Hey Mr(s) freebsd-questions show some good to me!
2011/07/18 12:26:08 -0700 Bill Tillman <btillma...@yahoo.com> => To 
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org :
BT> ________________________________
BT> From: "per...@pluto.rain.com" <per...@pluto.rain.com>
BT> To: jri...@gmail.com; cbergst...@pathscale.com
BT> Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
BT> Sent: Mon, July 18, 2011 9:05:47 AM
BT> Subject: Re: Lennart Poettering: BSD Isn't Relevant Anymore
BT> Joshua Isom <jri...@gmail.com> wrote:
BT> > On 7/17/2011 6:16 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:
BT> > > On Sunday 17 July 2011 10:13:13 C. Bergstr??m wrote:
BT> > >> I hope gnome does [go Linux-only]..  Maybe then more
BT> > >> people would forget about it and focus on making KDE better ;)
BT> ...
BT> > What about enlightenment?
BT> For us old-timers :)
BT> What's the advantage of any of these "desktop environments" (Gnome,
BT> KDE, enlightenment, Xfce) over ordinary X11 with (say) FVWM2 or TWM?
BT> Certainly there are some useful apps that, for better or worse, are
BT> built with gtk or the KDE toolkit, but what does the full-blown
BT> environment really contribute (other than bloat)?
BT> I'm with you on this one. My FreeBSD servers are SERVERS and I don't need a 
BT> to be efficient and reliable with them. And when I do occassionally go with 
BT> FreeBSD for my desktop I don't need all the bloat of GNOME or KDE. I have 
BT> TWM from the beginning and it does just fine by me.
BT> Now as for BSD becoming irrelevant....I think that's all sour grapes. Linux 
BT> all the hype but I don't see te BSD's going by the wayside because of it. I 
BT> wish there was a more richer library of drivers available, like with Linux. 
BT> I would not complain about.

In the past one of BSDMags was devoted to the FreeBSD's agnosticism on desktop
Had known it for years but in early May, 2011 some of the WindowMaker's applets
were removed from the ports tree as 'unsupported and a dead download link
ressource' several at once.

In sight of speculations about dropping FreeBSD support especially wouldn't it
be nice if I'd try to re-establish download link source for the applets of my
interest and PR about I need them?

Not a C coder though to know about to support them in a right way.

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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