>>>>> Colin Baxter <m43...@yandex.com> writes:

    > I find a file called "gc-lock.eld" has been deposited un-requested
    > and un-wanted in ~/.emacs.d/org-persist.
    > I had thought I had disabled org-persist with the following

    > (setq org-persist-disable-when-emacs-Q t) (defun
    > me/advice--org-persist (old-fn &rest args) (let (user-init-file)
    > (apply old-fn args))) (advice-add 'org-persist-write :around
    > #'me/advice--org-persist) (advice-add 'org-persist-read :around
    > #'me/advice--org-persist) (advice-add 'org-persist-gc :around
    > #'me/advice--org-persist)

    > This had worked fine until today. How do I now stop org-persist
    > depositing this - and maybe other -files. I do not want them.

    > I am using emacs-30.0.50 and Org mode version 9.7-pre
    > (release_9.6.13-998-g571186).

 Ignore my rant. I cannot reproduce this so it looks to be spurious. 

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