"Note taker and org-clock-in enforcer"


Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> Hi Orgers,
> I am making an Org-mode-based tool to help boost my productivity.
> I am constantly fighting a losing battle with distractions.  I figured
> out that showing me how much time I spent goofing around would help me
> stay on track (being a math geek and a gamer, my "let's break my
> yesterday's score" and similar instincts kick in immediately, too).  So
> far, I have these in my prototype:
> - a notification (recurring every n seconds) that I'm not clocking
>   anything,
> - some stats about what I spent my time on and what my efficiency (i.e.,
>   percentage of time I spent working from the point when I started
>   counting to now) is,
> - info about how much work I need to do in order to meet my set goal,
>   and how much will it take if my efficiency remains constant,
> - a warning when my efficiency is lower than a set value, and info about
>   how much work I need to do to bump it up to that value.
> Here's an example output (with some partially faked data):
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> 39min of your workday (10%) has passed, and you have 5h 31min left.
> work - 30min spent (12% of your goal of 4h and 75% of your workday so far)
>        3h 30min remaining (4h 39min with your current efficiency of 75%).
>        You need 9min of uninterrupted work to get back to 80% efficiency.
> eating - 4min spent (10% of your workday so far)
> bathroom - 2min spent (5% of your workday so far)
> unclassified - 0min spent (0% of your workday so far)
> Unclocked time so far: 3min.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> My questions are:
> - is anyone interested in something like this?
> - are there any features you would like to have?  (I have some ideas,
>   too.)
> - does anyone have an idea of how to /name/ this project?
> TIA,
> --
> Marcin Borkowski

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