* Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> [2022-06-21 02:43]:
> In the end, it came down to asking myself do I really want yet another
> information management framework in my life and the answer was no. I do
> vaguely recall (it was a while ago) there were some ideas I thought
> would be good to add to org mode though. Unfortunately, I cannot recall
> the details now.

Some peope do not need any information managemenet. That is fine.

Doug Engelbart envisioned something back in time which we still do not
have completed for mankind.

Doug Engelbart Institute - Boosting mankind's capability for coping with 
complex, urgent problems:

Org mode is one way to the information management. Hyperbole is other
way. They are going in parallel, they are not replacing each other.

On personal computer I use personal people management, but on remote
computer I would use HyRolo to quickly insert contacts. I would then
later import them to my personal database.

I can't use Org for information management. I have 240034 people and
groups in the database, and their 197815 addresses, and 273836 of
their phone numbers and email addresses, with related 46365
Hyperdocuments or elementary objects consisting of everything like:

Acknowledgment, Action, Agreement, Appointment, Article, Attachment,
Audio, Backlink, Book, Borrowed Item, Break-up, Business Plan,
Business Profile, CBR, CSV, Call, Case, Certificate, City, Clipboard
(Primary), Cognition, Common Lisp, Contact Information, Contract,
Corporate Resolution, DB-ID, DISEASE, DJVU, DOCX, DONE, Debt, Default,
Demand, Dev-T, Directory Action ➜, Directory, Document, Dream, Drug
Information, E-mail For Mailing List, E-mail Signature, E-mail
Snippet, EPUB, Emacs Lisp Hyperlink, Emacs Lisp, Enriched, Ethics
Report, Event, Expenses Report, FOLLOW-UP, File, Financial Subject,
Flyer, Follow-up, Food, GnuCash, Gnumeric, Good News, HTML
Hyperdocument, Header Image for Letterhead, Health Remedy, HyperScope
ID, ID Document, Image, Info Node, Inquiry, Instruction, Instructions,
Invoice, Kotl (Hyperbole Outline), Launch Program, Letter, Letterhead,
Link to Map, Loan Request, Local File, Location, Maff, Magic, Markdown
(Pandoc, espresso), Markdown, Mbox, Media, Meeting, Message-ID, Mobi,
Mount Point, Music, Note, ODS, ODT, Offer, Online Account,
Opportunity, Org Heading, Org Standalone, Org, PDF Query, PDF by Page
Nr., PDF, Page in physical book, Paraset, Partnership Offer, Password,
Patent, Pay, Payslip, Phone, Place, Poem, PostgreSQL, Power of
Attorney, Practical Skill, Press Release, Pricing, Profile Picture,
Progress, Project, Proposal, Public Bidding, QUOTATION, Question,
Questionnaire, Quotation, Quote, Recipe, Reference, Report, Request
For Proposal, Request for quotation, SMS, SUCCESS, SVG, Schedule of
Fees, Scheme, Service, Set ➾, Shell Command, Shell Script, Signature,
Song, Spreadsheet, Task, Template, Text with images, Text, Track,
Training, Travel, URL for Image, Video (exact time), Video, Voice, WRS
Area, WRS Page Annotation, WRS Page, WRS Unprocessed Page, WWW,
Warning, XCF, Xournalpp, YouTube Video (exact time), YouTube, aMule,
reStructuredText, txt2tags.

While Org is meant to be all knowing information management, I keep it
pretty silent for basic lightweight markup and as unit of information
within much larger Dynamic Knowledge Repository as envisioned by


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