To : PV> GL> cvs -d export -D 2010-10-01 PV>

www/libxul update distfile?

2011-10-06 Thread Peter Vereshagin
ind a source package: I don't think I should get it from fedora's git's 'lookaside cache'. Or should I? Thank you. -- Peter Vereshagin (ht

Re: command to eject cd

2011-09-22 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hello. 2011/09/22 10:32:14 -0400 Fbsd8 => To FreeBSD Questions : F> Is there a console command to cause the cd/dvd device to open its drawer? echo -ne "e\nq\n" | cdcontrol -- Peter Vereshagin ( pgp: A0E26627 ___

Re: Why does Perl ExtUtils::MakeMaker install hang on FBSD Jail?

2011-08-06 Thread Peter Vereshagin
God love is hard to find. You got lucky freebsd-questions! 2011/08/04 13:23:04 -0400 Alejandro Imass => To FreeBSD Questions : AI> The MakeMaker build hangs in the test: INSTALL_BASE.t I had that same problem too, AI> the only person using the CPAN shell on an Jail ! ... but had no idea if it

Re: build ports from not a root user?

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? 2011/07/21 23:07:41 +0200 Damien Fleuriot => To Peter Vereshagin : DF> That's kinda the point of portupgrade, takes care of the deps for you ;) Sounds bad. I meant about such a tool to handle dependencies to keep the 'make

Re: build ports from not a root user?

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? 2011/07/21 19:39:45 +0100 Bruce Cran => To Daniel Staal : BC> to use portmaster (ports-mgmt/portmaster): it has a PM_SU_CMD which is Cool. Tried it but couldn't make it to update the only one port, and not to update its dependencies. Will lo

Re: build ports from not a root user?

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? 2011/07/21 18:30:50 +0200 Damien Fleuriot => To : DF> On 7/21/11 6:11 PM, Peter Vereshagin wrote: DF> > Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? DF> > 2011/07/21 17:35:02 +0200 Dami

Re: build ports from not a root user?

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? 2011/07/21 17:35:02 +0200 Damien Fleuriot => To : DF> On 7/21/11 5:19 PM, Peter Vereshagin wrote: DF> > Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? DF> > 2011/07/21 16:53:58 +0200 Dami

Re: build ports from not a root user?

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You'll never silence the voice of the voiceless, freebsd-questions! 2011/07/21 11:04:57 -0400 Daniel Staal => To : DS> > I'd like to build my ports from not a root user. DS> > How can I tell the ports system that it should su ( switch user ) before DS> > to DS> > bui

Re: build ports from not a root user?

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? 2011/07/21 16:53:58 +0200 Damien Fleuriot => To : DF> What the f... ? favorite song lyrics, np. DF> > I'd like to build my ports from not a root user. DF> DF> That is possible but exceedingly highly inconvenien

build ports from not a root user?

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? I'd like to build my ports from not a root user. How can I tell the ports system that it should su ( switch user ) before to build the dependencies? Can portupgrade handle this? Dependencies should be installed from a root user. Thank you. 73

Re: Maintenance script/port

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Oh freebsd-questions want you buy me a mersedes benz? 2011/07/21 11:37:15 +0300 Ross => To Jos Chrispijn : R> I use security/logcheck which informs me via email about new entries R> in /var/log/messages and also smartd from sysutils/smartmontools which R> will email me when it detects any problems

Re: Lennart Poettering: BSD Isn't Relevant Anymore

2011-07-18 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hey Mr(s) freebsd-questions show some good to me! 2011/07/18 12:26:08 -0700 Bill Tillman => To : BT> BT> BT> From: "" BT> To:; BT> Cc: BT>

Re: Lennart Poettering: BSD Isn't Relevant Anymore

2011-07-18 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hey Mr(s) freebsd-questions show some good to me! 2011/07/18 07:50:41 -0400 Aryeh Friedman => To FreeBSD : AF> > version number every 18 months +/-. I have two new laptops ion front of AF> > me that I cannot use FBSD on simply because they don't support the AF> > wireless (N class obviously) ins

Re: Lennart Poettering: BSD Isn't Relevant Anymore

2011-07-18 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hey Mr(s) freebsd-questions show some good to me! 2011/07/18 03:49:59 -0500 Adam Vande More => To C. Bergstr?m : AVM> We all wish a lot of things. One of mine would be that people shouldn't AVM> have strong opinions on subjects they know little to nothing about. It's about me too, but I'm inter

Re: What is xz ?

2011-07-18 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Hey Mr(s) freebsd-questions show some good to me! 2011/07/17 23:08:16 -0400 "" => To : igc> (Should be under contrib/xz ) archivers/xz 73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB 12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627) -- ___

Re: Perl Problem After Upgrade to 5.12.4

2011-07-07 Thread Peter Vereshagin
God love is hard to find. You got lucky freebsd-questions! 2011/07/06 10:01:21 -0500 Tim Daneliuk => To FreeBSD Mailing List : TD> ===> p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on package: p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta>=1.44.01 - found TD> ! Parse::CPAN::Meta (1.40) is installed, but we need version >= 1.44

Re: Tool to show the recent disk space consumers?

2011-07-07 Thread Peter Vereshagin
God love is hard to find. You got lucky freebsd-questions! 2011/07/05 12:37:11 -0700 Yuri => To FreeBSD Questions : Y> I hit this problem periodically when a lot of disk space is gone and Y> it's hard to tell where did it go. Once it was thunderbird writing huge I think you can create a file sy

perl modules included in core perl distribution dupe the portinstalled ones

2011-06-24 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Concrete jungle, oh freebsd-questions, you've got to do your best... I'm sorry I put this not into the -perl@ list because there are too many robots there. As far as I see the secondary major number change of the perl version can lead the user to the strange situations as more and more modules are

Re: ZFS on root and "find" performance

2011-06-23 Thread Peter Vereshagin
I feel summer creepin' in and I'm tired of this town again, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/23 03:56:07 -0700 Andrew Moran => To : AM> AM> Is anyone else running zfs on root and running into very slow finds? The /etc/periodic/daily/450.status-security can take over a

Re: pw buggy behaviour

2011-06-22 Thread Peter Vereshagin
I feel summer creepin' in and I'm tired of this town again, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/20 13:37:13 +0300 Коньков Евгений => To Коньков Евгений : > КЕ> #cat /etc/master.passwd | grep quagga > КЕ> quagga:*:101:101::0:0:Quagga > КЕ> # pw user show quagga > КЕ> pw: no such user `quagga' > > the comm

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/16 18:20:43 -0400 Daniel Staal => To Peter Vereshagin : DS> > CP> UNIX, the name, is a trademark. We can use it all we like here, DS> > speaking DS> > DS> > Do we need a license to use it? ;-) DS>

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/16 12:30:07 -0600 Chad Perrin => To : CP> * The UNIX source code's copyright is held by . . . damn. It keeps I always told this name is a kind of Black Label. Companies to hold it use to meet fatal trouble

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/16 12:46:20 -0600 Chad Perrin => To : CP> > But both are just words/phrases, right? CP> CP> Here's an example of the difference: Good example, it's on-topic ;-) CP> UNIX, the name, is a trademark. We can

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/16 13:36:32 -0400 Daniel Staal => To : DS> > RS> Copyright pertains to the source code. Trademark pertains to the use DS> > of DS> > RS> signs, symbols, names, logos, etc. DS> > DS> > Source code itself can

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/16 11:54:05 -0400 Robert Simmons => To : RS> RS> I'll surely will when I'll have some to trade ;-) RS> Copyright pertains to th

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/16 10:06:42 -0400 Robert Simmons => To : RS> I think the confusion that you all are having is between the idea of RS> "copyright" and "trademark". They are different. Copyright applies to the As I suspe

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/16 14:22:43 +0100 Matthew Seaman => To : MS> > CB> FreeBSD is a UNIX-like clone, which is indeed free, whereas UNIX is MS> > CB> still the proprietary property of AT&T/Bell Labs. MS> > MS> > unix is a trad

Re: free sco unix

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/15 17:08:31 -0400 Chris Brennan => To Thomas Hansen : CB> FreeBSD is a UNIX-like clone, which is indeed free, whereas UNIX is CB> still the proprietary property of AT&T/Bell Labs. unix is a trademark of 73! Peter pgp: A0E2

Re: Extract particular date snapshot from /var/db/portsnap?

2011-06-15 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/15 08:51:22 +0100 RW => To : R> > - From what I see in /var/db/portsnap/files/ it keeps every file it R> > had ever downloaded: they all have different times. R> R> It doesn't, it's a snapshot. The timestam

Re: Extract particular date snapshot from /var/db/portsnap?

2011-06-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/14 20:59:33 -0400 Greg Larkin => To Peter Vereshagin : GL> > How can I extract an 'old' snapshot from portsnap database? GL> > Does it keep them? Does portsnap keep snapshots fetched previously? G

Re: Extract particular date snapshot from /var/db/portsnap?

2011-06-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/14 17:17:39 -0700 Chuck Swiger => To Peter Vereshagin : CS> > Does it keep them? Does portsnap keep snapshots fetched previously? CS> As far as I can tell, you can

Extract particular date snapshot from /var/db/portsnap?

2011-06-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! How can I extract an 'old' snapshot from portsnap database? Does it keep them? Does portsnap keep snapshots fetched previously? Suppose I need the particular port or the whole tree as of the specified date and time? Or, if I need the particular

Re: hmph, one lesson self-caught...

2011-06-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/11 19:47:43 -0700 Gary Kline => To FreeBSD Mailing List : GK> About a minute ago I learned that you cannot have a ### comment GK> _following_ the LoadModule lines in /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf in the upcoming release of www/p5

Re: perl5.12 -> perl5.14 upgrade problem

2011-06-04 Thread Peter Vereshagin
You're face to face with man who sold the world, freebsd-questions! 2011/06/01 17:31:13 +0200 n dhert => To : nd> # portupgrade -fr perl nd> make: don't know how to make nd> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.14.0/mach/CORE/cc_runtime.h. nd> Stop nd> checking for XML::Parser..

Re: Install ImageMagick configured with Autotrace switch

2011-05-22 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Concrete jungle, oh freebsd-questions, you've got to do your best... 2011/05/22 10:43:52 -0700 Angelo => To : A> I am trying to install ImageMagick and Autotrace ports but I need to A> configure Imagemagick to work with Autotrace so it processes raster images A> to t

Re: start X in background without it taking over the console?

2011-05-11 Thread Peter Vereshagin
God love is hard to find. You got lucky freebsd-questions! 2011/05/11 05:37:56 -0700 Bill Tillman => To : BT> > I already do... I'm want to automate it.  Every other virtual screen BT> I'm watching this thread with interest. Me too. But I have another kind of inter

Re: restricted ssh shell for ruby on rails hosting ? (rake, git, etc.)

2011-05-09 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Nobody knows that you're in for that, freebsd-questions! 2011/05/09 17:02:06 +0200 Olivier Mueller => To FreeBSD Questions : OM> but one of the thing I would like to prevent is for example accessing OM> some files like /etc/passwd (= listing all other customers domains in OM> this specific cas

Re: Limitting SSH access

2011-05-04 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Wake me up when September ends, freebsd-questions! 2011/05/04 16:47:33 +0100 Chris Rees => To krad : CR> > > > > Is it possible to limit the SSH access? CR> > > Regarding ssh login, I usually use "rbash" from the ports, that CR> restricts CR> Or you could have a special /bin-restricted that you nu

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