[Orgmode] HTML: add extra content

2010-10-27 Thread Rasmus
erate file. Is this possible? Thanks, Rasmus ___ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode

[Orgmode] LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug

2010-12-20 Thread Rasmus
tcounter{tocdepth}{3} \tableofcontents \vspace*{1cm} * CDs \begin{itemize} \item Neil Young \end{itemize} \section{CDs} \label{sec-1} \begin{itemize} \item Neil Young \end{itemize} \end{document} Thanks, Rasmus ___ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use

Re: [O] Org Mode dedicated app on OS X

2011-07-05 Thread Rasmus
How about emacsclient -ca "" --eval "(org-mode)" or just your index.org file: emacsclient -ca "" ~/index.org In Gnome or other fancy DE you'd just create a .desktop file to make an entry in your launcher. I don't know how one does something sim

Re: [O] Release 7.6

2011-07-07 Thread Rasmus
Bastien writes: > Dear all, > > I'm releasing Org 7.6. Looking forward to to trying the new beast. Kudos to Bastien. I foresee that JK's odt exporter will become handy when working with Org illiterates. Thanks! -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] org-odt and bibliography

2011-07-08 Thread Rasmus
solutoin based on \cite would be best. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Calendar-like view of the org-agenda

2011-07-17 Thread Rasmus
x27; particular windows). For some reason, changeing the font family for Calfw's line drawing affects all of Emacs. Thanks, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Calendar-like view of the org-agenda

2011-07-17 Thread Rasmus
Rasmus writes: > Is is somehow possible to change the font family used in Calfw windows > only? Hardly perfect, the following let me change the font used in Calfw sessions. It seems rather fragile, though as it only seems to work with `:height 90'. Obviously there is a more fundamen

Re: [O] Represent *everything* in Org-mode

2011-07-18 Thread Rasmus
ess to the data using some preferred method, e.g. search, a plain list for day or a calendar-like view. Python is a nice language, and I too feel more comfortable writing it than Emacs Lisp. The latter is more eloquent though. Lets us know how it goes. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Use org for jobs/resume writing?

2011-07-19 Thread Rasmus
ugly and disturbing/hard to read, though. Anyhow, creating a cv_barebone.org should not be too hard. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] New backend for org-agenda: (Was Calendar-like view of the org-agenda)

2011-07-20 Thread Rasmus
NDENTLY, INTRINSICALLY | | | | | | ` > Excuse me for asking a trivial word. No worries. No worries. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] [calfw] Better use of space

2011-07-21 Thread Rasmus
bunch for Calfw. It a great supplement to Org-Agenda. Cheers, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] [calfw] Better use of space

2011-07-22 Thread Rasmus
de as my Emacs Lisp isn't great. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (if (> (calfw:timeview-entry-length) (calfw:column-length)) (#split-entry after column-length, preferbly after word # and retur ) #+end_src I hope it makes sense. . . –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] calculating column averages

2011-07-22 Thread Rasmus
121 |80 |79 | || | | | |+--+---+---| | Averages | 129.25 | | | #+TBLFM: @7$2=vmean(@2..@-1) The field @7$2 calculates the average (vmean) from line 2 (@2) to the line just above itself (@-1). –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Python script to download Google Calendar events

2011-07-22 Thread Rasmus
ta. Optimally, it should just use one of the urls from the web-interface. Cheers, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Python script to download Google Calendar events

2011-07-22 Thread Rasmus
ta. Optimally, it should just use one of the urls from the web-interface. Cheers, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Beamer latex export of included partial files

2011-08-07 Thread Rasmus
LanX writes: > Is there a recommended way to do this? >From the beamer manual: ┏━━━┫ 4.3.3 Ways of Improving Compilation Speed ┃ ┃ While working on your presentation, it may sometimes be useful to TeX ┃ your .tex file quickly and have the presentation contain only the most ┃ important informat

Re: [O] org-babel and python3

2011-08-10 Thread Rasmus
henry atting writes: > How can I cause org-babel to use python3 instead of python2? > Emacs (in python-mode) already does it flawlessly with > > (setq py-python-command "/usr/bin/python3") There is a variable: ┏━━━┫ org-babel-python-command ┃ ┃ ┃ org-babel-python-command is a variable defined

Re: [O] OSX: Display cur. task in Menu Bar?

2011-08-12 Thread Rasmus
(message "")) org-clock-current-task (if (not (eq org-clock-current-task nil)) (message " |" ) (message "" #+end_src Judging from this¹ you wont be able to get it in the dock easily though. —Rasmus Footnotes: ¹ http://apple.stackexchang

Re: [O] Wishlist: LaTeX export: automatically append backslash to "." unless at end of sentence

2011-08-19 Thread Rasmus
xt: I would like something like this too. Actually, what I would prefer even more would be to stop Org from interpreting '{', '}', '\' and other common TeX symbols. More often than not I will want to use '\' as an escape character. —Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] [babel] [bug] inline src_R breaks downstream src block

2011-08-22 Thread Rasmus
org-babel-exp-inline-src-blocks. Eval via C-c C-c works as expected but when I export it halts due to org-babel-exp-inline-src-blocks errors. —Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Not merging org-lparse, org-xhtml & org-odt to the core

2011-08-24 Thread Rasmus
eems to live up to this. I hope this issue can be resolved and that we can enjoy odt export in a not to distant future without having to go through extra hoops such as ELPA. —Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] two tools may be useful for org-export

2011-08-25 Thread Rasmus
Bastien writes: > zwz writes: > >> Those days I came across two tools which I thought interesting and >> helpful if could be combined with org-export in some way. >> >> 1. Deck.js: a js lib for making modern html presentation. See >> http://imakewebthings.github.com/deck.js/#intro for more info

[O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-08-31 Thread Rasmus
| |+-+---| | [2011-08-19 Fri 00:28]--[2011-08-19 Fri 00:51] | Writing mails | 0:23 | | [2011-06-22 Wed 17:00]--[2011-06-22 Wed 17:45] | Data processing | 0:45 | And so forth. Thanks, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-09-06 Thread Rasmus
Bernt Hansen writes: > Rasmus writes: > >> Hi, >> >> Is is possible to have a clocktabke with times in the left-most column? >> The people I am doing some work for now prefer it that way for unknown >> reasons. &

Re: [O] Beamer export: Are handout notes possible?

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
quot; #+end_src And do something like: #+begin_src org * section ** Frame *** Frame text *** Extra text :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: onlyenv :BEAMER_envargs: :END: some more text #+end_src And you can even use \only and similar in frames and it will work. Still, what you are asking would be nice but unless things have changed only a fragile solution exists. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
is very different from everywhere else . . . As said, each entry requires an interval, a total time and an entry text. Certainly the interval seems silly as hourly wage is flat rate, I believe. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
sed with the possibilities of Org-agenda. Although I have used it extensively I know only a fraction of the possibilities, it seems. It only revels total time, it seems, which unfortunately isn't enough cf. my other post. Thanks, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] [calfw] Better use of space

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
y. Here is a screenshot of my Gnus group buffer which is striped. http://ompldr.org/vYThpZQ Cheers, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
nks for the link to Pythonic flavors. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
))) > > (defun summarize-clocks () > (interactive) > (setq clockstable "| date | headline | total |\n|-++|\n") > (org-map-entries collect-clock-lines nil 'agenda) > (insert clockstable)) > --- cut here --->8--- Thanks again, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
ast need quite often. Using the totaling function of regular clock tables everything will probably be swell. If it shouldn't be incorporated in Org it should probably retire to Worg. Thanks a bunch! –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Date-centric Clocktable

2011-09-07 Thread Rasmus
+---+---| | [2011-09-08 Thu 00:31]--[2011-09-08 Thu 00:59] | COMMENT Organization Headline | 0:28 | | [2011-09-08 Thu 00:31]--[2011-09-08 Thu 00:59] | Collecting data | 0:28 | | [2011-09-08 Thu 01:30]--[2011-09-08 Thu 01:37] | Clocktable | 0:07 | #+end_src I might look into it later. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Adding Timestamps

2011-09-10 Thread Rasmus
Chris Niven writes: > Is there any way to sum timestamps in org-mode? Clocktables? -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] deft - A Notational Velocity mode for emacs

2011-09-10 Thread Rasmus
folders is shown. A sensible default is highlighted. Thus, RET RET will simulate current behavior. - Alternatively I may select a desired folder from the list (I am thinking an ido-list). Just a though. I appreciate your work. Thanks, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] would take more than an org-mode strip-down.

2011-09-28 Thread Rasmus
would be selling a service. This is encouraged. The ethical issues is concerned with not providing people with the opportunity to `remix' and re-share to use a slightly different terminology (see freedom 0-3 of free software definition). –Rasmus Footnotes: ¹ Is that still the case or was everything such a `*' changed to variables? -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] permanent LaTeX preview

2011-09-29 Thread Rasmus
-c >> keybinding used to remove the images, but I don't know which function >> is called to achieve that. > > I don't think either is possible with the current code. Would it be possible to use the more sophisticated Preview LaTeX of AUCTeX? IMO it has a nicer way o

Re: [O] permanent LaTeX preview

2011-09-29 Thread Rasmus
preview-latex is the possibility to `walk into' generated pictures, and to easily regenerate stuff. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] Question on ical2org script

2011-10-07 Thread Rasmus
ience this all-day issue? Thanks, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] Cdlatex questions

2011-10-17 Thread Rasmus
nd for example "¨ ¨" will not go to the second page. Is there an easy way to change '`'. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Wish: babel for python3

2011-10-18 Thread Rasmus
d_src > #+srcname: python3_env > #+begin_src emacs-lisp > (setq org-babel-python-command "python3") > (set-face-background 'modeline "#771944") > #+end_src That is pure awesomeness! Thanks, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] org-contacts or bbdb?

2011-10-20 Thread Rasmus
t remember why I dropped Org-contant, but I think I found it hard to manage my contacts in the way I would ideally like to with it. Cheers, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Video showing Jambunathan's ODT exporter

2011-11-03 Thread Rasmus
deserves wider > exposure. Jambunathan's done a great job. Very much so. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] Publish HTML Without Title

2011-11-25 Thread Rasmus
g-export-html-content-div (nth 1 org-export-html-divs))) ;; FIXME this should go in the preamble but is here so ;; that org-infojs can still find it "\n" title "\n")) #+end_src Are there any known solutions to this at

Re: [O] Stars in headlines

2011-12-04 Thread Rasmus
if so desire. In particular you could look into org-icons (although I don't know if a maintained version exists). –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Publish HTML Without Title

2011-12-11 Thread Rasmus
Bastien writes: > Hi Rasmus, > > Rasmus Pank Roulund writes: > >> Note, I never asked for the second title and this is the one I want to >> go away, but I don't know how. As I pointed out in the previous case, >> it seems that it may be hardcoded, but I don

Re: [O] Release 7.8.01

2011-12-12 Thread Rasmus
od job! –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] Questions on LaTeX Exporter

2011-03-05 Thread Rasmus
aving the fixme note folded, placed in a footnote or similar? -- Thanks, Rasmus

Re: [O] Questions on LaTeX Exporter

2011-03-06 Thread Rasmus
s With Asymmetric Information\thanks{Approximatly X words using \TeX Count} ` Thanks in advance, Rasmus

[O] [BUG] Did COMMENT break?

2011-03-13 Thread Rasmus
#x27;t exists. I guess it should be linking to http://orgmode.org/org.pdf -- Thanks, Rasmus

Re: [O] [BUG] Did COMMENT break?

2011-03-14 Thread Rasmus
Hi Thanks, Indeed. It seems that one of the hair-raising regexps that Carsten manages to come up with is not quite right. Try this patch for now: Hmm, it still does not seem to work for me, but I might not have changed the files correctly. --Rasmus

Re: [O] [BUG] Did COMMENT break?

2011-03-14 Thread Rasmus
It seems that one of the hair-raising regexps that Carsten manages to come up with is not quite right. Try this patch for now: Hmm, it still does not seem to work for me, but I might not have changed the files correctly. Please ignore the above. Nicholas' patch works as described. I'd just fo

Re: [O] Professional PDF LaTeX templates?

2011-03-17 Thread Rasmus
> I can't translate it into anything that looks the quality of > using MS Word and Adobe Flashpaper. Well, that sounds wrong. There are a number of blogs which publish templates. Look into them. For starters, look into the blog-roll at texample. > Just wondering if anyone has some template exampl

[O] Re: zotero (or mendeley) integration with org

2011-03-29 Thread Rasmus
owse Org-file. One day, maybe... –Rasmus Footnotes: [fn:1] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/bibsnarf.el [fn:2] http://www.bioinformatics.org/texmed/

[O] Re: Continuation of main section text after subsections ?

2011-03-30 Thread Rasmus
r short papers I find this is redundant. Is my style the problem or should there be a way to terminate section, maybe with an artificial new heading (similar to the :B_ignoreheading: tag)? Cheers, Rasmus

Re: [O] Using orgmode to take "inline notes" for research

2011-04-17 Thread Rasmus
ip] \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} I didn't get whether you are asking for footnotes specifically, but if this is the case you might be able to play around with \setlength{\footparindent}{} and friends? Cheers, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] org-mode and ebib

2011-05-11 Thread Rasmus
up () | (load-library "reftex") | (and (buffer-file-name) |(file-exists-p (buffer-file-name)) |(reftex-parse-all)) | (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c )") 'reftex-citation)) | (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-mode-reftex-setup) | | #+end_src ` –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

Re: [O] Org as a publishing toolkit

2011-05-11 Thread Rasmus
{\larger{Author}}\\ \vfill \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig/67424_scape_stamp.pdf} \vfill \end{center} \end{titlepage} \cleardoublepage % depending on your setup \tableofcontents #+end_src Something like that anyhow. You could probably use Org-babel in some clever way. –Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] Prettyfy agenda view (regexp)

2011-06-08 Thread Rasmus
-item[fn:1] Alas this variable was never merged into the mainline. . . Are there any plans to integrate this into org or any other way to format agenda items? Thanks, Rasmus Footnotes: [fn:] http://git.naquadah.org/?p=~jd/org-mode.git;a=commitdiff;h=refs/heads/jd/agenda-format -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] [bug] Potential agenda display bug

2011-06-08 Thread Rasmus
296-20b0f9f2c3cc) These should be probably be separated by a \n in the Agenda... Otherwise I'd easily miss the second event. Cheers, Rasmus Footnotes: [fn:1] This is somewhat a sequel to a previous thread: http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg37302.html -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] Exporting booktabs as tables

2011-06-23 Thread Rasmus
2250 \\ post 2 & 1500 \\ post 3 & 375 \\ post 4 & 525 \\ \hline Total & 4650 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} #+end_src Thanks, Rasmus -- Sent from my Emacs

[O] Extending org-koma-letter.el (was: HowTo: Letter template method using yasnippet)

2012-07-27 Thread Rasmus
be inserted after \end{letter}. Could anyone provide any hints as to how to archive this behavior. (I can't really understand all the details by just reading the API...). BTW: scrlttr2 supports sections with certain lco-files, see http://www.komascript.de/sections.lco. So perhaps the o

Re: [O] are super-hidden technical blocks required?

2012-07-30 Thread Rasmus
g hidden. For instance all uuid properties could be hidden. –Rasmus -- A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it

[O] Formatting Agenda entries

2012-07-30 Thread Rasmus
t; "%i" "%c," "%l-%h" "%s" "(%L)") but this obviously doesn't work as the strings are only expanded in the Agenda buffer. Thus, I need to format my string after placeholders have been expanded but before it's actually displayed in the Ag

Re: [O] Formatting Agenda entries

2012-07-30 Thread Rasmus
Nick Dokos writes: > Have you tried something like > > (setq org-google-weather-format "%i %-30c, %l-%h %s (%L)") > > perhaps? Seems to work for me. I can honestly say I haven't. I only tried to (format ...) way, which didn't work. Thanks for pointing it

Re: [O] Getting source code to work

2012-08-01 Thread Rasmus
Mark Stoehr writes: > and my version (from M-x org-version) is > Org-mode version 7.8.11 How about sh> python --version On my system where python is 3.2.3 and python2 is 2.7.3 I have (setq org-babel-python-command "python2") –Rasmus -- Hooray!

[O] [BUG] turn-on-org-cdlatex

2012-08-02 Thread Rasmus
nsert last-command-char) (forward-char 1)) (insert last-command-char) (insert "{}") (forward-char -1))) cdlatex-sub-superscript() call-interactively(cdlatex-sub-superscript) org-cdlatex-underscore-caret(nil) call-interactively(org-cdlatex-underscore-caret nil nil) System: GNU Emac

Re: [O] Reftex in Org-Mode exporting and recognizing figures or equations

2012-08-03 Thread Rasmus
(?s . "[[posscite:%l]]") (?a . "[[citeauthor:%l]]") (?y . "[[citeyear:%l]]")) #+end_src I add nodes manually with C-l after inserting, if needed. –Rasmus -- ⠠⠵

Re: [O] Proposal: starting of parallel asynchronous shell processes

2012-08-03 Thread Rasmus
you aware of emacs-async at: https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-async It mainly make sense with time-consuming processes, though. I think John is trying to push it to Emacs-core. –Rasmus -- . . . It begins of course with The Internet. A Net of Peers.

Re: [O] Reftex in Org-Mode exporting and recognizing figures or equations

2012-08-05 Thread Rasmus
Jeffrey Spencer writes: > When I use your setup and insert a citation then export to latex I get: > [[cite:Paper]] > turns into: > \ref{cite-Paper} You need to add them as link types: See Worg. Here's my setup #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; add latex:link-type [[latex:textsc][small caps]] (org-ad

[O] Perhaps BUG: Proper quotes around math in new exporter

2012-08-09 Thread Rasmus
ine. But is there some way to get the org-export.el to treat the above example correctly? –Rasmus Version: Org-mode version 7.8.11 (release_7.8.11-382-g1276ab.dirty @ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/) -- Don't panic!!!

Re: [O] [ANN] Editable HTML export of Org-mode files

2012-08-14 Thread Rasmus
That's very cool! Good job! This could be useful. Would this be something that could eventually be used in the Worg? –Rasmus -- Hooray!

[O] Activate/deactivate export of inlinetasks with #+OPTIONS

2012-08-14 Thread Rasmus
h-inlinetasks)) (setq ad-return-value ""))) (ad-activate 'org-e-latex-inlinetask) #+END_SRC If this is of high enough standards it could perhaps be added to the worg. . . –Rasmus -- In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not

Re: [O] Activate/deactivate export of inlinetasks with #+OPTIONS

2012-08-14 Thread Rasmus
Rasmus writes: > To reach an Org-ish solution I wrote the following trivial > advice+extra, > which allows #+OPTIONS: inline:t or #+OPTIONS: inline:nil. It works > only with the new exporter (which is amazing!!!). This solution is better as it's backend-agnostic: #+BEG

Re: [O] [GSoC] Org Merge Driver Update

2012-08-15 Thread Rasmus
add-import autoreconf -i ./configure --prefix=/usr ## added prefix make It's also encouraged to use -git in the name, but I don't always follow it. . . I have a couple of local org `addons' that I never managed to push to the AUR, but I encourage you to push the merge drive. BTW:

[O] google-calendar.el blocked?

2012-08-19 Thread Rasmus
Hi, For some time google-calendar.el hasn't been working for me. I looked into it, and it seems the user-agent has been blocked cf. the output below: Has anyone else experienced this? Or how to fix it? (I.e. how to change the user-agent of url-retrieve or something similar?) Thanks, R

Re: [O] Org-mode release 7.9

2012-08-24 Thread Rasmus
on tables when sending mails via message-mode, no? That would be need. –Rasmus -- Together we'll stand, divided we'll fall

Re: [O] any org[/beamer] experts in the ottawa area available for consulting?

2012-09-09 Thread Rasmus
Could you reiterate questions more concretely? But do be aware that beamer article exists so that you can convert a beamer slides into an a4 (or whatever) article from almost the same source as the slides. That's rather useful. The org-e exporter should be able to cope with this, as far as I

Re: [O] New LaTeX exporter and superscripts

2012-10-14 Thread Rasmus
that 1. $x$ 2. $y$ exports as \begin{enumerate} \item \$x\$ \item \$y\$ \end{enumerate} (also true for itemize). Also, [org] $x$'s is exported as [LaTeX] $x$`s, which is also wrong. Cheers, Rasmus -- . . . It begins of course with The Internet. A Net of Peers.

Re: [O] nbsp and /italics/

2012-10-16 Thread Rasmus
nyone think of a clever regexp that recognizes the above pattern? I tried, "\\.[ ]\{1\}" but it didn't work. And without the \{1\} it's too strong. . . Thanks in advance, Rasmus -- I almost cut my hair, it was happened just the other day

Re: [O] org-anywhere

2012-10-18 Thread Rasmus
I use Org in similar manners, i.e. for writing stuff and as a calendar. > So, for the way my brain thinks, there are a few org-mode design > features that get in the way. > - scheduled and deadline dates cannot be stored in drawers That would be nice, yes. > - I would like a org-remove-all-

[O] [babel] bug[?] when calling src_R from table?

2012-11-10 Thread Rasmus
? Example below. Thanks, Rasmus Org-mode version 7.9.2 (release_7.9.2-556-g7cdfa6.dirty @ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/) #+BEGIN_SRC org #+PROPERTY: session *R* #+BEGIN_SRC R :exports none att <- c(1+1, 3) #+END_SRC it's length is src_R[:results raw]{length(att)}. | src_R[:res

[O] Export tables as matrices (change tbl-export function on the fly)

2012-11-14 Thread Rasmus
't send it to a radio table. I also tried with TBLNAME. Anyway, the optimal would be to have Org just use a different translation mechanism on the fly. Is that possible? Thanks, Rasmus Footnotes:  ¹ http://www.patokeefe.com/archives/742 #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun orgtbl-to-late

Re: [O] Export tables as matrices (change tbl-export function on the fly)

2012-11-14 Thread Rasmus
Nicolas Goaziou writes: > Hello, > > Rasmus writes: > >> I'm doing some stuff where the natural output of my tables are >> matrices. I found a decent translation function here ¹. However, >> I'm not very successful in making org use it. > >

[O] [FR new exporter] NAME and label

2012-11-17 Thread Rasmus
nicer to use \dots as oppose to \ldots, as it is slightly more intelligent. Thanks, Rasmus -- When in doubt, do it!

Re: [O] Export tables as matrices (change tbl-export function on the fly)

2012-11-17 Thread Rasmus
\]. - Potentially: an :inline exists s.t. if inline is t the matrix is typeset inline [i.e. with \(\)]. Perhaps, it should be smart and use the small verison of org-export-latex-tables-matrix-default-type. I.e. if bmatrix use bsmallmatrix. This could be set via

Re: [O] Export tables as matrices (change tbl-export function on the fly)

2012-11-18 Thread Rasmus
tex-tables-matrix-inline-small. > > Do all matrix environments accept a small counterpart? amsmath provides: smallmatrix from which all variants be generated using appropriated \left "bracket" \right "bracket" mathtools provides: smallmatrix* psmallmatrix

Re: [O] Export tables as matrices (change tbl-export function on the fly)

2012-11-18 Thread Rasmus
tch from table to matrix to inline matrix? E.g. #+ATTR_LATEX: :math-environment "Bmatrix" :math-mode t prints a display matrix but #+ATTR_LATEX: :math-environment "Bmatrix" :math-mode nil prints a table. I don't know whether this is just making things more confusing or whether it would be useful. . . Also, at least a prefix string would be very useful as that's how matrices are usually named. E.g. #+ATTR_LATEX: :math-mode t :prefix "P=" |1|2| |3|4| is translated to P=\begin{bmatrix}1&2\\3&4\end{bmatrix} Thanks, Rasmus -- Dung makes an excellent fertilizer

[O] [new exporter] adhere org-export-date-timestamp-format?

2012-11-18 Thread Rasmus
e val))) Example: #+BEGIN_SRC org #+DATE: <2012-11-18 Sun> * test #+END_SRC Date is exported as \date{<2012-11-18 Sun>} with the new exporter and \date{2012-11-18} with the old exporter (using emacs -q). Thanks, Rasmus -- El Rey ha muerto. ¡Larga vida al Rey!

Re: [O] [ANN] e-latex back-end: changes to attributes syntax

2012-11-21 Thread Rasmus
tasks! Thank you so much. BTW: on the lists: very good idea. I have often been bothered by only having one type of (LaTeX) lists. Can I set it per list type? I.e. plain lists are inlined and enumerated are 'normal'? Again, thanks for this improvement to the already very nice LaTeX e

Re: [O] Extending org-koma-letter.el

2012-11-22 Thread Rasmus
Org for my (KOMA) letters (which are all of my letters). Unfortunately, I ran into some limitations the last time I used it ¹. Indeed, improving/working with more with KOMA letter exporter is on my TODO list; but at the moment I'm terribly occupied. –Rasmus Footnotes:  ¹ https://lists.gnu.

Re: [O] [ANN] e-latex back-end: changes to attributes syntax

2012-11-25 Thread Rasmus
Nicolas Goaziou writes: > Rasmus writes: > >> Nicolas Goaziou writes: >> >>> I've changed the attribute syntax for tables, images and lists in >>> e-latex back-end (new exporter). New this back-end conforms to the >>> syntax used by Babel and

Re: [O] Org Writer's room

2012-12-05 Thread Rasmus
sed Scrivener. I would also like to see this. It sounds nice when I read your description, but I still don't fully appreciate the idea. –Rasmus -- Vote for proprietary math!

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-05 Thread Rasmus
plain text - html; blogs - beamer slides; html slides For instance, such a page could show a simple org source file and the exported version. –Rasmus Footnotes:  ¹ The org exporter is very impressive by now thanks to Nicolas, Jambunathan, Luis and the rest of the gang. Thanks. -- If you ca

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-07 Thread Rasmus
tially with links. –Rasmus -- C is for Cookie

Re: [O] [OFFTOPIC] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-07 Thread Rasmus
ords are the same). I use Keysnail ¹ which runs with normal Firefox and gives it more of an Emacs feel. Obviously, not as much as Conkeror, but it allows you to follow Firefox bleeding edge and still have nice key bindings etc. –Rasmus Footnotes:  ¹ https://github.com/mooz/keysnail/wiki -- C is for Cookie

Re: [O] org-pretty-entities and symbols like M_x^y

2012-12-13 Thread Rasmus
") ("coloneqq" "\\coloneqq" t "≔" ":=" ":=" "≔") ("eqqcolon" "\\eqqcolon" t "≕" "=:" "=:" "≕") ("cdot

[O] When facts change (was: org-pretty-entities and symbols like M_x^y)

2012-12-13 Thread Rasmus
oo dear for some practitioner, as Lord Keynes was when he allegedly spoke those words. What if the 'facts' only converge back to your preferred state in the long run, when we are all dead? :) –Rasmus -- . . . It begins of course with The Internet. A Net of Peers.

Re: [O] org-caldav: New version with proper two-way sync

2013-01-14 Thread Rasmus
t with smart phones, I guess! –Rasmus -- Don't panic!!!

Re: [O] Export a weekly calendar view from org-agenda

2013-01-17 Thread Rasmus
> Maybe I should say more specific, I am looking for a typical calendar view > (sort of table) as you know them from paper-based organizers. > If I understood your solution, I would get a plain list of all events. Here's some options requiring little effort, but also somewhat unsatisfactory: 1.

Re: [O] A manuscript on "reproducible research" introducing org-mode

2012-02-18 Thread Rasmus
cent project Knitr? Basically, it is a new Sweave which integrate (i) Sweave, (ii) TiKZDevice, (iii) cacheSweave, and (iv) code highlight into one very well-functioning package. It kind of works with Org, but not ideally¹. It might be nice to integrate it closer with Babel-R, as it just-works

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