> I tried adding more form fields to the
> registration form and the changes would never show with touch
> dispatch.fcgi,
Which fcgi implementation are you using? Assuming apache2 web server,
note that the common (since it's in debian and derivatives by default)
As far as I can see, django shouldn't care in the slightest about
template file name extensions, but being a django newbie, I could have
missed something (e.g. autosetting of a mime type somewhere based on
extension), so just to verify - it doesn't?
(considering moving to an extra file exten
Rajesh D wrote:
> Right.
> Quote: They can have any extension you want, such as .html or .txt, or
> they can have no extension at all.
Ah, thanks.
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
'("\\.html\\.djt\\'" .
Reiner wrote:
> The documentation states that you need to write these templates
> yourself, no examples are included with the package.
However, IIRC (I may not, ended up not using django-registration in the
end due to differing workflow requriements) the templates that are
included in the djan
phoebebright wrote:
> Is there a way to get this to work:
> {% for tag in tags %}
> {% tag_link
> "{{}}" %}
> {% endfor %}
> The outer loop is using the standard tagging application and the
> tag_link is my custom template tag which has a di
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> You seem to be trying to create raw SQL using Django's template system.
> Please don't do that. It's like trying to use a shovel to hammer in a
> nail, but less effective.
Pybatis, FWIW, is an sql templating thingy. Using jinja2 rather than
django templates, just men
Sam Walters wrote:
> Any help completing/explaining this would be greatly appreciated and
> open the floodgates towards understanding how to do this for all sorts
> of pythonic/django overloading scenarios.
I had to do something similar a while back -
I'm using a simple ldap authentication backend, and the admin password
change functionality may need to be disabled or mangled to do the right
thing (currently going for disabled, can just redirect to different
password change form), as it changes the django User model password,
which at best wil
stupidgeek wrote:
> def get_user(self, username):
> try:
>user = User.objects.get(username=username)
>print user
>return user
> except User.DoesNotExist:
> return None
Note part of the auth backend protocol AFAICS involves c
stupidgeek wrote:
> David, you are a champ, thank you.
> I find it strange that this made the difference, since this line is in
> the docs:
> "The get_user method takes a user_id -- which could be a username,
> database ID or whatever -- and returns a User object."
We-ell, the "user_id" it
andreas schmid wrote:
> hi,
> i successfully made a csv export view for a queryset but i have the
> problem with some characters...
> how can i encode the queryset passed to the csv writer to solve my problem?
FWIW, I just did the following:
for line in lines:
stevedegrace wrote:
> Variables you bind within the template itself don't seem to behave
> this way.
> Instead they are scoped. If a variable is bound inside a block tag,
> the binding is only valid within that block. I didn't do enough
> experiments yet to tell you how it behaves with nested
Lewis Taylor wrote:
> Is there a better solution django offers, and why are
> blobs not supported. ideally i would have the image stored in DB and
> that way there would never be sync issues.
FWIW (which given you're concerned about scaling mightn't be all that
much), it's fairly straightforw
gnu emacs with ropemacs and nxhtml (has django template mode)
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Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> I would like to get breadcrumbs working in a simple way. Could anyone
> please help?
> Is there a better way?
One thing you can do is a "pure template" based breadcrumb
or pseudo-breadcrumb, assuming you have a template inheritance
graph with different views rendering dif
Peter Bengtsson wrote:
> Sadly this means that if a user tries to upload a 11Mb file you won't
> be able to confront them with a user-friendly "error" message.
It's pretty straightforward to subclass django.forms.fields.FileField to
apply a size limit in clean(), or perhaps just do the check
Oguz Yarimtepe wrote:
not django:
I think,you are using the "Prototype" javascript framework?
IIRC you _really_ should be using
Event.observe(window,'load', function () { ... });
to do stuff the "prototype way".
Dunno if that's the actual issue (I
dijxtra wrote:
> and here is what I want to put in my template:
> {% url day year={% now "Y"%} month={% now "m"%} day={% now "d"%} %}
> but, ofcourse, I won't put that in my template because you can't have
> tag inside of a tag.
This may fall into the "just because you can doesn't mean you
guillermooo wrote:
> I suppose you mean in terms of performance? Could you please elaborate
> on the disadvantages?
They're not database-level foreign keys. So no db-level
integrity checks. You also can't presently use them in an easy manner in
more complex queries (aggregation). They mi
Maksymus007 wrote:
> I'm looking for simple way of managing menu - so my question is - how
> i can get currently used URL?
I'm presently using a very simple template-based menu scheme, as each
view tends to use a separate template. I don't need to worry about the
url. Hardly the be-all and end
Jeff Bell wrote:
> My problem occurs during larger queries - I get 'Too many connections'
> error. If I run these queries through django's default manager they
> are handled fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction, maybe
> the source code where django handles this. I'm pretty sure I n
vishak wrote:
> what you have told is OK but when you enter in datefield 10-OCT-09
> instead of 2009-10-10 it gives error.
If you don't tell a forms.DateField to expect 10-OCT-09, it won't.
Django's DateField default input format list doesn't include that
particular '%d-%b-%y' format by defaul
Jaime Buelta wrote:
> When I had to do this kind of tasks, I've added a new management command and
> run it from the cron (or manually any time you need it, with params, etc).
> You can run it calling
> python miCommand parameters
"celery" may seem overkill initially, but works v
>>> That is, a search on students
>>> is essentially an answer to the question "Show students that belong to
>>> the following schools, and who belong to the following states, and who
>>> have the following degrees / diplomas".
N.B. That in particular does sound like what might sometimes be calle
Tim Chase wrote:
> Back to the topic on hand, there are several ways to do
> model-versioning. I'm partial to having a FooHistory table that
> mirrors the parent table's fields but has a timestamp associated
> with it. The most recent one is always the Foo object, but
> before a Foo is sav
Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> I'm not convinced that a single setting is the right approach for
> this. It almost seems like this is something that we should be using
> environment variables or a dot file (e.g., a .djangorc with system
> wide Django settings) - although this introduces a dependen
Preston Holmes wrote:
> When using widget.attr how does one specify a attr that is name only,
> not key/value.
> The disabled key is not a k/v attr:
In xhtml 1 (fwiw) it is, you are required to write disabled="disabled"
(I think) and it is also allowed to do so in html 4
See section
Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Andrew wrote:
>> I have a form... as you can see I have "required=True" on the username
>> to test validation
>> class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
>>username = forms.CharField(required=True),
>>email = forms.EmailField(required=True
FWIW, djangologging can also show you any sql queries during
request-response, with LOGGING_LOG_SQL = True in
I don't know if or how debugtoolbar and djangologging are related,
but djangologging is working nicely for my show-me-sq
Karen Tracey wrote:
> Ah, right. Thanks for pointing out the explanation. Doing something to
> make Django fail loudly for stuff like this (I recall it tripping up someone
> once on a model definition as well) might be worthwhile. The current
> no-error-but-really-confusing-results behavior is
David De La Harpe Golden wrote:
> Here's something further pared down I'm currently testing with django
> 1.1.1 to tide us over until true multi-db for our own simple
> multi-postgresql-database case. It "seems to work", though doesn't
> address a bun
ds99 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using django with postgres as backend. Some of the fields in the
> table are of type "bytea"(bytearray). Which django fields should I use
> while defining a model for such tables?
> for eg: To access "boolean" we use BooleanField while modelling. I
> want to know how to
Peter Harley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to approach what I
> imagine is a fairly common issue.
> Say for example I'm developing a blog app (just to reinvent the wheel
> again). In my blog posts I want to link to something else on my site.
> No
andreas schmid wrote:
> hi ,
> i need to create an input form with a input field for every month for
> lets say 10 years.
> so the form has 10*12 = 120 exact same input fields.
Do you mean tabular sort of form?
gross deductible
2009-11-11 [...] [...]
2009-11-10 [...] [...]
BEC wrote:
> Any idea on what is going on here? I'm particularly perplexed as to
> why the admin page and my view are giving different times.
That does sound weird.
What database are you using?
Not an immediate help, but the sane way to handle timezones in django in
my experience:
(0) don'
datum = models.IntegerField(null=True)
> David De La Harpe Golden wrote:
>> andreas schmid wrote:
>>> hi ,
>>> i need to create an input form with a input field for every month for
>>> lets say 10 years.
Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Greetings all,
> My project involves uploading Word documents (resumes), and I would
> like to be able to scan them for viruses. I've found ClamAV, but
> installation is proving a little testy. So, I thought I'd ping the
> community for advice. Should I even be concerned
Karen Tracey wrote:
> Undocumented internal routine, but unlikely to change:
Just to note the contenttypes framework has a documented way:
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
matches wrote:
> If I want to format the current datetime for an rss feed, I do:
> {% now "r" %}
> I want to format a date the same way coming from a DB in this format
> "2009-11-18 08:00:00"
> Is there a way to format it with that same "r" format from a template
> level?
> This clearly
gamliel roi wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have the admin site up and running but I need to create a group of users,
> such that each of the users will be able to edit objects that are only
> relevant to them (e.g Project objects that the user is also the
> ProjectManager).
> I know that in the past wrote:
> I tried editing django/core/files/ to output the results of
> an os.access() check to show that I did have write access to the image
> file immediately before attempting the os.remove. It showed that I had
> write access to the image file.
Stodge wrote:
> Offering the user a drop
> down combo box of requirements to choose from isn't the best option.
Rant: combo box /means/ a text entry widget plus dropdown menu "combo".
For some reason web developers in particular seem prone to using it to
mean a dropdown alone (html forms sadly l wrote:
> I ran 'ps aux | grep apache' which showed that apache was running
> under the www-data user account.
Okay. (Aside: Note that you can use something like mod_wsgi in daemon
mode or mod_fcgid to run django processes under a separate user account
to the main apa
Stodge wrote:
> Thanks. I have the DataTables plugin working so I can filter my
> records. Now I just need to work out how to select specific ones from
> the table and work with them.
Well, that depends a bit on what you want. if you, say, used javascript
to directly populate a field in a html
Todd Blanchard wrote:
> I've solved my urls problem for now (though I'm open to more
> elegant solutions)
Depends what you're doing, but if what you're doing fits into its
"chained views" convention, django-catalyst will also autogen relevant
urls for you -
chefsmart wrote:
> By the way, right now I'm using a State.objects.get(name__iexact=name)
> in clean_name() method in a form subclass to prevent creation of case-
> insensitive duplicates. Just wondering if there is a built-in or
> better way.
Well, in postgresql itself one can make a case insen
mateusz.szulc wrote:
>>From Django Part 3 tutorial:
> "The 404 view is also called if Django doesn't find a match after
> checking every regular expression in the URLconf."
> The 404 default view in django is defined as:
> def page_not_found(request, template_name='404.html'):
> How can I cha
>> Python treats them as
>> two different files, and hence the signal is attached twice.
> -> models.signals.post_save.connect(flaggedentry_post_save,
> sender=FlaggedEntry)
> Or is there likely to be something else we've got wrong
> in our app?
Well, just in case - watch out for the dispatch
bruno desthuilliers wrote:
> First point, you have a tree structure. There are a couple ways to
> handle trees in a relational model, each has pros and cons. The most
> obvious one is the recursive relationship (also known as 'adjacency
> list'):
> create table Person(
>id integer primary k
Alexander Dutton wrote:
> The alternative would be to stick an Alias in your apache conf (assuming
> you're using apache) to serve the files directly from the filesystem.
> This solution wouldn't let you perform any authorisation, though.
N.B. There is nowadays the X-SendFile thing, should b
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Tim Daniel wrote:
> So how can I implement solution B? Is there a posibility to create a
> cron on a user action that executes only one time?
> NOTE: I don't want to rely on a thread that should stay alive for two
> hours ore more inside the server memory.
Well, celery uses a "celeryd" daemon
sjtirtha wrote:
> But what I understand from the documentation is uploading and saving are two
> different processes. How can I trigger the saving then?
First, certainly, when a file is uploaded from a client, django puts it
somewhere *temporary* initially. You may have conceptualised that as
Victor Loureiro Lima wrote:.
> auth system is in fact invalidating my current session id cookie, but
> afterwards it sets a new session id cookie, why does it do that?
Um. So that anonymous users of your site still have sessions? Django
supports "anonymous sessions", sessions and auth are diffe
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 03:54:02PM -0200, Victor Loureiro Lima wrote:
> Okay, let me further explain my problem...
> My website depends heavilly on the caching system, I'm using cache_page to
> cache my view ( using memcached backend ),
> however I have the "Hello, " on top of every page when
On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 06:28:23AM -0800, Tim Daniel wrote:
> David, Celery sounds really good, thanks for the tip, I'll have a
> deeper look into it as soon as I've got some time, if I can't get it
> one question: Is it capable of running on every web server
> that supports Python?
Well, it's ki
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:52:24PM -0200, Victor Loureiro Lima wrote:
> Well, template caching invalidates view cache right? Plus, my understanding
> of the template cache is that
> it will hit my view, do all the DB stuff, but skip the template processing
> which takes a while to finish, is my un
On 14/04/10 23:15, Bill Freeman wrote:
The trouble is, I don't know how. Just calling django.db.transaction.rollback()
doesn't work, and neither do several other guesses.
N.B. Despite eventually signalling a TransactionManagementError if
django doesn't "think" it's in a transaction-managed
On 21/04/10 11:21, Massimiliano della Rovere wrote:
I am developing a web site that has some of its models in a private
database (the one specified in, populated by the admin
interface) but, it has to fetch and filter (etc) data from 2 different
So what is you opinion, sh
On 22/04/10 04:34, Lachlan Musicman wrote:
I presume this will make you all wince, but while appreciating the
discussion I've caused I've solved it thusly:
def index(request):
all_authors = Author.objects.all()
all_origAuthors = []
all_translators = Transl
Thanks for the tip on pytz. It might be what I need.
See django-timezones, django-related helpers around pytz:
its LocalizedDateTimeField model/form fields construct non-naive python
datetimes with pytz tzinfo.
(see its for some additio
On 19/05/10 10:42, Daniel Roseman wrote:
How remove PK from table "libs_content_has_people" and don't use it?
You can't. Why would you want to?
Well, the natural primary key for a M2M table is quite typically
composite and django's ORM just doesn't support composite primary keys
right now
On 13/04/10 09:04, urukay wrote:
I'm trying to create full text search on model, everything goes fine
searching TextFields but I have a problem with ForeignKey field.
How can i do that? Can anyone point me to the right direction?
Do you mean you want the results for Model2 searches
On 31/05/10 11:55, Guthy Peter wrote:
Dear Django users,
I have written a new module for Django: it's called django-queries,
and is sort of a mix between the Admin and the Databrowse products.
While the Admin interface is for entering data, django-queries is
intended for searching the entered in
On 09/06/10 12:23, Wim Feijen wrote:
Do you know whether there is a minimum to a date?
Well there is, at the postgresql level, dates are supported
between 4713 BC and 5874897 AD
Maybe there's some text to date parser lev
On 14/06/10 04:15, Jeff Green wrote:
I was wondering what would be the best method of trying to dump a
large database.
I am trying to migrate from postgresql to oracle, using django 1.2.1 I
have been unsucessful in using dumpdata.
One interesting point - django 1.2 supports multiple connections
On 21/06/10 06:46, DaNmarner wrote:
There's a similar question as mine on
and there isn't a satisfactory answer there.
Basically, how do I do some thing after a view returns t
On 23/06/10 16:48, thusjanthan wrote:
I am creating a new django framework and figured django would come
with its own logging feature. I found this one that Fraser wrote but
is no longer in development (
That's wasn't really for loggin
On 07/07/10 17:27, Bill Freeman wrote:
> I agree that the "as" clause makes me expect it to render nothing, but it
> has worked this way at least back to 1.0, so I guess changing it is not
> an option.
hypothetical, could add an "only" clause maybe to preserve backward compat?
{% cycle 'odd' 'eve
On 12/07/10 11:36, Imad Elharoussi wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know what's the best plugin of Ajax to use with django Dajax or
> Jquery (for someone who just began in developping with such technologies)
They don't do the same thing?
jquery is a purely client-side javascript toolkit, whereas daj
On 12/07/10 11:27, bigfudge wrote:
> Hi - is it possible to reverse admin urls for user-apps? For example,
> if I have an app named "Survey" and a model named "Question", is there
> a consistent format for reversing the url to edit this model in the
> admin interface (by default this would be /admi
On 14/07/10 19:42, T.L wrote:
> So, I am using request.sessions in one of my views functions but I
> want to add a few more fields to the Session class so it will be
> customized for my project.
> To sum it up, can anyone tell me some way to customize the Session
> class to my liking?
It see
On 15/07/10 13:40, justin jools wrote:
> 2. base.html with jquery nav, exactly the same except for
> {{ MEDIA_URL }} which is correct.
FWIW, we use a jquery load line in our base template and it works fine
(pretty disastrous for us if it didn't).
You're 100% sure the pathss correct (like when
On 15/07/10 15:19, justin jools wrote:
> $(document).ready(function() {
> $('#nav li a').click(function() {
> $('.active').removeClass('active');
> $(this).addClass(
On 15/07/10 16:31, justin jools wrote:
> I thought I had solved but I haven't.
> [...]
> using seperate block nav for evey page seems like a lot of
> duplication...
Well, you could also pass through a context variable to the template
from each of your view functions telling what item in your navba
On 15/07/10 18:00, natebeacham wrote:
> Or, if you don't want to over complicate things...
Heh. yes, well. :-)
Though doing it on the server does mean it stays working
for people who disable javascript.
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On 18/07/10 20:58, Andreas Pfrengle wrote:
> This should import a database-based timer I've written. In fact, code
> from django_timer seems to be imported, since 'test' is printed when I
> execute " syncdb" - however, the database table is not
> created. Why? What would I need to change
On 19/07/10 14:41, Tereno wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a few questions about Django deployment on production so
> hopefully you can help me sort it out.
> Firstly, what's the minimum memory requirements for a Django + Apache
> + mod_wsgi setup? It seems like my server ran out of memory when I
On 20/07/10 12:11, barun wrote:
> [gallery/]
> def index(request):
> return render_to_response('base.html', {})
You have to pass through a RequestContext() for the template context
processor that injects MEDIA_URL
('') into to the template
On 20/07/10 20:04, Andreas Pfrengle wrote:
> I've tried it with and without installing in settings.INSTALLED_APPS,
> didn't work, table wasn't created vis syncdb.
> David, nevertheless the link you've posted gave me the clue how to
> solve the problem. I've defined my external module's class a
On 20/07/10 22:57, owidjaya wrote:
> how can i pass a filtered value to a custom tag?
> ie
> if i do this
> {% somecustomtag template_variable|lower %}
The django sources for the standard tags show the method, make
sure you are calling parser.compile_filter() on the relevant arg.
On 24/07/10 20:14, Michael Hipp wrote:
> What should go in a proper 500.html page?
As little as you can get away with; it's for when your server has
screwed up.
However, you probably want to make it distinguishable from the
apache-level 500 page, in a manner you can ask a user reporting a
On 28/07/10 03:45, Kieran Farr wrote:
> Finally figured out what's going on.
> My hypothesis:
> An HTTP request with POST method sent to a Django view wrapped with
> @csrf_exempt will still raise a 403 CSRF error if the wrapped view
> raises an Http404 exception.
Ah, but was your handler404
On 29/07/10 16:16, Jirka Vejrazka wrote:
> I personally don't like spawning another thread in a
> request-response cycle, but if it works for you, be happy with it :)
IIRC it's not really safe, at least in the django/apache case, the whole
serving process may be considered fair game to be killed
On 29/07/10 16:58, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> So calling a thread once from within a view is not safe ?
Depends on what your expectations are...
I haven't managed to dig up the paragraph discussing the issue that I
recall existing. I've a strong feeling it was by Graham Dumpleton, he
mentions in
On 05/08/10 08:59, Alessandro Ronchi wrote:
> Is there a way to avoid attaching two times the same jquery library in
> admin?
Well, the noConflict(true) is a Feature, deliberately decoupling the
bundled jquery the admin uses from any jquery (and other "$" snaffling
libraries - the "true" stops it
On 18/08/10 07:48, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> hi,
> I am using a two post_save signal handlers for two different models. On
> certain conditions they have to send emails to me and others. At times
> one signal is generated, at other times two or even in one instance 4
> signals were generated, w
On 27/08/10 14:22, Sells, Fred wrote:
> I'm not sure of the thread safety of Django and wonder if I could store
> this object as a local variable of some module like
No, that is not likely to work except in a single-threaded* context, and
even then it's a bit fraught (just being single-threaded s
On 30/08/10 06:07, onelson wrote:
> I've read that a "hack" around this kind of issue is to use the meta
> unique_together property and almost arbitrarily set primary_key on one
> of the fields. That sounds great, except for the fact that I've got
> no guarantee that any given field will actually
On 30/08/10 15:12, Owen Nelson wrote:
> I just started to wonder if the ORM would, I don't
> know... "freak out" on the off-chance I run a query that returns a set of
> objects with duplicate values on what is supposed to be the pk.
Nah, you just get multiple objects back with the same "pk", map
On 07/09/10 16:44, Erskine wrote:
> I've spent a few days working through the First App tutorial, and have
> mostly got everything working, but I haven't been able to figure out
> why I'm getting an extra slash appended after 'polls' when clicking on
> the name of the poll
> The current URL, poll
On 07/09/10 20:56, ranjan.kumar wrote
> forms.FileField(upload_to='some_dir/')
> The error message that i'm getting is: init() got an unexpected
> keyword argument ‘upload_to’
You're confusing forms.FileField [1] and models.FileField [2]
The latter is the one that takes the upload_to
On 13/09/10 12:48, Stodge wrote:
> one view can't support
> three forms?
Uh, it certainly can if you want to write it that way: Multiple django
"form" objects can validate different parts of some request.POST
dataset, you're not limited to one post one form. You can even use
multiple instances o
On 29/09/10 09:34, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> In my template i add this:
> href="{{MEDIA_URL_CALLTRACKING}}/style/login.css" />
(I'd favour prefix rather than suffix if you're going to pseudo-namespace)
Did you introduce such a MEDIA_URL_CALLTRACKING variable into the
template context by any
On 09/10/10 08:06, Tim Diggins wrote:
> It may seem odd but I want to explicitly specify NULL as the default
> for a particular field / column. (This is so that South picks up that
> the default value is null, rather than there being no default
> specified, which is what happens if you specify "nul
On 13/10/10 08:14, Torbjorn wrote:
> In my first shot
> I got the tabs nice looking, one template for each tab and I can
> navigate between the tabs, but, when I do something on a tab, for
> instance posting a form, I would like to get back to that tab. How do
> I do that?
Well, django is serv
On 13/10/10 16:17, Torbjorn wrote:
> Thanks for the replies.
> Jonathan: No I'm not stuck to JQuery, I will consider dojango. Thanks
[Another thing to be aware of is]
> Third
Okay, so you _are_ using the tabs' ajax mode.
> That works, but when I choose tab Third and post
On 13/10/10 17:55, David De La Harpe Golden wrote:
> it's one
> place you could put the ajaxification script since jquery takes pains
sorry, meant to finish that sentence - "takes pains to make dom
injection of scripts tags work" - see discussion @
On 15/10/10 12:15, Alexander wrote:
> As you can see the 'rating' table has no separate primary key field.
Yeah, that is pretty commonplace (though not presently supported by
django), the natural primary key for a table may be composite...
> Here are the models created by Django with some my cor
On 19/10/10 17:03, Bill Freeman wrote:
> This is a limitation of the browser. It does not keep separate credentials
> for separate windows. This is usually desirable because you may choose
> to open a link in a new window (or tab) and you still expect to be logged in.
IE8 (and probably other
1 - 100 of 158 matches
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