>>>>> Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> writes:

    > On 03/07/2023 14:03, Colin Baxter wrote:
    >> 2. If I remove all the org files from my emacs-30.50.0 and
    >> thereby force emacs to use only org-mode from git then I see the
    >> error.
    > Have you tried to recompile Org from git or to load it uncompiled?

    > Concerning mixed-version loading. M-x org-version when read with
    > attention may contain a hint. Other tools are
    > `list-load-path-shadows' and

    > (ignore (pp (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (car x))) load-history)))

    > and search for "org"

I now a recipe:

Either with emacs-28.2 or emacs-30.0.50 do:

1. emacs -q <RET>
2. M-x org-agenda <RET>
3. Enter m
4. "Match:" appears in echo area


1. emacs -q <RET>
2. eval in scratch buffer
   (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/path/to/git/org-mode/lisp"))
3. M-x org-agenda <RET>
4. Enter m
5. "Cache must be active" now appears in echo area

Am I seeing a new git/org-mode feature or a bug? The lisp files in
git/org-mode/lisp were not byte-compiled.

Colin Baxter.

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