Hi, Ihor, thanks for your comments.

Ihor Radchenko writes:

> This post appears to be a nice fit for
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-blog-articles.html (except non-permanent
> imgur links). Do you have an Org version? Or maybe an actual blog post?

Precisely I have in mind to publish in my blog on typography
(https://lunotipia.juanmanuelmacias.com/) an extended and more detailed
version of this text, also including the function to which I refer (and
that I have not included in the post to the list for not making the text
any longer). The drawback is that my blog is in Spanish. I can easily
make an English version of the blog post as well. Who should I send the
link to, when I post it?

>> To compile the two PDFs separately and get the PDF in sync, I also do it
>> from Org using a shell source block. So I have all PDFs always
>> synchronized up to date. The synchronized PDF is obtained with pdftk:
>> <https://i.imgur.com/qbSg2po.png>
> I notice two things here:
> 1. \clearpage command, which reminds me about
>    https://orgmode.org/list/87mtamjrft.fsf@localhost
>    May it be useful to have page break syntax element in Org?

I really don't have an opinion at the moment... As a user I try to put
as few direct LaTeX commands as possible: commands like \newpage,
\pagebreak, \clearpage, \bigskip, \quad, etc. Whenever I can, I
prefer to control spaces and page breaks using more general macros. And,
when I put these commands, the fact of resorting to an export snippet
does not usually bother me, since they are not very verbose commands.
But I don't know what other users will think...

> 2. You had to use direct LaTeX for caption. Can we do something to make
>    the #+caption keywords more useful?

Yes, I use direct LaTeX in that case because I need to put the command
\caption*, the starred version of \caption provided by the caption
package. And before \caption*, I wanted to also add a \captionsetup. For
those cases, I think the :caption attribute already does a good job.
What would be interesting (IMO) is to be able to introduce arbitrary code
within the figure environment through an attribute, but this is where
the possible :export_template attribute could come into play, as we
discussed in the other thread.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Juan Manuel Macías 




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