Bastien <> writes: > M_x ^y is the only (non fully satisfactory) solution I can think of.
In general org entities work wonders, and I'm a very happy user. I have a couple of others things that could be made nicer (somehow). '===>' indicates what would be nicer: - \frac{x}{y} ===> [(x)/(y)] or something similar. You'd need to be able to see that it was folded, somehow, e.g. '[' could have another color, or the background of (x)/(y) could be different. - \bar{x}, tilde{x}, underline{x}, ... ==> constructed using combining utf8 characters ¹ (or at least support of it; i couldn't get it working properly) - Being able to specify several white spaces (it seems not to work, e.g. below I would like to replace quad with " ␣ ", but this doesn't seem to work...). - perhaps overlay to indicate when something is folded/replaced with a utf8 character. Here's my org-entities-user btw: (setq org-entities-user '(("space" "\\ " " " " " " " " ") ("implies" "\\Rightarrow" t "⇒" "=>" "=>" "⇒") ("iff" "\\iff" t "⇔" "<=>" "<=>" "⇔") ("succcurlyeq" "\\succcurlyeq" t "≽" ">=" ">=" "≽") ("gimel" "\\gimel" t "ℷ" "gimel" "gimel" "ℷ") ("beth" "\\beth" t "ב" "bet" "bet" "ב") ("coloneqq" "\\coloneqq" t "≔" ":=" ":=" "≔") ("eqqcolon" "\\eqqcolon" t "≕" "=:" "=:" "≕") ("cdots" "\\cdots" t "…" "..." "..." "⋯") ("colon" "\\colon" t ":" ":" ":" ":") ("quad" " " nil " " " " " " "␣") ("geq" "\\ge" t "≥" ">=" ">=" "≥") ("suchthat" "\\suchthat" t "|" "|" "|" "|") ("leq" "\\leq" t "≤" "<=" "<=" "≤"))) All but suchthat are normal LaTeX characters. Perhaps, org entities could use the TeX input method as a souce of symbols? See: (describe-input-method "TeX") –Rasmus Footnotes: ¹ -- When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?