GP wrote:
> I have a view which generates a table (table_view) of the most recent
> entries entered in the Test table of the database. I have the option
> of querying the database and render the table based on the user
> criteria as well
> Something like this: tests = Test.objects.filter(field1 = .......)
> The search form is passed as a GET request method.
> I have a second view which uses this dynamic data retrieved from the
> database and provides it as a csv (csv_view). For this to happen I
> save the variable 'tests'  as a global variable and then access it in
> my csv_view to generate the csv file.

This is bound to fail when user A hits view #1, then user B hits 
view #1 (overwriting A's global), then user A hits view #2, 
seeing B's results.

> I know that using the global variable is not a good idea but was a
> quick fix when I was writing this view. I am not sure how else to pass
> the query from the table_view to the csv_view otherwise.

your views should be fairly stateless, relying only on 
information coming from the user -- whether stored in a session, 
or stored in a database/cache and keyed on the request 
parameters.  Depending on the size of the queryset, you can 
either just rerun the query, or you can cache the results (Django 
has several nice facilities for caching) and then hand off the 
key/token to the page so that it's available in the next GET 
request.  Or store the key in your current session, and then 
retrieve it on the next request.

It's also helpful to have a Subject line apropos of the actual 
subject matter -- CSV had nothing to do with the actual problem 
of global variable use in Django.  As such, I've changed it.


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