Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:

> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> This post appears to be a nice fit for
>> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-blog-articles.html (except non-permanent
>> imgur links). Do you have an Org version? Or maybe an actual blog post?
> Precisely I have in mind to publish in my blog on typography
> (https://lunotipia.juanmanuelmacias.com/) an extended and more detailed
> version of this text, also including the function to which I refer (and
> that I have not included in the post to the list for not making the text
> any longer).

Sounds good.

> The drawback is that my blog is in Spanish. I can easily
> make an English version of the blog post as well. Who should I send the
> link to, when I post it?

We already link to some non-English talks about Org.
It is just a matter of indicating the language near the WORG link.
Having both English and Spanish will be even better.

To add your blog article link to WORG, you can just make a patch against

>> 1. \clearpage command, which reminds me about
>>    https://orgmode.org/list/87mtamjrft.fsf@localhost
>>    May it be useful to have page break syntax element in Org?
> I really don't have an opinion at the moment... As a user I try to put
> as few direct LaTeX commands as possible: commands like \newpage,
> \pagebreak, \clearpage, \bigskip, \quad, etc. Whenever I can, I
> prefer to control spaces and page breaks using more general macros. And,
> when I put these commands, the fact of resorting to an export snippet
> does not usually bother me, since they are not very verbose commands.
> But I don't know what other users will think...

Fine-tuning commands should indeed be dedicated to specific export
backends. It is generally meaningless to have \clearpage in html export.

However, \pagebreak specifically is something people use in plain text
files, and it may be useful for odt exports.

>> 2. You had to use direct LaTeX for caption. Can we do something to make
>>    the #+caption keywords more useful?
> Yes, I use direct LaTeX in that case because I need to put the command
> \caption*, the starred version of \caption provided by the caption
> package. And before \caption*, I wanted to also add a \captionsetup. For
> those cases, I think the :caption attribute already does a good job.
> What would be interesting (IMO) is to be able to introduce arbitrary code
> within the figure environment through an attribute, but this is where
> the possible :export_template attribute could come into play, as we
> discussed in the other thread.

:export_template will indeed work for LaTeX. What I am looking for here
is some useful functionality that may be generalized to multiple export

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at https://orgmode.org/.
Support Org development at https://liberapay.com/org-mode,
or support my work at https://liberapay.com/yantar92

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