Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Sven Bretfeld writes:
> I am not sure what you mean by `org-clock-alarm'. We have
> `org-clock-sound', which you need to customize for alarm to be played
> when clocked time exceeds EFFORT.
That's what I mean.
> For weekly/monthl
eral sub-properties as shown above. Of course,
each project has several sub-tasks feeding the EFFORT_TODAY property.
Thanks for help,
Sven Bretfeld
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
NTNU Trondheim
> it seems like ivy-bibtex at least expects some kind of string to be returned,
> but org-ref-insert-cite-keys does the insertion for you.
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 11:19 AM Sven Bretfeld <[1]sven.bretf...@ntnu.no>
Hi everybody
Is it at all possible to produce a correct org-ref citation format
from ivy-bibtex (or helm-bibtex, I tried both)? What I mean by
"correct" is the format: [[cite:&citekey]].
The problem seems to come down to the question what has to be inserted
in the 2nd line here:
(setq bibtex-com
(org-plist-delete (cdr (assoc reflink org-link-parameters)) :store)))
> I guess I don't have that setup quite right in org-ref, it seems like it
> should
> not clobber other ways to store links.
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 10:39 AM Sven Bretfeld <[1]sven
Hi everybody
I'm looking to create labels/links to specific text positions in org
files (not line number, not header).
I know that [[file:~/path_to_file::target]] can be used to jump to
<>. That would be fine and works for me -- IF I write the link
However, org-ref which I use for cita
Fraga, Eric writes:
> On Thursday, 9 Jan 2020 at 11:38, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> Works like a charm! Almost perfect. Thank you very much. One problem:
>> For some reason the :ignoreheading: tag causes the PROPERTY drawer to be
>> exported.
> Ah, probably because the
Fraga, Eric writes:
> On Thursday, 9 Jan 2020 at 09:20, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> Hi everybody
>> Is this possible?
>> ** headline <-- not exported
>>:PROPERTIES: <-- not exported
>>Some content. <-- exported
would be even better if the node names can be converted to margin
text instead of completely hiding them. This would be a great
orientation help without distracting the reading flow.
Thanks for ideas,
Sven Bretfeld
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
NTNU Trondheim
since it is the default case if
you have headline_args set as shown in my initial email). This is a bit
more clumsy than it would be if we could use org tags but it's easier
and clearer than including hundreds of if-conditions to the code itself.
Thank you for all your help,
Eric S Fraga wri
Hi Armin
That's an interesting approach. I didn't think about giving arguments to
the :tangle operator. This is basically what I was looking for. Just a
bit more to write to each relevant source block. I will give it a try.
Amin Bandali writes:
> Hello,
> Indeed, a tag-based solution (e
Thanks for the answer.
Tim Cross writes:
> As your emacs init file is really just a lisp program, it is relatively
> easy to implement multiple environment support within the file itself,
> which is what I do. At the start of my init file, I just have some elisp
> which sets variables represe
I don't know how you guys maintain init files for different hosts. I
have one org-file with the header:
#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle ~/.emacs
The file is synced to all my machines and produces the local init files
on each. Most configurations are shared, but some are host-specific
(e.g. fo
This can't be a feature. The org-super-agenda selector ":priority"
matches no entries except those that have a deadline.
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
(quote (
(" " "Super Agenda View" (
(agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'day)
Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Monday, 16 Jul 2018 at 11:33, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> Does anybody know how alphapapa made these horizontal lines with
>> separate the agenda blocks? It can be seen in the "after" screenshot of
>> the github main page for org-supe
Does anybody know how alphapapa made these horizontal lines with
separate the agenda blocks? It can be seen in the "after" screenshot of
the github main page for org-super-agenda:
I cannot figure out how to get thos
It's a bug. Org-Brain collides with:
(setq transient-mark-mode nil)
Once commented out, everything works as expected.
Sven Bretfeld writes:
> Hi
> I'm not sure if I misunderstood a feature or if this is a bug or setup
> problem. In org-brain one has two possi
Great piece of software and a fantastic idea.
(Emacs 26.1, Orgmode 9.1.13, org-brain 20180522.717 from melpa)
Sven Bretfeld
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
NTNU Trondheim
to use (imo).
That's a pretty good idea. I will try org-indent-mode. Wasn't aware of
it. Thank you, everybody.
Sven Bretfeld
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
NTNU Trondheim
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Hello,
> Sven Bretfeld writes:
>> Since some months ago the body of inline notes is no longer
>> automatically aligned correctly. This is what is expected:
>> *** Header
Hi everybody
Since some months ago the body of inline notes is no longer
automatically aligned correctly. This is what is expected:
*** Header
- cursor goes here
*** END
This is what happens instead:
*** Header
ccur after I give a card score (0-5) differing from
the score of the last question.) Neither can I see that there are
malformed entries which could explain the phenomenon.
Does anyone else have this problem and know how to fix it?
Sven Bretfeld
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
NTNU Trondheim
er instance of
emacs running in batch-mode.
Sven Bretfeld
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
NTNU Trondheim
Suvayu Ali writes:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 07:55:07PM +0200, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> * TODO Write book on XY
>> ** Introduction
>> * NEXT Something 1
>> * END
>> ** Chapter 1
Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Thursday, 17 Sep 2015 at 19:55, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
> [...]
> Have you looked at exporting the sub-tree? If you define the
> appropriate EXPORT_xxx properties in the sub-tree, it should be
> equivalent to having that sub-tree as a file alo
Hi Eric
Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Wednesday, 16 Sep 2015 at 18:49, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> Is it possible to have a file header which is counted as a first level
>> headline?
> I am not sure how this relates to the rest of your email. Can you
> please expand on t
y section is an individual project---the article in
total is the project and its doable steps are defined by inline tasks.
So, what I want to do is something like this:
, xy.org
| #+AUTHOR: Sven Bretfeld
| #+HEADLINE: TODO Write article on XY
| #+CATEGORY: XY article
Hi David and all
I've got it. By try and error I found out that entries like these in an
org-file cause the problem:
%%(diary-anniversary 6 8 1969) Christian is %d years old
Best, and thanks for your help,
"Sven Bretfeld" writes:
> Hi David
> David En
Hi David
David Engster writes:
> Sven Bretfeld writes:
>> - progn: Could not find UID emacs207403667799062360.
> I'm currently struck with a nasty cold, so I have trouble thinking.
Sorry to hear that. I wish you get better soon.
> But this means that it tries to f
Hi David
David Engster writes:
> Sven Bretfeld writes:
>> (setq org-caldav-files "/home/sven/Dropbox/myconf/testlocalcal.org")
> No, that's wrong. It has to be a list of files:
> (setq org-caldav-files '("/home/sven/Dropbox/myconf/testloc
Thank you very much for org-caldav. I've waited for it since years.
However, I have problems on my first sync. I think I have done
everything correctly:
(setq load-path (cons "~/elisp/org-caldav" load-path))
(require 'org-caldav)
(setq org-caldav-url "https://www.google.com/calendar/dav";)
ecognize the exact line in the associated
document (org-annotate-file-add-search) for any reason. But now it
works. Anyway, this package is not able to display an annotation within
the original file (what In-Place Annotations can do).
Samuel Wales writes:
> On 1/22/13, Sven Bretfel
Dear all
Is it anyhow possible to use a .tex file as an org-agenda-file?
This might seem a silly question. The reason is that I stick to auctex
for writing my documents. But it would be nice to be able to insert a
todo item directly at an appropriate place within a tex-file and have it
Hi Alan
Thanks for your answer.
Alan Schmitt writes:
> "Sven Bretfeld" writes:
>> As was discussed before in this list, gnus-register is the way to do
>> this. Otherwise org-link will not find the message after it has gone to
>> another group.
Hi to all
I'm trying to setup gnus-registry for use with org-link. What I want to
do is reading emails (nnimap) in the INBOX, create a todo with
org-remember containing a link to this email, then move the email to
another group.
As was discussed before in this list, gnus-register is the way to do
"Sven Bretfeld" writes:
> Whenever I do a property-search (C-a / p) or an org-tags-view, some
> org-buffers are touched and need to be saved again, i.e. they display
> the ** flag in the status line and in Ibuffer.
> It is always the same three files, that seemin
Hi all
Whenever I do a property-search (C-a / p) or an org-tags-view, some
org-buffers are touched and need to be saved again, i.e. they display
the ** flag in the status line and in Ibuffer.
It is always the same three files, that seemingly have changed (in fact,
they didn't change at all). They
Max Mikhanosha writes:
> This is the same bug as Martyn Jago reported earlier, basically I
> forgot that separate org agenda commands can be run individually
> rather then through (org-agenda) function.
> A temporary workaround in your specific case would be to wrap
> (org-batch-agenda) call li
Hi all
The Sticky Agenda is something I have been waiting for since a long
time. Thank you very much!
I want to write a function that creates a new frame with several
windows, each displaying a different Agenda Views. I fail to find a
function that creates special agenda views. Formerly I used
Nick Dokos writes:
> Matthew Jones wrote:
>> What org mechanism do you use to put that date in there? We do key
>> specifically from those tags that you mentioned.
> I use C-c . (org-time-stamp) to insert such time stamps into my
> appts.org file. I assume Sven does the same.
Yes, that's
Hi Tom
Tom Regner writes:
> I seldom capture notes, so a "Capture" shortcut is of no use to
> me; I almost always capture via the android "share this" facility.
For those who miss a Capture shortcut: It's also possible to create an
icon that calls the capture function. Tasker would be a way to
Hi Matthew
Matthew Jones writes:
> Can you tell me what you mean by this?
What is working is:
* TODO Wash clothes
SCHEDULED: <2012-02-08 Mi 19:00>
* TODO Prepare Paper
DEADLINE: <2012-02-08 Mi 20:00>
What seems not to work is:
* Lunch with Sheldon Cooper
<2012-02-08 Mi 12:00-13:0
e to have normal
appointments synced?
Prof. Dr. Sven Bretfeld
\ CEntrum für
CERES \ REligionswissenschaftliche
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44780 Bochum
Hi Matthew, hi to all
Thank you very much for MobileOrg 0.8. It has improved very much since
the last update. Really good work.
I have a few questions.
1. Calendar Sync doesn't seem to work on my device. I chose one of my
GoogleCalendars to sync to. But the Test item I created didn't show
Dear Simon
Thank you very much for publishing this script. I have no time to test
it right now, but I will do so in a few days.
Simon Thum writes:
> Hi all,
> I've written an iCalendar import script in ruby (I know, not emacs
> lisp, but at the least I should let you be aware).
> I th
Hi Christoph
For my scientific work (I'm an Indologist) I use orgmode in three ways:
1. _Project planning and calendar management_
That's just the normal thing. I use the GTD approach, extended by
some specialties like the tags :BIGROCK: (most important project to
work on this week) and
Hi Christian and Herbert
Christian Moe writes:
> I've successfully used the regular expression searches Herbert Sitz
> describes to search and query a small (~ 500 kB) Org database of all
> my source materials (text clippings) for a project, where some of the
> properties I used had multiple val
Hi Herbert
Herbert Sitz writes:
> Sven Bretfeld gmx.ch> writes:
>> It is the last line that puzzles me. If I have it like above, every call
>> of this agenda is interrupted by the question which tag I want to query
>> for. Hitting RET does what I want, namely dis
Hi all
I have written an org-agenda-custom-command for a daily review of my
dates and todos. It contains several todos and tags as block-agendas.
The last block should tell me if there are new items to be refiled in a
certain file which I use as an Inbox (synced from MobileOrg). I cannot
find the
Hi all
Is it possible to give a property more than one value?
I have an org file with a collection of citations and I want to give
them a number of keywords. For example:
* Ethics of a Hacker's Life
:author: Richard Stallmann
:source: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors
Hi Bernt
Bernt Hansen writes:
> http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html#Projects
Wow, that is a WONDERFUL page you shared with us. Thank you very much!
It will cost me hours go through it and see what I can implement for my
setup. Can't you think about others' time before posting such great
Hi together
This is maybe a feature request. Otherwise ...
is it already possible to subsume a number of tags in some kind of
Explanation: I use physical/local contexts as tags: @OFFICE, @HOME,
@TRAIN etc. There are some todos like for example :READING: that could
be done in all these
Hi Brad
I don't know anything about your question proper, but ...
Brad Collette writes:
> I've also been using mobileorg to get my stuff on my iphone. However, I'm
> less
> satisfied with that. Having to both push and pull from both ends to keep
> things
> in sync is a pain and I often forg
Hi to all
After some days of using org-contacts with Gnus, I would like to make
some comments. I know that this is an early stage of the development,
but I think some views and suggestions by users could help Julien or
other developers to decide what could be done in the next steps of their
Hi Julien
Julien Danjou writes:
> On Thu, May 26 2011, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> It is definitely not there in 23.1, the emacs-snapshot package which
>> AFAIK is the orebokech version that seems not to have been updated since
>> quite a while. I have checked the sources
Hi Michael
Michael Markert writes:
> Hi Sven, I run org-contacts on Emacs 23.3, there is a
> `completion-at-point-functions' and org-contacts works just fine.
> But I recall myself trying with Gnus and it didn't work because
> `completion-at-point' was not bound to keys.
It is definitely not th
Hi Nick, hi all
Nick Dokos writes:
> Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> Just trying to use org-contacts. There is an error for me whenever I
>> start a new message:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable completion-at-point-functions)
>> add-to-list(comp
Hi all
Just trying to use org-contacts. There is an error for me whenever I
start a new message:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable completion-at-point-functions)
(lambda nil (add-to-list (quote compl
Hi Matthew
Thank you very much for the new version. I'm just testing the new
functions. MobileOrg will be really really good after all the new
features will be working. Nice work.
There are some issues I have detected so far (HTC Desire HD, Android
2.2.1, Dropbox-sync, completely cleaned [deleted
Hi all
I have solved the problem with some sed operations now.
"Sven Bretfeld" writes:
> Hi
> I'm using a emacs --batch cronjob to update several html-exports of
> different agenda views.
> The output usually looks ugly. It took me
I'm using a emacs --batch cronjob to update several html-exports of
different agenda views.
The output usually looks ugly. It took me some time to figure out why
the exported html-files look different whether the function is started
in a normal frame or via batch: The html-exporter sets line
Torsten Wagner writes:
>> So would it be possible to build a native emacs for android?
> I checked this a while ago and unfortunately emacs comes with a relatively
> large
> pack of dependencies. Android on the other side does not deliver many standard
> libraries. Xorg libc and afaik dbus are
Dear Matthew
Thank you very much for this present. Thank you also for all the good
work you have done for making MobileOrg on Android possible.
For the first time ever I also have syncing problems which takes about
four times longer than before (filesize hasn't changed). I will give you
a report
Hi Matthew
Matthew Jones writes:
> Hi Sven... that's a nice one, you might could add that to the scripts section
> of
> the MobileOrg wiki.
Did it.
> Pretty soon the Capture interface will be extended to allow settings tags and
> other things on captured notes... once these are in place I wil
Hi Matthew
Matthew Jones writes:
> Alright guys, I've gotten this to work I've posted an early build of
> MobileOrg that supports this here:
> http://matburt.net/files/mobileorg-debug.apk
> basically, you need to emit the action: com.matburt.mobileorg.CAPTURE
> it takes an "extra" inte
Hi Matthew
Matthew Jones writes:
> Alright guys, I've gotten this to work I've posted an early build of
> MobileOrg that supports this here:
> http://matburt.net/files/mobileorg-debug.apk
Thank you very much for your wonderful work. It works like a charm. I
have tested it over ten times n
Mark Elston writes:
> I don't know about the current state of MobileOrg and its
> implementation details but I would look at the two sl4a
> methods:
> startActivity, and
> startActivityForResult.
Yea, I've tried that already.
looks rig
Hi Mark
Mark Elston writes:
> Have you looked at sl4a (formerly ase)? With it you can
> start Intents and perform clipboard operations plus file
> manipulations using a standard scripting language like
> perl, python, or ruby (among others). This might be
> very useful.
That's really useful.
Hi Matthew
Matthew Jones writes:
> MobileOrg Android already supports speech to text in that, you can go to
> capture a new note and click the mic button on the soft keyboard and start
> speaking. I don't see that it would be particularly difficult to integrate
> this in a larger fashion. Ther
Hi together
TextToSpeech has made our lives easier, especially for car-drivers like
me. I have tried to capture tasks by voice on my Android device and
implement them automatically to my org-files at home. The results are
practicable but far from optimal by now. Maybe there are some Android
Hi Don
Don March writes:
> Implementing the \enquote solution proposed by Sven Bretfeld would a
> fix for this, but that would probably have to be optional. So I was
> working on a regexp fix for this, but then I realized that there's a
> host of cases where the begi
Hi Lennart
Lennart Borgman writes:
> "Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way." - Native
> American Saying.
> Can you please just remove the argument given to
> called-interactively-p? Please see here:
> http://old.nabble.com/called-interactively-p-td25704073.html
Just without
Hi Lennart
Lennart Borgman writes:
> Thanks for the bug report. I have attached a new version of
> org-freemind.el (and a patch for it).
Aaaargh. One day too late. Yesterday I converted a big mindmap manually.
But it's fine that the package will be healthy soon for the next time
(which will com
Hi Robert
Robert Goldman writes:
> I have just had a problem twice with loss of data using Mobile org for
> android (flagged as "version 40" in Application Info).
> Here's what you need to do to lose data:
> 1. enter "foobar" into the capture window
> 2. synchronize
> 3. enter "baz" i
Hi all
org-freemind.el suggests that notes from a Freemind mindmap become
converted to org by org-freemind-to-org-mode. However, all I get is the
nodes and subnodes structure as orgmode's headings. My various notes
(including many draft sentences of the article I'm about to write, so
the most impo
Eric S Fraga writes:
> I haven't found a way to "push" an ics file to google; however, you
> can tell google calendar to add a calendar that is based on a specific
> url pointing to an ics file and google will periodically load that
> file and update the calendar.
Yes, that works. I've tes
d.tchin writes:
> In the agenda I have the forecasts for the two locations but
> I have no idea on the output about the related locations.
> I have following ouput :
> Agenda: icon Couverture nuageuse partielle, 13-24 °C
> Agenda: icon Brouillard, 13-23 °C
> How can we had the l
Hi Juan
Juan Pechiar writes:
> The google API determines the unit system (C or F) based on the
> language parameter (smart guys?!).
> Ths parameter goes after the city in the call to org-google-weather:
> E.g. %%(org-google-weather "Montevideo,Uruguay" "es")
Ah. I see. It's working after I'
Hi Julien
Julien Danjou writes:
> If anybody is interested, I've wrote an small extension to put some
> weather forecasts in the agenda.
> It can be found here[1]. I've blogged about it yesterday, so if you're
> curious you can read the entry[2].
Wonderful. Works out of the box and looks nice
Hi Matt
Matt Price writes:
> Sven says something about using org-remember to do the same work --
> it's not clear to me whether you have that working, Sven. In any case
> would it be difficult to use org-capture instead of the diary? That
> would certainly be better for my workflow, since i'm
Hi Eric
Eric S Fraga writes:
>> Alas, there seems no description of the possible syntactical variants
>> available on the web.
> Yes, Google do not appear to be very forthcoming with their parsing
> algorithms. I had to do a lot of trial and error, especially to
> support block entries, and
Hi Eric
Eric S Fraga writes:
> I'm not sure what you mean about complete. It requires you to have
> installed the Google command line tools (googlecl from Google Code).
> However, this emacs lisp code is not what I would call full-featured
> ;-)
There were several problems, most of which I hav
Hi to all
I try to automatically add newly created dates to GoogleCalendar via
GoogleCL. I have tried Eric Fraga's code from:
but I can't get it to work, nor do I understand it (is it complete?).
Anyway, his approach depends on adding o
Matthew Jones writes:
> This should also allow those of you who use Dropbox to use the Dropbox
> Android application to pull your org files to your phone and then
> synchronize using the SDCard synchronizer. This will be a good
> placeholder until I can implement the Dropbox API directly (which
Hi to all
I'm sorry, Matt, that I always anticipate you to announce the progress
of your work. But I'm so happy to have noticed some minutes ago that
MobileOrg is now in the market.
Thank you very much! Top rating of course.
p.s. NEXT and other non-standard TODO keywords are not displayed
Hi Dan
Dan Griswold writes:
> On 15 Jul 2010, sven.bretf...@gmx.ch wrote:
>> There was a thread about this some weeks ago. The iCal export does not
>> support org-diary-class entries or other complex diary sexps.
> I missed that thread, but it's an issue I looked into some time ago,
> with r
Eric S Fraga writes:
> unfortunately, I really have no idea what is going on here. I'm not
> really that conversant with the full iCalendar specifications although
> I have read the relevant parts of the specification [1] and I think
> I've got things right.
I have experimented a little longe
Hi Eric
Eric S Fraga writes:
> attached is an updated awk script which should do what you want.
> Please test it out as it should be generic (with respect to locale).
It's working perfectly. Thank you very much.
Emacs-orgmode ma
ception of the VALARM lines. Here is
an example:
, mygtd.ics by org-mode 7.01trans (Git Version)
| X-WR-CALNAME:mygtd
| PRODID:-//Sven Bretfeld//Emacs with Org-mode//EN
| UID: TS-0a
Hi all, hi Eric
Eric Fraga's wonderful awk script to export/convert googlecalendar to
orgmode contains a minor bug in creating active timestamps. A date like
21.7.2010, 14-15 will be converted to
<2010-07-21 14:00-15:00>
What is missing here is the day of the week. It should be (in German):
Hi all
There was a thread about this some weeks ago. The iCal export does not
support org-diary-class entries or other complex diary sexps.
I want to ask if anybody has a workaround on this issue in the meantime.
For example, it could possibly be solved by an after-export-hook that
scans org-file
Hi Carsten
Carsten Dominik writes:
> does it help to remove ~/.emacs.d/.org-id-locations ?
Yes, that did it. Thank you very much, you made me happy. I have already
tried to remove .emacs.d before, but with a running Emacs, what didn't
work. I didn't know that .emacs.d contains any dot-files at
Michael Steiner writes:
> On 2010-07-12 05:22, Rémi Vanicat wrote:
>> "Sven Bretfeld" writes:
>> you could use auto-revert-mode:
> That's what i do: i slightly changed ical2org.awk by replacing line 77
> print "#+TITLE: Main Google
Hi Eric
Thank you very much for the script and the idea. I'm a fan of MobileOrg
for Android, but the diary functions are not convenient to deal with at
the moment. So I adopted your method for date handling. Some
1. wget doesn't overwrite an older basic.ics laying in the same folder
Hi all
I have strange errors since I'm working with org-mobile. They seem to
have to do with the hash-code.
The first error: org-mobile-push results in a Wrong-type-argument. A
debug-message is included at the end of this mail. After an unsuccessful
run of this function, the buffers of the includ
Hi Torsten, hi all
I experience multiple error messages of the form (wrong-type-argument:
listp \.\.\.) since some weeks. That was around the time when I changed
my old:
(setq org-todo-keywords
'((type "NEXT(n)" "WAITING(w)" "DELEGATED(l)" "DEFERRED(f)" "REGULAR(r)"
"APPT(a)" "RESV(v)" "D
Hi Hellekin
"Hellekin O. Wolf" writes:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 08:41:22AM +0200, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> The third level is for the physical actions of the project. As you see,
>> only the first has a todo keyword (NEXT). The others are dependent from
Hi Hellekin
"Hellekin O. Wolf" writes:
> How do you guys use CATEGORIES, PROPERTIES and TAGS in combination
> with TODO states and Org-Agenda to optimize your GTD workflow?
I'm also into GTD. This is a typical entry I use for a project.
* Misc Office
** Rewrite study course documents
Hi David
David Maus writes:
> Maybe the tutorial "Org-mode tricks for team management" by Juan
> Reyero at http://juanreyero.com/article/emacs/org-teams.html can
> provide a solution to the problem? At least it sounds like a similar
> problem that is described there.
I fear there is no solutio
Hi Juri
Sorry for answering so late. I have been away from the PC for a while.
Juri Krivov writes:
> I dont' think this can be done yet. But
> I am interested in this idea. How do you hope to define groups? In variable
> or in buffer with special group syntax? Should every search matchin
1 - 100 of 181 matches
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