Hi all Is it possible to give a property more than one value?
I have an org file with a collection of citations and I want to give them a number of keywords. For example: * Ethics of a Hacker's Life :PROPERTIES: :author: Richard Stallmann :source: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/r/richard_stallman.html :keywords: money, code-writing, career, ethics :END: I could have made money this way, and perhaps amused myself writing code. But I knew that at the end of my career, I would look back on years of building walls to divide people, and feel I had spent my life making the world a worse place. A property search for "code-writing" should match this citation and all others with this property. An additional search for "career" should narrow the matches down. But orgmode understands "money, ... ethics" as ONE value, not FOUR. That's the problem. Of course, this could be done with Tags, but with more than four or five tags the line would become unreadable. It would also be possible to have several properties "keyword_1: money", "keyword_2: code-writing" etc. But then property searches would be useless (because sometimes you have "money" as keyword_1, sometimes as keyword_2 or keyword_15). *Why I consider this a worthwhile feature request:* It is meant for authors or researchers. When I read something, I use to make and collect excerpts of passages I find useful or interesting. When writing an article or book, this excerpt-collection can be queried like a database for certain keywords in order to find what you have read on the topic. I think that many of us could use such a possibility. This should be a fairly easy thing to do with orgmode. Is there already a module capable of doing what I want? Thanks Sven