> I would like to develop a small internal tool in my company for
> telesales agents to fill in orders of different products then finance
> can approve them and send them to the shipping department. I was going
> to use php and dreamweaver but I have some python and django
> knowledge. My impression is that Django mainly works like a CMS. Is it
> possible to use it for the purpose I have? Are there better suited
> Python frameworks? or should I stick with PHP?

Russell has already addressed the "Django is mainly for CMS 
development" myth.

I've done this in Django -- just created a simple 
finite-state-machine of available states and the transitions 
available between those states.  Attributes on the states & 
transitions drive the workflows.  All state-changes get logged to 
a state-history table so the flow is tracked.  The models look 
something like:

   class State(Model):
     name = CharField()
     # ... other attributes germane to a State

   class Transition(Model):
     from_state = ForeignKey(State)
     to_state = ForeignKey(State)
     # ... other attributes germane to a transition

   class MyThing(Model):
     state = ForeignKey(State)
     state_last_changed = TimeStamp(...)
     def get_available_states(self):
       "Returns the states to which this thing can transition"
       # good for populating dropdown fields
       available_ids = Transition.objects.filter(
         from_state=self.state).values_list('id', flat=True)
       return State.objects.filter(id__inavailable_ids)
     def save(...):
       # implement state-changed tracking and history logging

   class StateHistory(Model):
     thing = ForeignKey(MyThing)
     state_changed = TimeStamp(...)
     from_state = ForeignKey(State)
     to_state = ForeignKey(State)
     who = ForeignKey(User)
     #  ... other attributes you want to log re. the change

Hope this gives you a good place to start.


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