Hi Eric

Thank you very much for the script and the idea. I'm a fan of MobileOrg
for Android, but the diary functions are not convenient to deal with at
the moment. So I adopted your method for date handling. Some

1. wget doesn't overwrite an older basic.ics laying in the same folder.
   Instead it names the files of further downloads to basic.ics.1,
   basic.ics.2 and so on. Therefore I added an additional line (rm $ICS)
   to your shell-script (not the awk-script, but the one with the
   automatized procedure you sent in a previous posting):

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---


cd /home/sven/bin/google2org/
wget http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/[...]/basic.ics

timezone=$(date +%z | sed 's/^\([+-]\)0/\1/')


awk -f $AWK < $ICS > $ORG

rm $ICS
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

2. Running the above script with cron, makes Emacs continually ask if
   googlecalendar.org should really be edited, because the file had
   changed on disk. So I put the whole thing into an Emacs function:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(defun my-org-to-google ()
  (find-file "~/aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org")

(defun my-google-to-org ()
    (kill-buffer "googlecalendar.org")
      "sh /home/sven/bin/google2org/importgoogle.sh")))

(if (string-equal system-name "kamaloka")
    (run-at-time "3:00am" nil 'my-org-to-google)
    (run-at-time nil 3600 'my-google-to-org)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Every night a new ical-export is created from my main org-file at
3:00am, waiting to be uploaded in the morning (do you know if it's
possible to automatically import this to GoogleCL?). Every hour the new
entries of GoogleCL are imported to googlecalendar.org (which I include
my agenda-files, of course). To avoid problems, this happens only on one
of my PCs (kamaloka).



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