Check out the following code:
(defvar org-concatenated-properties '("AA")
"A list of property names (strings), which should be computed via
concatenation with the parent properties.")
(define-advice org-entry-get (:around (oldfun pom property &optional inherit
literal-nil) concatena
% of your workday so far)
> Unclocked time so far: 3min.
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> My questions are:
> - is anyone interested in something like this?
> - are there any features you would like to have? (I have some ideas,
> To motivate people focusing on there work, something like the link below
> could be
> an idea, especially for gamers ;)
> https://habitica.com/static/home
It would be great to integrate it with Org.
Roland Everaert writes:
> Regarding auto-clocking, you should look at what norang did.
I mean something like what we have for calendar sync.
The data can be stored/edited both in the service and in relevant org
Roland Everaert writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>>> To motivate people focusing on there work, something like the link below
Well, you could associate a reward to that kind of tasks.
For example, you can allow yourself to work half a day.
Alternatively, you can make a task you would like to do (say, watch a
new movie) to be blocked until the unwanted task is done.
"Peter Neilson" writes:
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:03:1
> I've thought about this for a while. It seems to me that the issue is
> that Org buffers are, of course, plain-text buffers. There is no
> persistent, in-memory representation other than the buffer, so whenever
> Org needs structured/semantic data, it must parse it out of the buffer,
"Note taker and org-clock-in enforcer"
Marcin Borkowski writes:
> Hi Orgers,
> I am making an Org-mode-based tool to help boost my productivity.
> I am constantly fighting a losing battle with distractions. I figured
> out that showing me
Hi Gustav,
Thanks for the patch!
I am a heavy user of org attachments, so it is pleasant that someone
spent a time to implement this useful feature into org.
A comment regarding the code.
Your new link types appears to reimplement some of the code for the
"file:" links.
Would it make more sense t
Did not know about `org-with-limited-levels'.
After reading the function docstring again, I see that it behaved
However, it seems that `org-back-to-heading' is not really used
according to the docstring in the org source code:
- `org-agenda' with subtree restriction: the results
ased on the name and
> path of the org-file and its headings containing the links. I probably
> wouldn't use it much myself though. Not until org-mode starts working better
> with multiple files, allowing us to more easily define "org-mode libraries".
> /G
urrent-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
(concat (format "* %s\n" (buffer-file-name))
(replace-regexp-in-string "^\\*" (concat "*" stars)
Gustav Wikström writes:
> Hi
> Decoupling is not a good idea. Because it will let user define too much
> keybindings. And User can define keybinding in Emacs easily. Emacs is
> powerful for customization.
I disagree. It is against emacs philosophy.
It is one of the key features of emacs that users can redefine
keybindings if
cool to be able to
> do that but my intention was more about introducing the 0-level headline
> concept.
Yeah. But someone needs to volunteer with the patch.
It would be even better if these 0-level headings can be edited from the
referencing file.
Gustav Wikström writes:
See the code below:
#+NAME: ansi-escape-filter
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=""
(insert data)
(ansi-color-apply-on-region (point-min) (point-max))
#+RESULTS: ansi-escape-filter
#+begin_src sh :dir /sudo:: :results output :post
There seems to be not much interest about this email, so I doubt that
the described functionality will be added to org any time soon.
However, let me try to give you some hints, which might be useful for
your personal config.
> For example, how would one create a custom agenda view that
> -
g-mode, especially for interacting with code.
> If you are interested, please, see this link:
> https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=35419
Ihor Radchenko,
Description: PGP signature
ove useful in
> Org-mode, especially for interacting with code.
> If you are interested, please, see this link:
> https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=35419
Ihor Radchenko,
Description: PGP signature
--- End Message ---
Ihor Radchenko,
by increasing the structure size a bit, we can
significantly speed up the buffer motion commands.
Eli Zaretskii writes:
>> From: 'Ihor Radchenko'
>> Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 14:23:06 +0800
>> C-n and C-p are extremely slow (>10 sec to move one visua
> (2) how can "embedding" (of a buffer as a part of another buffer as an
> area) be done efficiently? This could possibly be approached as two
> problems: (i) displaying the area and (ii) interacting with it.
> Any ideas?
Ihor Radchenko,
Dear Michael,
> ... I want self-explaining links with the already existing and
> complete heading structure and don't want to add any ID, CUSTOM_ID or
> <>. See this example:
I am wondering why you are strictly against ID properties.
The IDs can be set automatically. The property drawer can be h
Dear Martin,
Just go to the beginning of buffer and (while (re-search-forward
org-clock-line-re) (org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c)) . Or you can use keyboard
macros ;)
Martin Schroeder writes:
> I have imported a bunch of log lines with CLOCK periods from another
> program into an org file but I
rk is yet unfinished.
I see. Hope that overlays will be optimised eventually...
Eli Zaretskii writes:
>> From: Ihor Radchenko
>> Cc: 35...@debbugs.gnu.org
>> Date: Sun, 05 May 2019 09:05:46 +0800
>> > Of course, if someone comes up with ideas how to spee
> There must be good reasons why some more
> users than just me sometimes prefer the format B over A:
Fair enough. Thanks for the clarification.
Michael Brand writes:
> Hi Ihor
> On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 5:27 AM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> I am wonder
Dear Dmitrii,
Regarding the question about buffer-lens interaction. Let's take even
more complicated example: To run the command, the user hits some key
combination, which happens to be bound to different commands in the main
buffer and in the lense buffer (i.e. the main buffer is in org-mode, th
of 2019-04-29
Package: Org mode version 9.2.3 (9.2.3-17-g4df705-elpaplus @
Ihor Radchenko,
Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-nano)
State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials,
When defining a time interval using org-schedule, I can usually type
something like "2pm+2" and get "SCHEDULED: <2019-07-09 Tue
14:00-16:00>". However, typing "11pm+2" leads to incorrect behaviour.
The result is "SCHEDULED: <2019-07-09 Tue 23:00-25:00>", which is
obviously wrong.
Emacs : GNU Em
Thanks for the clarification. I never saw this format earlier.
Matthew Piziak writes:
>> obviously wrong
> It's natural to think so, but my Org mode correctly interprets `Tue
> 25:00` as being equivalent to `Wed 01:00`. That includes agenda
> scheduling filters.
> This format is used in t
> That includes agenda scheduling filters.
I recently tried to use the format. Actually, agenda fails to recognise
schedule interval like "SCHEDULED: <2019-07-23 Tue 23:00-29:00>". The
task is not shown in agenda view with error "org-duration-to-minutes:
Invalid duration format: "+5:00"".
The pr
> ATTACH_DIR_INHERIT is no longer supported and is +removed.
I just found that removing ATTACH_DIR_INHERIT broke my current
configuration. I do not use ATTACH_DIR property - all the attachment
folders are created using ID. Also, I use ID property to store links to
entries. Therefore, inheriti
(or attach-dir-inherited
Gustav Wikström writes:
> Hi Ihor,
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Ihor Radchenko
>> Sent: den 27 juli 2019 16:56
>> To: Gustav Wikström ; Nicolas Goaziou
>> Cc: e
Dear Nathan,
> Has anyone coded such a plugin or am I missing some cool Helm-fu?
Not exactly the same, but see the code below. Note that the code does
not support creating CUSTOM_ID. Instead, it silently creates an ID if it
does not exist (see (org-id-get ... 'create)).
The helm completion will w
"/" (yant/task-fulltitle)
(org-link-set-parameters "id"
:desk #'org-id-link-desk)
Ihor Radchenko,
Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-nano)
State Key Laboratory for Me
If you replace desk with
> description everywhere in your code is that what you mean?
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Hi,
>> Wondering if anyone is interested in adding a new org-link property to
>> customise generating the link description.
Emacs : GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit)
of 2019-04-29
Package: Org mode version 9.1.13 (9.1.13-dist @
Ihor Radchenko,
Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-nano
> Carsten
> On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 8:22 AM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> org-sort-entries seems to unfold everything in the subtree even if no
>> modification was done to the buffer during sorting.
>> Steps to reproduce:
>> Conside
I have one scheduled item like the following:
* test
<2019-12-05 Thu 23:00-29:00>
This kind of item fails to be parsed by agenda because of incorrect
treatment of 23:00-29:00 time interval
Specifically, calling
(org-agenda-format-item nil #("test" 0 3 (face org-level-1 org-category
"schedule" fo
0 is a valid time interval
format [1].
[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-07/msg00039.html
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Hello,
> 'Ihor Radchenko' writes:
>> I have one scheduled item like the following:
>> * test
hat is produced by typing 11pm+6 in org-read-date).
However, I got a reply that 23:00-29:00 is a valid time interval
format (see "Bug: Incorrect behaviour of org-schedule when defining a
time in").
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Hello,
> 'Ihor Radchenko' wri
I am thinking if it is possible to implement org-agenda-redo
Rebuilding agenda should normally not affect any buffer except agenda
buffer. So, it should be sufficient to block any agenda modifying
commands in the agenda buffer, redo the agenda buffer in separate
thread, and replace
Diego Zamboni writes:
> Hi Ihor,
> I cannot answer your question, but I am curious about using async together
> with tangling, since for some of my buffers, tangling takes some time and
> freezes Emacs in the process. Do you have some e
lid results. One could force the buffers to be saved first,
> but that may not always be desirable, as saving buffers can have
> side effects.
> If your agenda buffers are taking too long to refresh, you might
> consider org-ql's views/saved-searches as an alternative.
es are tested against every headline.
I can rewrite my skip functions into queries, but I don't expect much
improvement since org-ql seems to use org-entry-get, which is the main
performance bottleneck for my agenda generation.
adam Porter writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
to agenda code just to check how
> bad the performance can degrade.
>> org-ql doesn't use skip functions, just queries.
> Skip functions are essentially used-defined queries as soon as the
> queries are tested against every headline.
> I can rewrite my skip functions into
the lambda (in the process
buffer). But backwards-sexp fails on float (it moves point just after
the point).
Diego Zamboni writes:
> Hi Ihor,
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 4:00 PM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> See the relevant code from my config below. Let me know if
the lambda (in the process
buffer). But backwards-sexp fails on float (it moves point just after
the point).
P.S. I just noticed that async tangle fails when I try to tangle into
"/sudo::filename". Not even sure how to fix it.
Diego Zamboni writes:
> Hi Ihor,
Thanks for the info! I did not know about this optimisation in org-ql.
org-entry-get consumes most of cpu time while building my agenda views.
Though I don't think that there will be much difference for me since
most of my property conditions in agenda involve inherited properties.
1. Create an org file with the following contents:
* 1
** 2
2. emacs -Q
3. Open the file
4. Put the point at the end of the second headline
5. M-: (message "%s" (org-element-at-point))
Expected behaviour:
According to org-element-at-point docstring, "Properties depend on
element or ob
Dear Michael,
> BTW, what is the canonical place to report org-mode bugs? Emacs bug
> reports are not (takes a long time until someone even notices) -- I
> thought this list would be good...or is there a better place? @Adam
> it's ok if you answer, though I'm a bit disappointed that no one else
1. emacs -Q
2. Execute the following lisp code:
(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
(require 'org-tempo)
(push (cons "el" "src emacs-lisp") org-structure-template-alist)
3. Create the following org file:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
4. Put the point before the code block
5.1. Typ
x27; values.
> Those are innocuous when `org-src-tab-acts-natively' is nil.
The most straightforward solutions are deleting the `'>' elements from
the template or temporary setting the `org-src-tabs-acts-natively' to
"Berry, Charles" writes:
[Forwarding this to emacs-devel]
The naming convention for mode-specific bug reporting seems to be
confusing. The bug reporting functions are often not easy to discover
without knowing the explicit command name (especially with emacs default
completion interface). For example see recent message i
Ihor Radchenko,
Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-nano)
State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong
University, Xi'an, China
Email: yanta...@gmail.com, ihor_radche...@alumni.sutd.edu.sg
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
e across the buffer with re-search-forward).
Any ideas how to deal with this?
Adam Porter writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>>>> Asynchronous code is not faster; it's generally slower because of
>>>> yielding and synchronization.
> #+end_src
> Can I add this as a patch to Org Mode repository?
> --
> [ stardiviner ]
>I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want to express.
>Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
> IRC(freenode): st
t 0)) ;; handle org-mode syntax in body
(org-escape-code-in-region (point-min) (point-max)))
stardiviner writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> [offtopic]
("ftp" :follow
> #[257 "\301\300\302Q!\207" ["ftp" browse-url ":"] 5
> "\n\n(fn URL)"]
> )
>("help" :fo
org-element-cache). At least, optionally.
I was counting on this feature to try speeding up my agenda generation
(using org-element-cache).
Bastien writes:
> Hi Ihor,
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> According to org-element-at-point docstring, "Properties d
pt my idea about
using cache to speed up agenda. But I was stuck with the :parent
property issue and did not play much further since that time.
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Hello,
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>>> Probably the docstring needs to be adapted - Nicolas
>> > E.g. for the sql src block, I want to execute a script on different
>> server.
>> > I want to define a variable for the ":dbhost" variable.
>> did you think about something like this?
>> (setq hmw/dbhost "db1")
idnight in UTC+8.
Emacs : GNU Emacs 25.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit)
of 2017-12-06
Package: Org mode version 9.1.4 (9.1.4-13-g84cb63-elpa @
Ihor Radchenko,
PhD Student
Singapore University of Technology and Design,
8 Somapah Road Singapore 48
-g84cb63-elpa @
Ihor Radchenko,
PhD Student
Singapore University of Technology and Design,
8 Somapah Road Singapore 487372
Email: yanta...@gmail.com, ihor_radche...@mymail.sutd.edu.sg
Tel: +6584017977
Description: PGP signature
I am dumb...
Forgot to load 'org-inlinetask
'Ihor Radchenko' writes:
> 1. Create the following same org file:
> * Test
> - blah
> - a
> - b
> - c
> *** List folding stops here
> :ID: 27eb85
> in friendly jest:
> On 12/21/17, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination,
>> distribution, or copying of this message, or any attachment, is strictly
>> prohibited. If you have received this email in error, pleas
ame file. I like to keep files as
> attachments so that they are committed with my org-files. Any help here,
> either in fixing my workflow or helping me figure out how to get a link
> to an existing file that is attached to an org-heading, would be greatly
> appreciated.
:. And I'd like to be able to find
> them both when searching for :food:.
> How can we do this?
> As always, thanks a lot for your time and attention... :)
> --
> eduardo mercovich
> Donde se cruzan tus talentos
> con las necesidades del mundo,
> In ORG I select new heading than TODO from the menu but I don’t understand
> how to save this so that it works with things like agenda view?
Ihor Radchenko,
PhD Student
Singapore University of Technology and Design,
8 Somapah Road Singapore 487372
Email: yanta...@gmail.com, iho
nd Org are, this is one area in which their
> power may make them more vulnerable to such issues. Their use of global
> state and special variables also makes unintended consequences easier to
> achieve.
> This is why I think we should always be very careful. Org is nothing if
> :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: ./a_project
> :END:
> project: {{{property(NAME)}}}
> for: {{{property(CLIENT)}}}
> {{{property(CLIENT_ADDRESS)}}}
> {{{property(CLIENT_EMAIL)}}}
Ihor Rad
Michael Dauer writes:
> Hi,
> Was something wrong with my previous report or is nobody interested in
> inline tasks?
Your report is fine, but please note the following
>> What to do if you don't receive an answer
>> If your email is reference
Michael Dauer writes:
> I wanted to help you with testing. But I could not find a branch dev in
> that repo.
I did not mean literally "dev" branch. The default branch there is my
local patches I plan to merge to Org eventually.
> Anyway, I'll wait for it to be populated into the main repo. When
Max Nikulin writes:
> - I am in doubts whether "emacs -Q -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp" way to try
> version from git is important enough for the manual. I have added a
> separate patch however to discuss such change.
I feel that it should not be in the manual. However, it may be helpful
addition to
tumashu writes:
> Hello:
> When I update to org 9.5, I find that the align of time like "7:00" has
> been changed.
> I think the new style is not beautiful as old style.
> 1. New style look like not align to the first char, for the width of 9 looks
> like > 1
> 2. the old style is
round should be needed.
>From 7033289d7e717eb841d550fbdbc0cc878b96cd32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <7033289d7e717eb841d550fbdbc0cc878b96cd32.1633005978.git.yanta...@gmail.com>
From: Ihor Radchenko
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 20:40:37 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] ob-gnuplot: Honour :missing argumen
Sébastien Miquel writes:
> I had done some testing, and some more recently. The patch only affects
> latex-fragments and org entities to be edited which do not need to start
> at a
> beginning of line (latex-fragments, inline src blocks, footnote
> definitions).
Also looks fine for me.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> The attached patch should fix the issue, though it may be more
> reasonable to fix orgtbl-to-generic logic.
Given Nicholas' reply, changing orgtbl-to-generic may not be a good idea
and break other code using orgtbl-to-generic.
Applied as ddee7b617 on bugfix
s are ignored? (see the attached)
>From 60365a164147dfc71f0047661c143b54064a459b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <60365a164147dfc71f0047661c143b54064a459b.1633060596.git.yanta...@gmail.com>
From: Ihor Radchenko
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2021 11:40:54 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] orgtbl-to-generic: Mention that :fm
eading 2 and expand it (TAB)
I propose an alternative patch. See the attached.
>From ec78cbc00b4e2abf201149b76ce41df87869627f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ihor Radchenko
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2021 14:03:47 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] org-inlinetask.el: Fix visibility cycling for i
JARZz writes:
> I don't know what happens behind the scenes exactly, but it takes a good
> minute or to load my agenda with all the files, and it can take 10-15 minutes
> to search through them for a specific string. This problem also happens when
> I used sshfs, which makes me believe more st
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
>> At this point, third-party code is likely to rely on the existing logic,
>> so I do not see any reason to insist on changing org-table.
> If you think it is overall an improvement, feel free to discuss it. I'm
> merely pointing out what was the initial intent, not nec
Nick Anderson writes:
> I have an org-mode file that contains headings with attachments. When I
> `org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize' I get an error, `"Need absolute
> `org-attach-id-dir' to attach in buffers without filename"'.
> `org-attach-id-dir' has the value `data/'. I get this error even when I
The fix is attached.
>From a4c864b7f983a135e8debbc32d8ef4ff3f2e89f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ihor Radchenko
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2021 17:47:02 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] org-do-emphasis-faces: Never treat closing marker as next
opening marker
* lisp/or
JARZz writes:
>> Does opening org files manually take a lot of time for you?
>> Are you using org-id?
>> Can you track down the problematic function using M-x profiler-start /
> These are good questions.
> I *do* use org-id. I started doing this more recently. I use a package called
> su
Johan Tolö writes:
> Hi,
> I have set 'org-attach-use-inheritance' to t. If a heading has no
> parents it seems to inherit from the first heading in the file
> which has either the ID or DIR property set, ie from the first
> sibling above it. I'm guessing this is not the expected behaviour?
Bastien writes:
> Hi Ihor,
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> The fix is attached.
> Looks good, feel free to apply in the bugfix branch.
Done (fa315986a). Marking the bug as fixed.
Should I also merge main with bugfix every time?
Also marking patch as applied
Bastien writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Should I also merge main with bugfix every time?
> You should merge bugfix into main, yes (but not main into bugfix.)
Thanks for the clarification. It indeed makes sense, but I was not sure
if merging too frequently is ok or not.
Jean-Christophe Helary writes:
> I'm trying to work with SourceHut (sr.ht) and right now they only accept
> Markdown syntax for their readme/wiki files.
> Since I work in Emacs/org-mode to write my documents (and try to stick to
> that), I'd like to know if there is an elegant way to export o
Jean-Christophe Helary writes:
> My follow-up question is, most of the ox-stuff seem to be installed by
> default, as far as I can tell. Why is ox-md not ?
Not most. The default export backends are:
> org-export-backends is a variable defined in org.el.
> Value
> (ascii html icalendar latex
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> spect...@mail.com writes:
>> In a preexisting org table, hitting can add a new, unintended column
>> Bug: After the 2nd iteration, org adds a unintended new column. Further
>> iteration adds more columns.
> Confirmed
Jean-Christophe Helary writes:
> Next (related) question:
> Why that ugly number in front of headers defined with in HTML ?
I have little knowledge about HTML export... I blind guess is that you
may disable org-export-with-section-numbers
(see "14.1.5 Options for the exporters" section of the
Jarmo Hurri writes:
> Greetings.
> I just installed (stable) 9.5. from GNU ELPA, and tried to see what my
> agenda for today looks like. The agenda is empty, and I got error
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function (date date))
> with backtrace
> (date date)()
> org-agenda-ge
Ryan Scott writes:
> -(or (and dir (file-name-as-directory dir)) default-directory))
> +(or (and dir (if (eq dir 'attach)
> +(org-attach-dir t)
> + (file-name-as-directory dir)))
> + def
Trevoke writes:
> I've looked at the code around adding a log-note and it looks like it might
> be automatable but there's a lot of pieces I don't know in there, so if
> there's a way to add just a state transition with a programmatically
> provided note, I'll take that, please :)
It may be frag
dalanicolai writes:
> As svg is just xml, for small sketches I would prefer to insert directly
> the xml
> into the org-buffer within an image block, in which I can quickly toggle
> showing
> the image using `C-c C-c` (or `org-toggle-inline-images`). Also, exporting
> such
> xml should work perfe
Vladimir Nikishkin writes:
> Does anybody have a workaround for this?
Note that ox-bibtex is not a part of Org now. Maybe you try using new
org-cite syntax instead? It should support HTML natively.
Joseph Vidal-Rosset writes:
> I got the following backtrace:
Err... This looks strange. Can you try re-installing Org? Or otherwise
go to org-capture.el, M-x eval-buffer, and try to get backtrace again
(hopefully, it can become more readable then).
Message-Id: <63870bec28e59732cbbdf8b2534f6ece96e2d5d8.1633171544.git.yanta...@gmail.com>
From: Ihor Radchenko
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2021 18:32:34 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] org-list: Do not move point when promoting/demoting items
* lisp/org-list.el (org-list-struct-apply-struct): Make sure the
origin marker i
Max Nikulin writes:
> Unfortunately I have no idea how to get Message-ID having a link to
> particular message on lists.gnu.org without search by e.g. subject and
> author.
It can be parsed from the html. Something like below (it is my
home-made parser, but I think the idea should be clear):
Rodrigo Morales writes:
> Non-existent agenda file ~/foo.org. [R]emove from list or [A]bort?
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