>>>>> Jarmo Hurri <jarmo.hu...@iki.fi> writes:

    > I just tried to export an org file with bunch of ditaa images and
    > got the infamous error:

    > Error: Unable to initialize main class
    > org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter Caused
    > by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
    > org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException

    > This is under Fedora 40 with org 9.6.15. I do have ditaa.jar, but
    > from the looks of the shell script /usr/bin/ditaa that runs the
    > jar it needs to be run differently than what ob-ditaa does at the
    > moment.

    > In the past I think this was solved by downloading a contrib
    > version of ditaa.jar. Now I can not find this under org contrib.

    > https://github.com/emacsmirror/org-contrib

    > Is there a working solution?

ditaa works for me, using Org mode version 9.8-pre
(release_9.7.14-156-g1c9873). Would you like me to email you my version
of ditaa.jar? I'm on Debian 9.13 (it's old but it works).

Best wishes,

Colin Baxter.


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