Hi Michael

Michael Markert <markert.mich...@googlemail.com> writes:

> Hi Sven, I run org-contacts on Emacs 23.3, there is a
> `completion-at-point-functions' and org-contacts works just fine.
> But I recall myself trying with Gnus and it didn't work because
> `completion-at-point' was not bound to keys.

It is definitely not there in 23.1, the emacs-snapshot package which
AFAIK is the orebokech version that seems not to have been updated since
quite a while. I have checked the sources of minibuffer.el and it does
not define completion-at-point-functions. 

This is a pity since Emacs Snapshot is the most actual you can get on
Ubuntu without adding foreign repos or compiling. 

I have tried to use Emacs 24 from the emacs.naquadah.org repository
which, however, does not contain a Natty section. With the Maverick
packages org-contacts works.

But in Emacs 24 Gnus is generally buggy (nnimap does not split mails).
So I uninstalled it again.

The only way I can see at the moment is exchanging minibuffer.el in
Emacs 23.1 with a newer version. If this will result in a stable Emacs,
I don't know.

I had already converted my whole bbdb database to the org-contacts
structure without testing it before. So I'm quite frustrated.



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