Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

>> I didn't manage to get your (Nicolas') or my own attempt working
>> correctly for exporting matrices.  I still think it would be nice.
> It's hard to fix this since you're not very explicit here.

Sorry; you posted a code first which didn't work at all for me; I
tried to fix it, and I posted a code which I though worked but in the
end it didn't.  Thus, I though it would be fair to post another
message stating this, if nothing else than for future viewers.

>> I tried to use the regexp 
>>    (not (string-match "|[\\+-]+|"  table))
>> to identify tables without heading separators, but it didn't work
>> properly.
> It cannot work in filters. These are applied on back-end ouput, in
> this case LaTeX code, not on Org code.

Aha, that explains a lot.  At some point when I don't have so many
assignments I really need to get to know the details of your work.
It's has so many cool features. 

> There is no TBLOPTIONS affiliated keyword, but it could go in

That a lot more clever.  I just made up TBLOPTIONS since I couldn't
think of anywhere better.  But you are of right.  Such an option would
fit perfectly into ATTR_LATEX.

> If you provide a full description of options and their effect, I
> might try to implement it.

Okay I'll try.  I don't know whether something like the below is what
you are thinking of.  I use matrices all of the time so it would be
nice for me.

 - PROPOSAL: New option(s)for ATTR_LATEX
   - :type :: options a lisp translation function or key words
              associated with a lisp list translation function.
     - Default keyword: table; other known keywords: matrix
       - table: current exporter
       - matrix: exports to LaTeX matrix determined by the variable
         org-export-latex-tables-matrix-default-type or :matrix-type.
         Default is: bmatrix or pmatrix (probably bmatrix).
         - in general array requires more configuration, but for me
           array need not be supported.

   - Matrix relevant keywords :: are the following
     - If the additional variable ALIGN is set to k ∈ {l,r,c} use
       the starred version of
       org-export-latex-tables-matrix-default-type or :matrix-type
     - If the additional keyword :bordered is t use the typeset
       the matrix as \borderedmatrix{&col1&
       ... &colN\\row1&...\\...\\rowN}.  A better example is
       here ¹.  Also, the default bordermatrix macro is determined
       via org-export-latex-tables-matrix-bordered-type s.t. one
       can specify kbordermatrix ² or qbordermatrix ³.  Perhaps
       Org automatically add the respective usepackage if this
       option is set to something different from bordermatrix
       (i.e. org-export-latex-tables-matrix-bordered-type is a
       list of lists where the first element of a list is the
       macro name and the second is the needed package).
     - If :matrix-pre "string" is set "string" is typeset before
       the matrix
     - If :matrix-post "string" is set then "string" is typeset
       after the matrix.
       - Alternatively, CAPTION could be used, but it seems weird.
         Are they written before or after the matrix?  I'd prefer
         CAPTIONs to be ignored typeset when matrices are typeset.
     - If the table has a name the matrix is typeset using
       equation and given an label.  If not it may be typeset
       using equation* or \[·\].
     - Potentially: an :inline exists s.t. if inline is t the
       matrix is typeset inline [i.e. with \(\)].  Perhaps, it
       should be smart and use the small verison of
       org-export-latex-tables-matrix-default-type.  I.e. if
       bmatrix use bsmallmatrix.  This could be set via



When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?

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