You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
2011/06/16 10:06:42 -0400 Robert Simmons <> => To :
RS> I think the confusion that you all are having is between the idea of 
RS> "copyright" and "trademark".  They are different.  Copyright applies to the 

As I suspected ;-)

RS> So, if you wanted to call your software "UNIX" you would need to contact 
RS> Group and make sure that your software licences the trademark, and complies 

This will require some efforts from Open Group. Does FreeBSD Foundation pay for

RS> with the standard.  If you want to use the source code of UNIX itself, you 
RS> would license that from Attachmate.

So nobody knows if Lunus will once upon a time split Linux code from himself de
jure as he did de facto nowadays and just have an income from such a regular
trademark sales from, say, Linux Foundation, Attachmate, etc.?  

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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