> [Matt and William's setup]

I have looked for a good way to keep track of academic papers (pdfs) and
Bibtex for a long time. I'd love to see a worg page on this topic.

Meanwhile, I have found some sweet Bibtex-search interfaces for
Emacs. These will query a academic search engine and can copy Bibtex
entries directly to a .bib file. I found bibsnarfl[fn:1] being the most
interesting, but a similar code is available for PubMed[fn:2].
Unfortunately, being limited to certain fields, I am personally not able
to adopt either. It would be great to have an interface to a general
academic search engine (Google Scholar, ugh?).

Imagine the combination of a Emacs-powered interface to some search
engine, a university network and some magic snip that would download a 
pdf, add it to a .bib-file (removing annoying entries and adding a
sensible key), and making a nice, easy-to-browse Org-file. 

One day, maybe...



[fn:1] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/bibsnarf.el

[fn:2] http://www.bioinformatics.org/texmed/

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