
2012/12/27 11:58:57 +0100 "O. Hartmann" <ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> => To 
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org :
OH> When using modern SoGo A/DSL routers, most devices do have fancy GUIs

SoHo? Or 'SoGo' is a brand?

OH> and information screens about the settings of the device and especially
OH> the line quality, like SNR, dampening et cetera.
OH> In my private office, I've setup a FreeBSD server acting like a
OH> gateway/router, replacing my oldish non-IPv6 capable ADSL modem/router.
OH> Using a secondary NIC connecting to the ADSL modem via PPPOED, I'd like
OH> to read some of the important statistsics from the device's chipset like
OH> line quality informations. Sometimes our line here go bad and with the
OH> setup at the moment, I can not check what's wrong.
OH> Also, I have no informations about the actual up- and downstream speed,
OH> which is also important to me.
OH> Since most professional/commercial ADSL routers/modems use opensource
OH> software, most prefereably Linux, I was wondering if there isn't a way
OH> to achieve those data from FreeBSD as well. I prefer the system's tools

It is not clear if you want to install FreeBSD on your modem? That depends on
its model.

OH> in favour over a port installation, but if there is a sophisticated
OH> software, I would appreciate a hint or tip.

It's kind of unlikely that FreeBSD 'base system' does have a tool(s) to
measure the DSL quality characteristics.  Depending on your modem's model you
can have a telnet(1) interface to it from your FreeBSD server to look up for
line quality information via modem's specific commands by hand.

But telnet(1) doesn't seem to be the notifying tool you think you need. It
should be nothing complicated to make such a tool or install the ready-to-use
software from the FreeBSD Ports system.

Same can go here about the web interface your modem can be controlled by
saying not about the telnet(1) but about web browser, correspondently.

Peter Vereshagin <pe...@vereshagin.org> (http://vereshagin.org) pgp: 1754B9C1
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