
2013/01/31 18:44:30 +0000 Walter Hurry <walterhu...@gmail.com> => To 
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org :

WH> What, for example, is the problem with compiling Firefox 18 from the port?
WH> It takes about an hour to compile on my main box (9.1 Release on- 
WH> x86_64), which has nothing special at all by way of hardware.

It use to take me a day (~20h) to rebuild each of: www/firefox,
www.seamonkey, mail/thunderbird.

In general I'm satisfied with speed of their work though.

Starting from v17 upgrades I experience the problem I can't see the solution
so I even don't ask about it. The details is that for all the 3 ports almost
everything builds and then while linking the main (or almost the main) binary
the compiler gets to lose the 'JSAutoCompartment.o'.

I know I can buy some cloud to rebuild but is it of any rational if every
hardware-like-mine owner shall follow this way when we can have it

Thank you.

Peter Vereshagin <pe...@vereshagin.org> (http://vereshagin.org) pgp: 1754B9C1
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