
I use org-google-weather.el to display the weather condition of a couple
of cities in my Agenda.  I would like to format the strings so that
certain elements are aligned.

Sometimes it looks like this: 

   W:    I Clear, 19-35 ᵒC    (Florence)
   W:    I Partly Sunny, 19-26 ᵒC    (Berlin)

(I is the icon).  I want it to look like:

   W:    I Clear,        19-35 ᵒC    (Florence)
   W:    I Partly Sunny, 19-26 ᵒC    (Berlin)

The string I use is:

(setq org-google-weather-format
       "%i %c, %l-%h %s    (%L)")

I tried something like 

   (format "%s %-7s %s %s %s" "%i" "%c," "%l-%h" "%s" "(%L)")

but this obviously doesn't work as the strings are only expanded in the
Agenda buffer.  Thus, I need to format my string after placeholders have
been expanded but before it's actually displayed in the Agenda buffer.

Is that somehow possible?


In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not

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