The OP wrote:
>> which one is the Django community moving toward to, mercurial or git?
>> if Django is to be moved...
Because Subversion is fairly popular, but mercurial and git have
svn interfaces. Thus the Django community seems to be "core
Django development is in Subversion, but interface
> Has anyone made Webservices in Django ???
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from
> maybe you can do a question more explicit ;-) like how i can make WS
For anybody to be more explicit, you'd have to be more explicit
yourself in what you want from a webservice. I tend to make my
web-services RESTful, which makes them no different from any
other HTML or XML response that my
> Why do you want to use raw SQL? What's wrong with using the normal
> Django ORM?
One reason that I use in my own code is to snapshot multiple
values efficiently, a'la:
INSERT INTO stored_groups
(statementitem_id, groupname, groupvalue)
SELECT, g.groupname, gv.groupvalue
> I use default comments form, set in
Uh...while I speak without looking at any code, or documentation,
prima facie, this looks sounds like you want
"Allow profanities = False"
> I’ve a question about the date format in Django.
> When I create a message for the users I enter the date in the
> database. But when I retrieve the date it come out like this: -mm-
> dd. I would like to make it like:
> dd mm and the month should be printed with the name of the month,
> class Reporter()
> id primary key
> name
> e-mail
> ...
> class Article()
> reporter = model.ForeignKey(reporter)
> date
> ...
> Now I want to implement the following SQL statement in Django:
> select name,e-mail,date from Reporter,Article where reporter
> I tried your suggested solution and instead of printing the result I
> use Django serializer to create an XML file. But it seems that
> something is taking too
> long and my browser just stalls. Is it because of select_related()
> method? I have about 200 articles per each reporter.
Another pos
> The function comes from
> from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
Are you sure you've not *also* defined your own function called
login? I.e.
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
def login(foo, bar):
I think Alex is on the
>> how to get the string of "x=1;y=2 " in django from requesting url
>> ";y=2";.
> I wouldn't expect to be able to get the part after the # (actually, I
> wouldn't expect the browser to bother sending it) - it's a pointer for
> the browser to a named anchor tag
If you watch
> I am trying to detemine if there is a way to read the data from an
> Excel xls file into django. I also need to create an xls file. Does
> anyone know how that would be done ?
In addition to the other suggestions on the list, Excel (at least
'03, if not other versions) has a "save as XML" form
>> [my stuff about using XML templates with Excel]
> Not trying to start a flame war, but pyexcelerator/xlwt support these
> as well...
No flame-war perceived...just sharing the hack I've used that
doesn't involve much more complexity than a prefab template and
Django's built-in templating.
> When I run the installation script I get this error:
> error: could not create '/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django':
> Permission denied
> How do I get around this?
From my understanding, "installing Django" consists purely of
depositing the Django tree in the system $PYTHONPATH (t
> yes..its just a transparent gif...i'm thinking of writing my
> own view, which will get the visitor data and then just call
> the static serve method provided by django. just dont know it
> its ok inproduction env though..
I'd be tempted to just serve this file like any other
static-media file
> Just wondering where everyone is developing there pythong code?
> Anyone using development environments, if so which one?
I'm from the old-school of folks that just use a text-editor (Vim
in my case). I tend to run it within "screen", with the
following windows/screens:
- editor (vim)
From your apache config:
> PythonPath "['/var/www/webapps/django_project','/var/www/lib/
> python2.5'] + sys.path"
This says that python should look in these directories for modules.
> from django_project.apps.myapp.models import ModelOne,
> ModelTwo, ModelThree
This tries to import a module
> Check out
Is there some master index of documentation for "if you want to
test X, see or http://Z for an example of how to do it"?
where X is any of a number of Django features such as models,
views, templates, middleware, filters, template-tags, form
> I just moved my site to a production environment and i get
> this error when trying to view the admin stuff. I want to say
> its a path issue? If i use shell, i can import urls
> just fine. Any ideas on why this error is popping up?
My first thought concurs with your path issue. Wh
> I am currently attempting to roll my own multiple database
> support for django for a new project. I have attempted to
> search for examples of this but have not found very much.
> Does anyone have some examples on how I can accomplish this?
There are multiple facets to "multiple database" us
> coupon_items = Item.objects.all()[:25]
> random.shuffle(coupon_items)
> doesn't word because a QuerySet object does not support item
> assignment, which is used by random.shuffle.
You might be able to cast the queryset as a list and then use
coupon_items = list(Item.ob
> Sure do: it should be __str__() with two underscores on either side,
> not one.
And for the use-case the OP gave...
>> from books.models import Publisher
>> publisher_list = Publisher.objects.all ( )
>> publisher_list
>> [, ] #
Python calls the __repr__ for the display at the command-li
> when combining Django ORM criteria you get
> the "...WHERE...AND..." clauses.
> How do I get the "...WHERE...OR..." clauses?
> Resorting to raw SQL?
Use Q objects and OR them together:
> What is your favorite IDE for coding Django projects?
screen + vim + pdb + bash
[+ lynx/dillo/firefox/epiphany for browsing]
[+ sqlite3/mysql/psql for console database access]
> Any ideas about PyDev and ActiveState Komodo IDE?
Not tried either here.
--~--~-~--~~ wrote:
> We are having an Urgent opening for a leading MNC.
> We are looking for Python Web Development/ Programmers with Django
> experience.
> LOCATION: Mumbai/ Andheri (E)
In addition to Malcolm's (post on DjangoGigs) and Ronaldo's (are
you considering remote workers) sugges
> I have a list: data = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']
> in my template: {{ data }} will output: ['apple', orange, banana]
> but {{ data[0] }} will throw an error
{{ data.0 }} should do the trick.
You received this message because yo
>> example, I can do:
>> {% for s in objectlist %}
>> User name is: {{s.user_name}}
>> {% endfor %}
>> But, I can't do this:
>> User name is: {{ objectlist.0.user_name }}
What is "objectlist"? is it a list() or an iterable? It may be
trying to index into an iterable. Thus you can eith
> Why there is no active development effort in Django framework?
> Last edition released at October 2007 (if I'm not wrong).
I'm not sure where you get the idea that there's no active
development...a quick check of the website
( shows a flurry of activity. There hasn't
>> I got that illusion due the slow official releases cycle...
> Be careful with this logic, because it is misleading. For example:
> Britain has not had a new Prime Minister since June 2007; does this
> mean the British Government has not done anything in the past year?
Heh, the USA has been
> This problem's kinda hard to explain, but I'll try my best. I've got a
> list variable : notes_list which looks like: {'note 1', 'note2' etc..}
> I'm using this variable within a forloop and I want it to cycle based
> on the number of loop (notes_list.0 for the first loop, notes_list.1
> for
> So i'm working on a view that will need to parse character
> strings that will have a predictable structure, but dynamic
> content. The format will look like
> "%Zxx^xx?;xx? where all x are
> the unpredictable characters and all the rest will be present
> in
> This question is aimed at those of you who, like me, come from a Java
> and C++ background and are used to being able to debug things with a
> debugger - setting breakpoints, stepping through code, evaluating
> expressions, etc. What do you find to be the most productive approach
> to debugging
> Here is a summary of all the tutorials and docs that I have
> read on urlpatterns and generic views. It is a 2 page,
> concise, example code based cheat sheet.
Nifty, but scribd is annoying as heck. Printing from scribd w
> It's not terribly obvious from the scribd layout, but at the
> top (above the document) there's a "download" link or similar,
> and there you can download the original PDF.
...which expects that I create login...
Given that the source is likely just a PDF, posting a link to it
somewhere is a
> I have a system that I created a few years back in PHP (it
> actually started in VB with Excel) that goes through all the
> college football games, compute a team's win/loss record, then
> a "power rating" which is based on their winning percentage
> and their opponents winning percentage.
> name
> nickname
> win
> loss
> rating
> rank
> date
> away_team (fk)
> home_team (fk)
> away_score
> home_score
Shooting from the hip, with no actual data to experiment with,
and not knowing your back-end SQL server, the SQL could look
something like
> thanks opend ticket #8647
Attached is a patch against contrib/auth/ that should
add an "algo" parameter to set_password so it takes an algorithm.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> How to view the sql query statement involved in a django web page for
> optimization? thx
Just make sure DEBUG is False in a production environment, or
this is one of the first things that will
> Maybe I'm wrong but this patch define DEFAULT_ALGO at "django
> installation" level. I think it shoud be defined at prject level.
> something like this
> ... except NameError:
> ... DEFAULT_ALGO = 'sha1'
> does refer to project s
I've been trying to figure out how to use a custom subclased
RequestContext[1] object in my generic views. Looking at the
code of django/views/generic/*.py it looks like this class is
hard-coded in each of the views.
Ideally, I'd be able to set something in the to
specify my defa
>> I've been trying to figure out how to use a custom subclased
>> RequestContext[1] object in my generic views. Looking at the
>> code of django/views/generic/*.py it looks like this class is
>> hard-coded in each of the views.
>> Ideally, I'd be able to set something in the to
>> My subclassed RequestContext object plans to intercept the
>> Context.__getitem__ call (wherein redaction will hopefully happen
>> in my custom subclass), and thus needs to be the actual object,
>> not just a dict-like object merged into the existing
>> RequestContext object.
> Thinking
>> 1) Does your webhost need to support Django specifically or
>> is it sufficient if they support Python? (e.g. with CakePHP
>> you just need general PHP support).
> Just Python will be enough. You can have a copy of Django in
> any directory, providing the webserver can be configured to
> fin
> The question is this: what does Django do when multiple
> requests come in from different IP addresses that are
> reporting the same session id? Does Django dump the session
> data and create new session ids for the offending clients?
I believe the answer is "Django does the right thing", i.e.
>>> NAT (I believe AOL did/does something like this) so requests from
>>> the same user behind the NAT can appear to be coming from
>>> different public IP addresses.
>> AOL certainly does this. Either that or my own little web site has an
>> astonishingly high number of different AOL users hi
> I printed the sheet out in duplex and was disappointed to see that the
> two sides had opposite orientations. So a duplex version that would
> yield a useful double-sided cheat sheet would be interesting to me.
This is usually a printer output configuration option. When
duplexing, you usually
> What's the best way to use MEDIA_URL in a CSS file. For example, right
> now my CSS file has something like:
> body {
> background: transparent url('/media/images/bg.gif') repeat;
> }
> I would like to use MEDIA_URL instead of /media/ (in a number of
> places), but other than that the fi
Evan wrote:
> Hey Guys I noticed one of my pages taking over 50seconds to load, and
> found the problem out the problem was the paginator loading a lot more
> rows than needed. I was wondering if this is how the paginator is
> supposed to work or if I'm doing something incorrect.
> Here's the
> Is it possible to have two versions of django running at the same time
> on an Ubuntu server(9.0 and 1.0)?
> It is taking to long to recode, and until I do I wanted It up and
> running with the old version.
> I got the tar.gz from the web site, but do I have to get rid of the
> new version?
I d
> 1. Django .90 installed so that the app works.
> 2. To have this app up and running with .90.
> 3. Django 1.0 installed so that I can shut down .90 and run 1.0.
> 4. Run 1 so that I can recode my app for 1.0
For the dev-server, it's easy (at least in a Bash shell...for
others, YMMV) Assumi
> I need to edit my pythonpath, but where it?
Which OS? And for what duration (just one shell session, or for
all shell-sessions)?
On *nix systems (Linux, BSD, Mac, etc), to set it across shell
sessions, you usually set it in your .bashrc (or if you're using
an alternate shell, in its rc fil
> (I'm using windows xp home)
> I typed : C:\>django-admin.py25 into the command prompt and it comes
> up with the message:
> 'C:\' is not recognized as and internal or external command operable
> program or batch file.
If you typed that whole string literally it was treated as
> But... The tutorials I've been reading online all recommend
> PostgreSQL. I don't care, I'll go that route, but the online server
> I am currently using only offers MySQL. Are these two engines
> compatible, or am I going to have to go against what the tutorial
> advises and intall MySQL on my
chimpera wrote:
> I am in need of some Django help. Is there anyone in the dfw area who
> can share there expertise?
I'm in Frisco, and I believe that there are several others
according to
There are several other localities there: Plano, Coppell,
Richardson, Dal
> I have an array and I want to use Django templating to display each
> item in a table, grouped by 3 per row.
> For example, if i have
> arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"]
> Then I'd want it to show up as
> abc
> def
> ghi
> j
> In general, the array could
> I am a newbie of django, and want to know which IDE is suit
> for django?
I second the use of a good text editor. I'm a Vim user, but if
Emacs is your thing, that would do, as would any other good
text-editor (some folks swear by TextMate or Notepad++).
Some folks do use Eclipse (with the P
> I tried these, but I am missing a piece:
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> (r'^timesheet/(?P)/$',
> 'intranet.timesheets.views.times'),
> (r'^timesheet/(?P\d{20})/$',
> 'intranet.timesheets.views.times'),
> (r'^timesheet/(?P\d{20})/(?P\d{10})/$',
> 'intranet.timesheets.views.times'),
>> There are several good books and websites that will teach you the
>> basics of regexps, and a quick search will bring back a number of
>> results.
> Thank alot thats the best response I have had.
Glad to help...though in a way, it's as much
> I've done some coding on the project and within myapp
> but now I want to rename myapp to a more appropriate name.
> of course I cant simply rename the generated application directory
> name, I would also need to change all references to the myapp.
> So, then question is, do I need to d
> i have to check the method's return value first with an 'if'
> tag than run the query again for the 'for' loop. this doubles
> the load on the db what i don't like, not to mention that the
> two queries may return different lists.
Django's ORM should cache your query results, though it may need
> I have a qset object like this:
> qset = (
> Q( |
> Q(dst__contains=company.cellphone) |
> Q(dst__contains=company.fax) |
> Q( |
> Q(src__contains=company.ce
Chris Haynes wrote:
> I need to generate some line charts and bar graphs from django. I
> recall seeing a very promissing package a couple months ago and can't
> find it now.
> Any other ideas or comments on the above?
Linux Journal's most recent print-edition had a good article
> Is there any clear reason for preferring one of these DBMS over the
> other for use with Django (1.0 onwards).
Historically, PostgreSQL has favored correctness, ANSI standards,
and data-integrity while MySQL has favored speed and
pluggability. For the most part, they've reached equilibrium.
> I've written about one extreme end of this scale further over here:
I've gotta admit that I was pretty ambivalent about Malcolm's
ideas here until I needed to rename a project -- at which point
the switch fl
> The idea here is to have a central join table to allow many to
> many relationships between any and all of the "object" tables
> rather than have a zillion join tables and a rigid structure.
> This allows me to add object tables easily down the road since
> that will probably be necessary.
> I am using django+MySql.
> My job involves to write a huge number of products codes into the
> MySql, code such as: ABCDEFGHI10, it is typically between 1 million up
> to 50 million codes within 1 file, which need to be uploaded/
> downloaded into MySql.
> The problem for this is it takestoo
>> The COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES setting is undocumented at
> A known omission, with a purpose:
If the preference is to prevent dis
GP wrote:
> I have a view which generates a table (table_view) of the most recent
> entries entered in the Test table of the database. I have the option
> of querying the database and render the table based on the user
> criteria as well
> Something like this: tests = Test.objects.filter(field1
>> class Tracker(models.Model):
>>notifications = models.ForeignKey(Notification)
>> class Notification(models.Model):
>> # Common fields
>> pass
>> class EmailNotification(Notification):
>> class SmsNotification(Notification):
>> # I would be able
Dave E wrote:
> I have some data (page number references) that looks like this:
> 320, 387..90, 410, 500
> or (sustituting numerical .. ranges for conventional dashes)
> 320, 387-90, 410, 500, 634
> I'd just like to know the most Django-esque way of creating a model
> for these?
> T
> This template code:
> {% for entry in entries %}
> {{ entry.title }}
> {% endfor %}
> looks like this when rendered:
> Title 1
> Title 1
> Title 1
While it goes against my aesthetic tastes for making easy-to-read
templates (I much prefer my templates look like
> From the interactive shell, it's easy to delete a user::
> >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> >>> u = User.objects.get(username='jacob')
> >>> u.delete()
> So, you'd need to write a view that essentially does the above.
> Remember that in views, the currently-log
> 1. Why choose Django over J2EE
Clarity vs. complexity (I find J2EE over-the-top'ly baroque).
using Python, I don't miss the compilation cycle in Java, and the
astronomical number of JSRs numbs the mind.
> 2. Why choose Django over RoR
I prefer Python's readability over Ruby. Otherwise, bot
> new on here and not a tech guy, wanted to know if a company or
> programmer who uses Django can claim they own the code?
Just out of curiosity, what are your reasons for wanting to OWN
the code? Do you want to change it? Do you want to distribute
it on your own terms? Do you want to asser
> I know from the tutorial that the statement is to get all of the
> records in the book table.
> What I don't know is where I find the syntax for all coding such as
> find the certain author and get all the books written by the author.
> I thought that it is not python but some abbreviation of
> Has anyone tried to use pluralize template tag with a float value? I
> am thinking of submitting a patch to support this functionality.
> For instance, using the value 1.5 returns a singular suffix from
> pluralize. I am implementing a real estate web application where a
> house could have 1.
> Right now, Django doesn't seem to support the multiple
> databases on the same server or different servers. Will that
> feature be available out of the box for future releases?
You may want to eavesdrop on the Django Developers group (as
opposed to this Django Users group) where Alex Gaynor h
> Here's my query, (I'm using the stable release version of django,
> otherwise I'd use "annotate" which I found is present in the
> development version).
> contest = Participant.objects.extra(select={
>'contest_stats': """
> FROM contest_da
> Looking for opinion of the best distro for a developer machine for
> django.
> I'm on ubuntu now, its going ok. I'm having keyboard issues, and
> wondering if I should put the time in on fixing it, or just ditch it
> for say, pc-bsd, if thats what the cool django kids are using.
I've done Dj
> Something like this:
> Query = Comments.objects.all().sort_by("submit_date")[:5]
Without having the models, it's a little difficult to judge what
the OP is after. However, the difference is that your version
gets you the top 5 *comments*. The OP appears to want the top 5
unique "object_pk"
Updating an older codebase to SVN HEAD, I got a slew of testing
errors that I couldn't trace to my code. So I created a new
empty project, tossed in some sqlite DB settings, and did a
" test" which failed. It seems to be related to this
Steps to reproduce:
bash$ djan
dononyx wrote:
> I have a legacy database with a list of 500 users with passwords. Is
> there anyway to import this into Postgres for use by django. How To
> set the salted password is what has me stumped.
How are your incoming passwords stored? Plaintext? MD5? Salted
MD5? SHA1? Salted SHA1
> Overall I get the impression we're muddled on the answer to:
> Should the auth tests pass out-of-the-box, independent of other project
> configuration?
> Someone making a firm decision on that would help. Personally I'd favor
> "yes" as the answer, but I don't feel very strongly about the
> The first problem is that the django server only receives the '/page'
> part of the URL. The browser itself holds onto the '#hash' part and
> doesn't transmit that to the django server at all, so the
> login_required() decorator calls request.get_full_path() and gets '/
> page', so that's what
> I am sending POST data to a view But this view has login_required
> decorator enabled, So if i m user is not logged in, he goes to
> /accounts/login page and when user login, al the POST data is lost. Is there
> any way to maintain the actual POST data sent for view.
There was a long discuss
>> How can I tell which model fields have been modified (this is, the
>> difference between the Model instance and the data originally retrieved
>> from the database) from inside the model's save() method?
> You can always retrieve the model by it's primary key from the db, and
> then compare
Stodge wrote:
> Say I want to inject a piece of data into every page view. For
> now, let's just say I want to inject the current time into
> each page view. I write a piece of middleware that will do it.
> But how? Do I modify the request? Or the view (process_view)?
I understand that this shoul
> Such a transformation is fine. I found that my Django has no F().
> Checking the Django doc I saw that this new feature is "New in Django
> Development version".
> So I have to wait for the new version? Are there any other ways to
> create such a filter?
>> col1_value >= col2_value * 2
> al_1 = Alert.objects.filter(creation_date__regex=today).values
> ('dimension1').annotate(Sum('metric1')).order_by('dimension1')
> and
> al_2 = Alert.objects.filter(creation_date__regex=yesterday).values
> ('dimension1').annotate(Sum('metric1')).order_by('dimension1')
> They are almost t
> So is there a viable django solution for this problem?
To build on what Malcolm was saying, the problem you have is that
the only things your server knows are (1) when a user last
engaged in a transaction with your server and optionally (2) when
a user has intentionally logged out. #2 is ni
> The main purpose for this would be to track login collisions
> and make sure users aren't sharing log in info.
> If a user has a high number of collisions we can assume they
> are sharing their credentials and take the appropriate
> actions.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons for login c
David Ross @ Wolfeon wrote:
> I received an email a few minutes ago with the subject "Django
> enquiry." My email address in relation to django was phished from
> djangopeople or the mailing list.
Confirmed -- I received the same email, clearly from djangopeople
(I registered there as "djangopeo
> If i have a URL such as:
> (r'^(?P\w+)/blog/', include('')),
> what are the whats the purpose of the w and the +? i'm having some
> problems with 2 of my urls and i think it may have something to do
> with this.
You'll want to read up on regular expressions. There are a
> I would like to develop a small internal tool in my company for
> telesales agents to fill in orders of different products then finance
> can approve them and send them to the shipping department. I was going
> to use php and dreamweaver but I have some python and django
> knowledge. My impressi
> How do I tell Django which fields to select from my database? It seems
> to always use SELECT * FROM, which isn't ideal since I don't need all
> the extra data for my project listing page, just the 'title' and
> 'slug' field.
read up on the .values() method.
> The raw SQL is something along the lines of "INSERT INTO backup SELECT
> * FROM today; DELETE FROM today;".
> Is there a Django way of doing this? I would required something
> similiar to this:
> todays_records = Today.objects.all()
> for record in todays_records:
> Backup.objects.create(
> I work as a web developer at a reasonably large company in London. We
> are just about to completely re brand and rebuild the companies website
> (s) and implement a CMS. I'm having a meeting tomorrow to discuss
> different avenues we can go down in regards to what technologies we
> can use. I
> I've created a django app and I soon am going to have users that are
> in multiple timezones. My app is a task management system and it is
> important for users to see dates and times with respect to their own
> time zone. IE, if here in California I create a task at 3PM on Sept
> 3, I want so
> I am trying to output a variable page_no to a template, but I want to output
> page_no + 1 and page_no - 1. How do I do that? I tried to do something like
> {{ page_no + 1 }} and that failed. Tried {% and %} as well, but no success.
> Surely there is a way to do this other than having to calc
> I've got an advanced question.
I'm not sure it's *that* advanced :)
> How do i create a zip file that contain multiple files and folders in
> the zip file?
You can use Python's built-in zipfile[1] module.
import cStringIO as cs
import zipfile as z
f = cs.StringIO() # or a file on di
> I personally don't have any experience with PostgreSQL and I'm generally
> working in a mixed MS and Linux environment. I'm interested to hear peoples
> views on the pluses and minuses of the two different systems. I'm a bit of a
> query geek too. How does that play in? I know in MySQL there are
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