Hi Hellekin

"Hellekin O. Wolf" <helle...@cepheide.org> writes:

> How do you guys use CATEGORIES, PROPERTIES and TAGS in combination
> with TODO states and Org-Agenda to optimize your GTD workflow?

I'm also into GTD. This is a typical entry I use for a project.

* Misc Office
** Rewrite study course documents               :PROJECT:
*** NEXT Rework Text                            :HOME:
    :TRIGGER:  chain-siblings(NEXT)
*** Mail Text to Volkhard                       :OFFICE:
*** Discuss Text with Volkhard                  :OFFICE:
    :dowith:   volkhard
*** Mail Text to other Profs                    :OFFICE:


First level is for divisions of my life (here: Misc Office, others are
Family, Teaching, Research etc.). 

The second level I use to denote projects (in the GTD meaning) or for
some small tasks which include only one physical action. In the first
case I use no todo keyword and only the PROJECT tag (to create a list of
projects and to define what a stuck project is). In the second case, I
would give the NEXT keyword already on the second level (not shown

The third level is for the physical actions of the project. As you see,
only the first has a todo keyword (NEXT). The others are dependent from
the first (cannot be done before the first is done) and have only a
context tag. My context tags include things like HOME, OFFICE, SHOPPING,
TRAIN etc. When the first NEXT action is done, the next NEXT action in
the list gains the NEXT todo keyword automatically; this is what the
TRIGGER property cares for. In that way my Agenda Views (defined as
NEXT/HOME, NEXT/OFFICE etc.) display only next actions that can be done

As I'm working in a team, I have long searched for a way to tell Orgmode
who is with me at a certain moment and display the things that have to
be done together with the(se) person(s). I have recently discovered
org-secretary for that purpose. For the above case, if Volkard enters my
office, I tell Emacs that he is now with me, and a special agenda view
displays all the things I want to do with him. This is what the "dowith"
property is for.

Apart from PROJECTS and contexts I have two more tags defined: BIGROCK
and MIT. The first is given to projects that I want to concentrate on
this week (never more than 3 projects contain that tag). MIT means "Most
Important Thing (of the day)". I use this tag to mark three to four NEXT
actions every night. These are the first things I care for on the next

> What strategy do you take when you have a personal SEQ_TODO and need
> to work with other people, using a different SEQ_TODO?

Have a look on org-secretary.



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