Evan wrote:
> Hey Guys I noticed one of my pages taking over 50seconds to load, and
> found the problem out the problem was the paginator loading a lot more
> rows than needed.  I was wondering if this is how the paginator is
> supposed to work or if I'm doing something incorrect.
> Here's the view i'm using
> def browse_posts(request, cur_page=1):
>       feeds = [11,13,14,15]
>       posts = Post.objects.filter(feed__in=feeds).order_by('-
> date_modified')
>         cur_page=int(cur_page)
>         results_per_page = 10
>         paginator = Paginator(posts, results_per_page)
>         thepage = paginator.page(cur_page)

This gets you what you want...it efficiently uses LIMIT where it 
can (I presume you're using one of the big-3 DBs, MySQL, 
PostgreSQL, or sqlite, rather than an old/hacked version that 
allows SQL Server, which doesn't support a LIMIT/OFFSET syntax, 
but only a TOP N syntax)

>         posts = thepage.object_list

this is what likely gives you the problems, as it's the whole 

>         is_paginated = True
>         base_url = "/news/browse"
>       return render_to_response('news/browse.html', locals(),
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))

which you're passing via locals()

So if your template makes use of "posts" anywhere (including 
debugging output), instead of using "thepage", you'll see the 
dire times you're seeing.


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