> Can you please provide an example file and exact steps you did to export
> it? See https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html
Sorry for the confusion, I figured it out: I was missing `julia-mode'
and `(require 'julia-mode)'. But thanks for the support.
> Maybe the org-make-toc package can help you with what you're looking for:
> https://github.com/alphapapa/org-make-toc
> You can choose a heading on every document to contain a TOC. And then link
> each heading via org-transclusion:
> https://github.com/nobiot/org-transclusion
Thanks fo
On Monday, 26 Sep 2022 at 15:18, reza wrote:
> it is set to `css', this is the correct choice, no?
Yes, I set this to css and fontification of Julia src blocks works for
What does the generated HTML look like? Maybe post a snippet of the
: Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.5-815-g
Thanks for answering.
Ihor Radchenko writes on Tue 27 Sep 2022 09:55:
> alain.coch...@unistra.fr writes:
> > Hello. I have the file:
> >
> >* COMMENT foo
> >#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: foo.pdf
> >#+TITLE: foot
> >fofoo
> >* bar
> >#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: bar.pdf
> >
reza writes:
> I'm using org publish, but the sitemap does only collect the titles from
> org files but I want the complete toc of each file and as far as I
> undesrand this is not possible with sitemap?
You just need a custom :sitemap-function.
The default `org-publish-sitemap-default' flatte
> I presume that you are attempting to export multiple org files at the
> same time.
> Such functionality is covered by Org publish.
> Org publish allows generating a sitemap, which is another word for TOC
> in a multifile export. See 14.1.7 Generating a sitemap section of Org
> manual.
>> Likely `org-element-map' allows to extract headings. There are should
>> be some example in the mail list archive and at worg (hacks, perhaps
>> in FAQ).
> See also info "(org) Using the Mapping API"
> https://orgmode.org/manual/Using-the-Mapping-API.html
> for `org-map-entries'.
Thanks fo
alain.coch...@unistra.fr writes:
> >In-buffer settings may appear anywhere in the file, either directly
> > or indirectly through a file included using ‘#+SETUPFILE: filename or
> > URL’ syntax.
> >
> > Because export settings are global, they have higher priority over the
> You just need a custom :sitemap-function.
> The default `org-publish-sitemap-default' flattens the hierarchy.
> From the manual:
> ‘:sitemap-function’
> Plug-in function to use for generation of the sitemap. It is
> called with two arguments: the title of the site-map and a
tbanelwebmin writes:
> You may try:
> #+header: :includes '("" "")
> Also, you have this commented line:
> # #+header: :var table=
> It seems to break the #+header: chain
> Just remove it.
> By the way, to figure out future compilation problems, you may click on the
> error:
> /tmp/
Hello Bastien! So long... :)
Pleasure to meet you Timothy. :)
IMHO if someone with UX/UI experience can/wants to interview real Org
newcomers, that will help us a lot for deciding about such tiny changes.
Unfortunately, it can be quite hard to find such people on the ML etc. (funny
about tha
Hi all,
The bilingual critical edition (ancient Greek/Spanish) of the letters of
Demosthenes and Aeschines has recently been published in Spain, a book
whose production and typesetting I have taken charge of, using Org and
Org-publish. Although I already have a long experience typesetting
Bastien writes:
> Our commit messages should only refer to public archives of the Org
> mailing list (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/ or
> https://list.orgmode.org).
> If a discussion on #org-mode or a GitHub repository is relevant for
> Org development, it has to be referred
Bastien writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Maybe we can nicely ask moderators/active users of reddit/SO to redirect
>> people to Org ML when appropriate? Similar to our current effort with
>> contributor stewards.
> That's a very good idea!
> If these contributor stewards agree, we can ev
Payas Relekar writes:
> Perhaps we can check if it is indeed possible to bridge both Discourse
> and mailing list seamlessly (or close enough). There are some issues
> with extra chrome and clutter in discourse notifications, but these 2
> links are what I found in 5 minutes of googling. A more t
The attached patch is the first step toward integrating DOCT[1]
syntax into Org mode.
It adds property options to org-capture-templates which make it
easier to run template-specific hooks.
The current approach for running such hooks involves adding to the
desired global hook variable and filteri
On 27/09/2022 03:13, Tim Cross wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
On 26/09/2022 18:39, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Should we add page break (^L) to our syntax? It sounds like a reasonable
addition for a text-based markup.
I do not have strong opinion. It is a control character while I prefer explicit
No Wayman writes:
The attached patch is the first step toward integrating DOCT[1]
syntax into Org mode.
It adds property options to org-capture-templates which make it
easier to run template-specific hooks.
The current approach for running such hooks involves adding to
desired global ho
On 27/09/2022 11:31, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Having examined 13.10.2, with the polyglossia package installed and
accessible to orgmode putting set-language into the right place would
default to English and other languages would need to specify their
language for a pdf export. On Linux I have espeak
On 27/09/2022 08:40, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
There is the `org-store-link-plist' variable used by :store functions
from `org-link-parameters' but not by the
`org-create-file-search-functions' hook. Maybe it is enough to add
Reading through `org-store-link-functions' docstrin
On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 5:16 PM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> I think you tried to use M-x profiler-stop instead of M-x profiler-report
> M-x profiler-report show yield a new buffer displayed the profiler tree.
> M-x profiler-write-profile will work from inside that buffer.
I was careful to do the step
* Quiliro Ordóñez [2022-08-16 02:55]:
> El 2022-08-15 10:45, Jean Louis escribió:
> > * ypuntot [2022-06-15 21:08]:
> >> If you wanted to play with Emacs on the beach or sitting in front of
> >> your home, what would be your emacser setup?
> >
> > On the beach, I would be creative and use Markdo
reza writes:
>> You may create a function similar to `org-publish-sitemap-default' but
>> using `org-list-to-subtree' instead of `org-list-to-org'
> Thanks for the pointers, but I can't figure out how to get from there to
> a toc? As I understand, `list' is a list of files from my project an
* indieterminacy [2022-06-20 19:26]:
> I recommend Hyperbole, though I must confess Ive been using Orgmode a lot
> less since Ive been focusing on the format GemText.
Hyperbole and Orgmode are programs of different types, and thus not
comparable to each other. Sure I can compare the traffic signs
Your ideas are inspirational.
Myself I think of implementing meta links that shall look similar like
this: ⟦ (link 123) ⟧ and which would be inserted very easily by
completing the choice among many links.
The link would appear underlined anywhere in Emacs if mode is turned
on. It would appear eit
* Tim Cross [2022-06-21 02:43]:
> Russell Adams writes:
> > On Mon, Jun 20, 2022 at 02:03:15PM +, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> >> I've been intrigued with GNU Hyperbole for a while. I'm reading the
> >> documentation and trying it out a bit. It seems that its button system
> >> is very p
* Tim Cross [2022-06-21 02:43]:
> In the end, it came down to asking myself do I really want yet another
> information management framework in my life and the answer was no. I do
> vaguely recall (it was a while ago) there were some ideas I thought
> would be good to add to org mode though. Unfort
Luca Ferrari writes:
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 5:16 PM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> I think you tried to use M-x profiler-stop instead of M-x profiler-report
>> M-x profiler-report show yield a new buffer displayed the profiler tree.
>> M-x profiler-write-profile will work from inside that buffer.
* Samuel Wales [2022-06-24 07:33]:
> hi robert, welcome to the org list and thanks for your offer.
> for starters, does hyperbole have any concept of links that are:
> - unbreakable [like org-id]
> - bidirectional [link a goes to link b; link b goes to link a], or,
> reversible via comman
* Robert Weiner [2022-06-24 12:53]:
> Hyperbole does not have bi-directional links, only a history
> function to move back through followed node paths. We have started
> thinking about this need recently.
If at all it is useful.
As you know I am using database backed Dynamic Knowledge Repositor
On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 04:06:17PM +0300, Jean Louis wrote:
> * Tim Cross [2022-06-21 02:43]:
> >
> > Russell Adams writes:
> >
> > > On Mon, Jun 20, 2022 at 02:03:15PM +, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> > >> I've been intrigued with GNU Hyperbole for a while. I'm reading the
> > >> documentation
* Robert Weiner [2022-06-26 21:25]:
> I took a brief look today at some of the code in the latest packaged
> release of eev from ELPA, as well as a bit at some of your email archives
> and video links. What I see is that you like things extraordinarily
> concrete and packages like Hyperbole and O
* Robert Weiner [2022-06-27 03:51]:
> (defun youtube-url-from-time (video-link time-string)
> "Given a VIDEO-LINK and a colon-separated TIME-STRING, e.g. 2:44 (two
> minutes, 45 seconds into the video), return the url to play from that point
> in the video.
> Return nil if TIME-STRING is invalid
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> The bilingual critical edition (ancient Greek/Spanish) of the letters of
> Demosthenes and Aeschines has recently been published in Spain, a book
> whose production and typesetting I have taken charge of, using Org and
> Org-publish. Although I already have a long exp
* Robert Weiner [2022-06-25 23:52]:
> 2. We have not yet integrated org-export with the Koutliner but want
> to. You can convert a Koutline to a star outline and call it an Org
> file, so it wouldn’t be too hard. It has its own builtin export to
> HTML from which you could get to pdf as well, I
Hi All,
I’m trying to make a .org refcard. There are two benefits I see, first we can
`(org-release)' during export and so move `(org-release)' out of the makefile,
secondly this enables us to have keybindings that are always up to date. Users
who have customised the keybindings (or fram
* Eduardo Ochs [2022-06-28 09:54]:
> with hyperbole-mode active... my notes are here - for the sake of
> completeness; I don't expect them to be readable -
> (code-c-d "hyperbole" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/hyperbole-8.0.0/")
> (require 'hyperbole)
> (hyperbole-mode 0)
> (find-hyperbolefile "DEMO
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> The bilingual critical edition (ancient Greek/Spanish) of the letters of
> Demosthenes and Aeschines has recently been published in Spain, a book whose
> production and typesetting I have taken charge of, using Org and Org-publish.
What is the name of this book / t
Hi, Ihor, thanks for your comments.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> This post appears to be a nice fit for
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-blog-articles.html (except non-permanent
> imgur links). Do you have an Org version? Or maybe an actual blog post?
Precisely I have in mind to publish in my blog on
On Tue, 27 Sept 2022 at 12:11, Jean Louis wrote:
> (...)
Hi Jean Louis,
> Instead of:
> > (find-evardescr 'hkey-alist)
> I would like to see visually:
> "Description of Emacs Lisp function `hkey-alist'"
In cases like that there would be some key sequence that parses the
text and the tex
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Payas Relekar writes:
>> Perhaps we can check if it is indeed possible to bridge both Discourse
>> and mailing list seamlessly (or close enough). There are some issues
>> with extra chrome and clutter in discourse notifications, but these 2
>> links are what I found
On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 2:25 PM Tim Cross wrote:
> Discourse is not free - either you have to pay or you have to self host.
IIRC, it is for open source projects.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Do note that I sometimes referred to reddit/SO questions in patches.
> Should we avoid this?
Yes. If someone reports a bug on reddit/SO/X we should encourage
her/him to fill it on the list. If he/she doesn't, we should fill it
ourselve there for the record, adding the
Hi Daniel,
thanks for volunteering! I added you as the ob-clojure.el maintainer
on the main branch (commit 1c7acb427).
Replying to emails when we CC you should be enough, but more help is
always welcome, of course.
Also, please create an account on https://savannah.gnu.org/git/ and
ask to join
"Bruce D'Arcus" writes:
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 2:25 PM Tim Cross wrote:
>> Discourse is not free - either you have to pay or you have to self host.
> IIRC, it is for open source projects.
> Yes:
> https://blog.discourse.org/2018/11/free-hosting-for-open-source-v2/
> Bruce
Attached is a revision which fixes a typo in a comment.
>From af1d14439d6ada284b5f9b8f17a3da2a172808f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicholas Vollmer
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 05:44:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] org-capture: Add template hook properties
* lisp/org-capture.el (org-capture-templates):
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
> I’m trying to make a .org refcard.
Is it intented to replace orgcard.tex at some point? I believe we
should stick to using the same format for Org than for Emacs. If this
is doable via an .org file that is easier to maintain, that's good.
PS: FWIW, I don't thin
Hi Christian,
thanks for the patch (you forgot to advertize it by adding [PATCH] in
the subject.)
Christian Köstlin writes:
> Please see the patch comment. I reworked my original patch to fit
> into the TINYPATCH category.
I'm CC'ing Thierry as the maintainer of ob-C.el.
The commit message sh
I don't think we should try to bridge the current mailing list with a
Discourse instance. One heavy blocker is that the Discourse instance
will not accept incoming emails from people who are not registered on
the instance.
If someone wants to set up a Discourse instance dedicated to the Org
On second thought, I'd prefer the keywords to allow a single
function or a list of functions.
This prevents breakage with current DOCT syntax and is cleaner
IMO. e.g.
#+begin_srce emacs-lisp :lexical t
(let ((org-capture-templates
'(("t" "test" plain (file "/tmp/test.org") "test %?"
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> The main question we need to answer is who is going to maintain that
> Discourse instance. AFAIU, Bastien is mainly concerned with the extra
> maintenance burden.
Not just this: I'm concerned with setting up a user-to-user discussion
space that reify a split between user
* Eduardo Ochs [2022-09-27 20:22]:
> On Tue, 27 Sept 2022 at 12:11, Jean Louis wrote:
> > (...)
> Hi Jean Louis,
> > Instead of:
> >
> > > (find-evardescr 'hkey-alist)
> >
> > I would like to see visually:
> >
> > "Description of Emacs Lisp function `hkey-alist'"
> In cases like that t
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Done now.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Which social website do you have in mind?
> I can ask @alphapapa from /r/orgmode.
> I guess we can also ask people hanging out on Doom discord and
> discourse.
> Maybe also Org roam people. They have discourse.
I'm short of additional ideas. This is a good start a
Hi Eduardo,
Eduardo Mercovich writes:
> Going back to think about some user testing, we should talk a bit about
> the test objectives to determine the sample screening, starting context
> and tasks...
Here are a the two main goals I see for https://orgmode.org:
- Answer the 3 top questions new
* Greg Minshall [2022-07-22 19:14]:
> hi. does anyone have any code, or know of any existing package, that
> would allow for some sort of form-like (or "transient"-like) interface
> for adding rows to an org-mode table? in particular, that provides some
> sort of =completing-read= interface for
* Jean Louis [2022-09-28 00:20]:
> Source:
> ⟦ (hyperscope-wrap-eev "Hyperbole DEMO file" '(find-hyperbolefile "DEMO")) ⟧
> Visual representation:
> Hyperbole DEMO file
> Using enter on the link brings me to DEMO file, I can add mouse later.
I guess you could re-write the function tha
Hi Jarmo,
Jarmo Hurri writes:
>> As maintainer(s) or ob-asymptote.el, the first step should probably be
>> to package it for GNU ELPA: both you and Luc have signed the FSF
>> copyright assignment, so there is no blocker for joining GNU ELPA.
>> Then we can move it out of org-contrib, which just
"Fraga, Eric" writes:
> Try M-x toggle-debug-on-quit RET and then export, hitting C-g when it
> gets stuck. That'll give you a backtrace which might help debug this.
Thank you Eric. I tried it and stopped after more than 3 minutes of
waiting. The output:
;; Debugger entered--Lisp error: (qui
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Profiler reports after C-g are not reliable.
> In addition to debug-on-quit, you can M-x debug-on-entry org-export-as
> and try to identify which part of that function is lagging.
I tried it and it says ...
Debugger entered--entering a function:
* org-export-as(h
Bastien writes:
> Timothy writes:
>> I’m trying to make a .org refcard.
> Is it intented to replace orgcard.tex at some point? I believe we
> should stick to using the same format for Org than for Emacs. If this
> is doable via an .org file that is easier to maintain, that's good.
Attached patch adds closing mark up for code in definition list.
>From d2ac397ea9dc4265f38cab070dccbbb82c61148f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicholas Vollmer
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 20:27:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] doc/org-manual.org fix capture Template elements typo
doc/org-manual.org |
Byte compiling in a clean environment yields the following
org-element.el:11:5682 Warning: defsubst
‘org-element--cache-active-p’ was used before it was defined.
I'll leave a patch to whoever is maintaining this feature because
it will involve hoisting several other variables to
On Tue, 27 Sept 2022 at 18:59, Jean Louis wrote:
> (...)
What did you do to inspect an Org link?
Here's what I just tried: I created a file /tmp/foo.org containing
" [[http://a/b/][ab]]\n"; - i.e., a space, a link, and a newline -
and then I marked the whole buffer and ran `M-1 M-x find-eregionp
Max Nikulin writes:
> > Actually ^L is a *page* separator (to be exact “FORM FEED”).
> I have realized that page separator for plain text is not necessary
> paragraph separator. The same paragraph may continue on the next page.
> It makes things more tricky. ^L should be kept on its own line
Max Nikulin writes:
> There are more inconsistencies. For a heading in an Org file 2 links may
> be created: title search and #custom_id. Only one link is removed by
> `org-insert-link'. Only one of them is checked if it has been stored
> earlier. Usually after several store+insert actions I h
Bastien writes:
> Replying to emails when we CC you should be enough, but more help is
> always welcome, of course.
> Also, please create an account on https://savannah.gnu.org/git/ and
> ask to join the Emacs group: https://savannah.gnu.org/git/?group=emacs
> An Emacs maintainer will give yo
Hi Bastien,
> Not just this: I’m concerned with setting up a user-to-user discussion
> space that reify a split between users (on a forum) and developers (on
> the mailing list).
For what it’s worth, as a developer I’d be very interested in the ability of a
forum to categorise feature requests/bu
Bastien writes:
> I don't think we should try to bridge the current mailing list with a
> Discourse instance. One heavy blocker is that the Discourse instance
> will not accept incoming emails from people who are not registered on
> the instance.
Discourse does allow anonymous email replies.
Hi Kyle,
> Something to consider: orgcard.tex is included in the Emacs repo and
> fits into their refcard machinery. If the source changes from .tex to
> .org, the .org file must be included in the Emacs repo, as is done with
> the .org of the manual now (bug#45143, bug#46837). Doing so would
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> "Fraga, Eric" writes:
>> Try M-x toggle-debug-on-quit RET and then export, hitting C-g when it
>> gets stuck. That'll give you a backtrace which might help debug this.
> Thank you Eric. I tried it and stopped after more than 3 minutes of
> waiting. The output:
Max Nikulin writes:
> - What TeX engine do you use? E.g. for PdfLaTeX it may be necessary to
> add \usepackage{cmap} immediately after \documentclass. Unicode engines
> like LuaTeX likely do not require such trick.
I am wondering if having cmap should be a good default in general.
Not just for
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> This post appears to be a nice fit for
>> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-blog-articles.html (except non-permanent
>> imgur links). Do you have an Org version? Or maybe an actual blog post?
> Precisely I have in mind to publish in my blog on
I have this file:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
* labels table
** work on this file then move the output to the required buffers
#+name: source-in-table
Tim Cross writes:
> Given that Discourse is open source and free (in GNU sense being GPL
> v2), perhaps a better approach would be to try and get the FSF to host a
> Discourse server from GNU projects (not just org). This would be in
> addition to the mail lists hosting currently provided.
I thi
Jean Louis,
> * Greg Minshall [2022-07-22 19:14]:
> > hi. does anyone have any code, or know of any existing package, that
> > would allow for some sort of form-like (or "transient"-like) interface
> > for adding rows to an org-mode table? in particular, that provides some
> > sort of =completi
Jean Louis writes:
> I wish to create meta links. Today I have tried figuring out how Org
> link work, but I am overwhelmed.
Have you looked at
https://orgmode.org/manual/Adding-Hyperlink-Types.html ?
If you find it confusing, please let us know.
Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
this is maybe more of an e-lisp question, or, at least, here's more of
an e-lisp answer. if you have the useful =s= package [1] installed,
then will using =s-join= give you what you want?
(let ((sqlcode (mapcar (lambda (row)
(concat "INSERT or ignore INT
No Wayman writes:
> Byte compiling in a clean environment yields the following
> warning:
> org-element.el:11:5682 Warning: defsubst
> ‘org-element--cache-active-p’ was used before it was defined.
Thanks for reporting!
Fixed on main.
No Wayman writes:
> Attached patch adds closing mark up for code in definition list.
Applied onto main.
Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at https://orgmode
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Asilata Bapat writes:
>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>>> Could you please provide a detailed reproducer?
>> Sure. I have attached the files "mwe-data.org" and "mwe-export.org".
>> To reproduce, save both files in the same directory. Then open
>> mwe-export.org, navi
I checked that out and putting the example text into my .emacs file
generates a warning when emacs starts up I put the parens and everything
between the parens in the .emacs file and that caused the warning to be
What may work and circumvent all of this would be to add:
Wonderful! Thank you so much for your work Ihor.
On Wed, 28 Sept 2022 at 14:35, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> > Asilata Bapat writes:
> >
> >> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> >>> Could you please provide a detailed reproducer?
> >>
> >> Sure. I have attached the files "
Hi Jude,
> I have done nothing with exporting to pdf from orgmode since several years
> ago I was told orgmode pdf’s were not accessible.
Do you know where this information came from? And what do you use now?
All the best,
Hi Max,
Max Nikulin writes:
> The following snippet should be added to nginx configuration to assign
> MIME type for .org files:
> types {
> # Chromium opens text/x-org in the browser tab,
> # Firefox downloads files and offers to open in some other
> application.
Hi, thank you for your comments.
Hendursaga writes:
>> The bilingual critical edition (ancient Greek/Spanish) of the
>> letters of Demosthenes and Aeschines has recently been published in
>> Spain, a book whose production and typesetting I have taken charge
>> of, using Org and Org-publish.
> Wh
* Eduardo Ochs [2022-09-28 03:54]:
> On Tue, 27 Sept 2022 at 18:59, Jean Louis wrote:
> > (...)
> What did you do to inspect an Org link?
> Here's what I just tried: I created a file /tmp/foo.org containing
> " [[http://a/b/][ab]]\n"; - i.e., a space, a link, and a newline -
> and then I ma
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
>> If we are to make changes against orgcard.tex we should be careful to
>> stick to GNU conventions regarding creating refcards.
> Might you have a link to those conventions on hand?
I meant sticking to the .tex commands used for Emacs refcard and its
visual outpu
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Something to consider: orgcard.tex is included in the Emacs repo and
> fits into their refcard machinery. If the source changes from .tex to
> .org, the .org file must be included in the Emacs repo, as is done with
> the .org of the manual now (bug#45143, bug#46837). Doing
89 matches
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