> Loris Bennett writes:
> Hi, I have been using Orgmode for several years to record my
> working hours and calculate how much overtime I have accrued. The
> mechanism is rather rudimentary, in that I clock in and out of
> 'work' to record start and end times each day and then
Dear Bastien,
>>>>> Bastien Guerry writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Not Before Thu, 19 Sep 2024 22:27:25 GMT Not After Wed, 18 Dec
>> 2024 22:27:24 GMT
> curl -vvI https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode.git
> * SSL connectio
Hell Bastien,
>>>>> Bastien writes:
> Hi Colin, Colin Baxter writes:
>> Doing a "git pull" for org-mode I get the following:
>> fatal: unable to access
>> 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode.git
ificates.crt CRLfile: none
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
Does org-mode have a new web-site?
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
lease_9.7.14-156-g1c9873). Would you like me to email you my version
of ditaa.jar? I'm on Debian 9.13 (it's old but it works).
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
file it is, but I just have it in my lisp path. Anyway, I refuse to use
package repositories preferring to install things myself.
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
y piece and I will be silent from now
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
in my opinion. I never use latex-preview and I'm sure I'm
not alone in this. I also would not class the disabling of org-persist
to be a 'nice-to-have'.
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
Dear Eric,
>>>>> Fraga, Eric writes:
,> On Monday, 13 May 2024 at 21:16, Colin Baxter wrote:
>> Thanks, so presumably I just use set-face-attribute.
,> For many/most face aspects, I find the customize interface the
,> easiest to use. Simply
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> I read in ORG-NEWS
>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>> Now, new ~org-table-row~ face is used on the whole table row
>> li
I read in ORG-NEWS
--8<---cut here---start->8---
Now, new ~org-table-row~ face is used on the whole table row lines,
including indentation and the final newline. This face, by default,
inherits from ~org-table~ face.
If the new behavior is not desired, ~org-t
>>>>> Colin Baxter writes:
> How do I change this icon (or whatever it's called) :email: to the
> word email between colons.
> Best wishes,
How do I change this icon (or whatever it's called) :email: to the word
email between colons.
Best wishes,
Dear Christian and Juan,
Thank you very much for your contributions. These are great and exactly
what I want. I'll probably go with an export filter.
Thank you
Best Wishes,
Colin Baxter.
Perhaps it's not possible because I see that .footref in css support is
always .
`org-footnote-define-inline' and `org-footnote-auto-adjust', but,
frankly, I am none the wiser.
Best Wishes,
Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Ho do I disable messages from org-persist telling me how long it
>> took to write to gc-lock.eld? For example,
>> --8<---cut here---start
I find them a distraction and the information is of no use to me.
Colin Baxter.
> Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Max Nikulin writes:
>> I recall some tricks with \footnotemark and \footnotetext, but I
>> do not remember details and whether it may work for section
>> titles. Complications may arise if a heading title has several
>> footnotes.
> ox-
>>>>> Colin Baxter writes:
> I find a file called "gc-lock.eld" has been deposited un-requested
> and un-wanted in ~/.emacs.d/org-persist.
> I had thought I had disabled org-persist with the following
> (setq org-persist-disable-when-e
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
This had worked fine until today. How do I now stop org-persist
depositing this - and maybe other -files. I do not want them.
I am using emacs-30.0.50 and Org mode version 9.7-pre
Best wishes, Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-google-sync.html
>> suggests using the command line program 'googlecl'. That program
>> appears to have been dead for sev
https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-google-sync.html suggests
using the command line program 'googlecl'. That program appears to have
been dead for several years, at least according to
Colin Baxter.
> Ilya Chernyshov writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Thanks for sharing!
>> As I mentioned in Matrix chat, it would be nice if you could
>> integrate the svg image display into Org agenda as minor mode,
>> displaying the interactive svg in place of the time grid.
ntrols this? emacs -Q works of course
>>> fine.
>> Can't get rid even after re-starting Emacs?
> Exactly, I've had it for weeks annoyingly.
Indeed, it is VERY annoying. Setting
(setq org-use-sub-superscripts nil)
(the default is t) seems to ensure that it does not come on even if some
library puts `org-pretty-entities' to t.
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> 1. emacs -q 2. eval in scratch buffer (add-to-list
>> 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/path/to/git/org-mode/lisp"))
>> 3. M-x org-agenda 4. Enter m 5. "Cache must be a
>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
> On 03/07/2023 14:03, Colin Baxter wrote:
>> 2. If I remove all the org files from my emacs-30.50.0 and
>> thereby force emacs to use only org-mode from git then I see the
>> error.
> Have you tried
>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
> On 03/07/2023 00:44, Colin Baxter wrote:
>>>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> > Just for context, the new version `org-element-cache-map' uses
>> a > new macro `org-element-with-enabled-cach
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> > This should not matter and should not cause the error. Please
>> > provide more details.
>> The debugger output on the error is:
>> --
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> I now find that when I enter `m' to match an agenda
>> TAG/PROP/TODO, I get an error telling me that the "cache must be
>> active". This error is new today and I assume the
Is there a solution for those of us who do not wish to use org cache
(and org-persist)?
Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> > No objections have been raised.
>> Well, you have not really given much time to respond.
> 2 weeks. I could have waited one month, but this is relatively
> safe bre
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> I am generally in favour of allowing STYLE to be inherited, but
>> it is technically a breaking change, as I described.
>> Let's see if anyone voices against this change.
> No objections have been raised.
>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
> On 22/04/2023 14:51, Colin Baxter wrote:
>>>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
>> > On 21/04/2023 23:17, Colin Baxter wrote:
>> > emacs -Q -l org-agenda Only message and scratch buffers
>> presen
>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
> On 21/04/2023 23:17, Colin Baxter wrote:
>> I will address the other points in your reply the next time I
>> update org-mode. In the meantime, I can answer some of your other
>> questions immediately.
> Th
1. emacs
2. M-x vc-dir
3. Navigate to ~/git/org-mode.
4. + (to pull)
5. M-x compile
6. make clean
7. make
8. In an eshell buffer navigate to ~/git/emacs/lisp.
Typo! I meant navigate to ~/git/org-mode/lisp.
Sorry about that.
>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
> On 21/04/2023 20:25, Colin Baxter wrote:
>>>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
I will address the other points in your reply the next time I update
org-mode. In the meantime, I can answer some of your other questions
>>>>> Max Nikulin writes:
> On 21/04/2023 16:42, Colin Baxter wrote:
>> After an initial 'pull', 'make clean' and 'make',
> ...
>> However, I did initially receive the following warning:
>> --8<--
I load org-mode directly from my local copy of the org-mode git
repository and update on the fly. It works well, until today.
After an initial 'pull', 'make clean' and 'make', I 'cd' to lisp and 'rm
*.elc'. I then updated from an org-mode buffer, successfully. I 'make
clean' again followed by 'm
>>>>> Colin Baxter writes:
> In an org-mode buffer, I notice a depression of the minus-key `-'
> now also gives an under-bar. I find this very annoying. I never
> insert the subsequent letter `—️' whatever it's called, and I do
> not wa
he minus-key will
give me immediately the minus character `-'?
Colin Baxter.
> Angelo Graziosi writes:
> tomas wrote:
>> there is now a defvar `org-element-cache-persistent'
> Ah! didn't knew that..
> Setting
> (setq org-element-cache-persistent nil)
> seems to work..
Indeed, although I'm not yet convinced that org-persist directories wont
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Indeed. I understand that, but the question was about '>' not
>> '<'. The initial agenda buffer has
>> < Buffer, subtree/region restriction >
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> In agenda, you can filter by category by pressing '<' when point
>> on that particular category. To remove filtering, press '<'
>> again. All this is explained
; for filtering but '>' to remove
the restriction. This surely is wrong since '>' is the key to call the
org-agenda-date-prompt, or am I missing something very basic here?
Nest wishes,
Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Angelo Graziosi writes:
> Colin Baxter wrote:
>> I too would like a means to disable org-persist.
> On emacs-devel there was this suggestion:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2022-12/msg00125.html
It appears to work, afte
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> I too would like a means to disable org-persist. I don't doubt it
>> may be useful for those users with "large" org files with
>> multiply src-blocks, etc., etc., but,
org-persist. I don't doubt it may be
useful for those users with "large" org files with multiply src-blocks,
etc., etc., but, for me, I have not found any improvement in
performance. As remarked by the OP, the feature should not be
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
Dear Alain,
> Alain Cochard writes:
> With the 9.5.5 version
> Org mode version 9.5.5 (9.5.5-g8ef620 @
> /home/cochard/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.5/)
> What I have in Info is
> The Org Manual **
> This manual is for Org version 9.5.
> Naresh Gurbuxani writes:
> It seems that org 9.5 has simplified header arguments for R code
> blocks that use grid graphics.
> Org 9.4 requires :results output graphics file
> Org 9.5 requires :results output file
> Do other users find the same change?
> Sent fro
>>>>> Morgan Smith writes:
> Hello,
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Please do not alter the default behaviour. When writing a paper
>> or a book I use and need both logging and state changes, and I
>> would prefer not to have to spend tim
> Morgan Smith writes:
> Hello! There are two patches here. The first one is a simple bug
> fix that doesn't really have anything to do with the second patch.
> It just happens to be in the same spot of the code.
> The second patch allows a habit to be considered done if ti
The solution is to use `make autoloads'. I suppose that should have been
obvious to me at the beginning. After git pull (`+' in vc-dir) the
working recipe is:
1. rm *.elc
2. Update in org-mode buffer using C-c C-x !
3. make clean
4. make autoloads
5. Check update org-mode via C-c C-x!
6. make
Dear Ithor,
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Recently, if I use C-c C-x ! to refresh org-mode after a git
>> pull, I get an error. I then have to close down emacs and launch
>> again. This rather defeats the object
Thank you for your detailed reply.
>>>>> Tim Cross writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Recently, if I use C-c C-x ! to refresh org-mode after a git
>> pull, I get an error. I then have to close down emacs and launch
>> again. This rather d
Recently, if I use C-c C-x ! to refresh org-mode after a git pull, I get an
error. I then have to close down emacs and launch again. This rather
defeats the object of C-c C-x !. This appears to have happened only recently
The Backtrace is
--8<---cut here---start-
>>>>> Mark Barton writes:
>> On Sep 10, 2022, at 12:03 PM, Colin Baxter wrote:
>> I seem to remember that the option
>> #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100
>> could scale the display of an imag
I seem to remember that the option
#+ATTR_ORG: :width 100
could scale the display of an image in an org-mode file. This no longer
works - perhaps it never did. How should I scale an image display in an
org-mode file (not exported)?
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> > https://gitlab.com/maciaschain/org-verse-num
>> Your site tells me to turn JavaScript, enable Cookies and
>> complete a CAPTCHA, all of which I refuse to do.
> Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Hi all, I've added some minor improvements to my little package
> 'org-verse-num', which was born out of necessity in my translation
> to spanish (work-in-progress) of Homer's Odyssey (11600 verses
> spread over 24 books):
> https://gitlab.c
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> I disable popups so I always receive a buffer with:
>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>> The local variables list in test.org or .d
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> No, I spoke too soon. That is not the answer. For me using "emacs
>> -q", an opened org file will expand the folds using but
>> there is still no synatx coloring. This is proba
versions of org handled it without any problem.
> # -*- buffer-auto-save-file-name: nil -*- * Test ** Hello
I have experienced the same issue. I reported it yesterday here. The
link is
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Colin Baxter writes:
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Colin Baxter writes:
>>> > Do you have any idea which particular file-local variable is >
>>> leading to the breakage?
>>> Well I
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> > Do you have any idea which particular file-local variable is >
>> leading to the breakage?
>> Well I'm tempted to say all of them because I have local
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> With the latest org-mode, my org files have lost all syntax
>> coloring and org-mode formatting. They are essentially dead. If I
>> revert commit e22b4eb7 then they come back to life wi
e22b4eb7 commit. Have other users experienced similar issues?
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
Best wishes,
>>>>> Alain Cochard writes:
> Colin Baxter writes on Tue 5 Jul 2022 20:24:
>> >>>>> Colin Baxter writes:
>> >>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes: >> Colin Baxter
>> writes: >>> I'm
>>>>> Colin Baxter writes:
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Colin Baxter writes:
>>> I'm sending this to emacs.orgmode and emacs.devel lists.
>>> With the latest emacs:
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> I'm sending this to emacs.orgmode and emacs.devel lists.
>> With the latest emacs:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stri
I'm sending this to emacs.orgmode and emacs.devel lists.
With the latest emacs:
(1) emacs -q
(2) M-x org-version
--> Org mode version 9.5.4 (release_9.5.4-3-g6dc785
(4) C-x C-c --> emacs closes with no messages
(5) Repeat (1)
(6) In scratch buffer load latest org-mode by eval
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter 😺️ writes:
>> I find the differences between the variables
>> (1) org-clocktable-defaults (2)
>> org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist
>> hard to understan
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> I think that this potentially confusing to someone unfamiliar in
>> the format of an info file. I had thought of suggesting the line
>> be changed to "The next sections have further
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> The latest org-mode info has a section entitled: "13.10.2 LaTeX
>> specific export settings". At the foot of that Section is the
>> line: "The following sections have
The latest org-mode info has a section entitled: "13.10.2 LaTeX specific
export settings". At the foot of that Section is the line: "The
following sections have further details." There is nothing following.
Best wishes,
>>>>> Uwe Brauer writes:
--- Snip --
> BTW does this mode set any sort of marker in the pdf?
I have never seen any marker in the pdf file.
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
Hello Uwe
> Uwe Brauer writes:
> Hi I am running GNU emacs master (2 month old) and have not been
> able to use successfully org-noter.
> When I open a pdf file with doc-view there seems no way to add a
> note to the file. The documentation says one should simple press
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Unfortunately, I see no difference in my clock tables whether I
>> have org-agenda-clock-report-header set to t, nil or something
>> like "My-Heading", or if I put :Header: as a
t; others? That borders on a bug, where my question was considered as
> a configuration question.
I very much support the idea that special and source blocks should be
treatable in the same way. I'd like to be able to edit example and quote
using C-c '.
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
Hello Ihor,
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Could more information perhaps be added to the doc string of
>> "org-agenda-clock-report-header"? And an example would be very
>> useful. As it stands at present, I
Could more information perhaps be added to the doc string of
"org-agenda-clock-report-header"? And an example would be very
useful. As it stands at present, I haven't a clue as to what the
variable does and why it might be useful.
Thank you.
Colin Baxter.
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> With the latest org-mode, if I set a TODO keyword then after its
>> creation the cursor stays to the left of "T". In the past it
>> would move one space beyond the "O&q
With the latest org-mode, if I set a TODO keyword then after its creation
the cursor stays to the left of "T". In the past it would move one space
beyond the "O". Is this a new feature? If it is then it's a nuisance.
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
> Nick Dokos writes:
> Nick Dokos writes:
>> Check also the value of the system-specific variable
>> `org-file-apps-{gnus,windowsnt,macos}' - whichever is applcible
>> to your case.
> That should be `org-file-apps-{gnu,windowsnt,macos}'. -- Nick
> "There are only t
I see the problem using emacs -Q, as I reported in a previous email.
Hi Nick,
>>>>> Nick Dokos writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> 6. In a.org enter [[file:./z][This is file z]] and save.
>> 7. Click on the link.
>> 8. Message "Running less in /path/to/z ... done", but link
Hello, Bhavin,
>>>>> Bhavin Gandhi writes:
> Hello Colin,
> On Wed, 9 Mar 2022 at 02:24, Colin Baxter wrote:
>> Org-mode cannot link to files without an extension. I therefore
>> cannot use org-store-link for org-journal files, etc.
> I
Org-mode cannot link to files without an extension. I therefore cannot
use org-store-link for org-journal files, etc.
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
At line 2512 :end should be :tend as in:
(user-error "Clocktable `:step' can only be used with `:block' or `:tstart,
>>>>> Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Ah, LaTeX3 - whatever happened to that?
> If you're a LaTeX user, you're already using LaTeX3 to a very high
> extent, even if you don't see it. The current idea is not
> Sébastien Miquel writes:
> Hi, With respect to readability, I only mean to point out that the
> $…$ syntax is one less character, and that the \(\) characters are
> quite overloaded.
Indeed. Compare something like
$g=\lim_{\delta m\to 0}(\delta F/\delta m)$
> Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> So, unless there is overwhelming support for changing uppercase
>> defaults into lowercase and a thorough patch, I am inclined
>> towards preserving the existing behaviour.
> The results so far:
> - For inconsis
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter 😺 writes:
>> What is the point of changing a default? Users can change to
>> whatever they like, but a default is a default - i.e. remains
>> fixed. Why a particular default arose belongs to peculi
> Timothy writes:
> Hi Gyro,
>> Consider Emerson’s quote:
>> “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored
>> by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With
>> consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.”
> I think applying a
> Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> If I remember well, Org decided to suggest with lowercase keywords
> (and use uppercase keywords in the manual, for some reason).
> Then, we should change "org-babel-results-keyword" from "RESULTS"
> to "results".
Change it for yourself. Please do
> Nathaniel Nicandro writes:
> Hello all,
> I'm the maintainer of the emacs-jupyter project
> (https://github.com/nnicandro/emacs-jupyter) which essentially
> integrates Jupyter kernels (https://jupyter.org) with Org mode
> source blocks.
jupyter.org in using cloudflare
I've changed the kbd for org-journal-new-entry to "C-c j". Simpler too.
Best wishes, Colin -
Thank you for the reply.
>>>>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter 😺 writes:
>> There appears to be confusion between "org-journal-new-entry" and
>> "org-goto". My ME is:
>> 1. emacs -Q (I used emacs-29.0
le (say "test.org") from C-x C-f
8. C-h c
9. C-c C-j
10. "C-c C-j runs the command org-goto"
Best wishes,
Colin Baxter.
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