Oguz Yarimtepe wrote:

> <body onload="loadEventHandlers()">

not django:
I think,you are using the "Prototype" javascript framework?
IIRC you _really_ should be using
Event.observe(window,'load', function () { ... });
to do stuff the "prototype way".
Dunno if that's the actual issue (I use JQuery...)

> The code is working on Firefox but when i tested with IE,
> i realized it is not working.

django is server-side.  While in principle one can do browser detection
and send different things to different browsers on the server side,
chances are the problem is client side.

> So is there a restriction using onload functions at templates at Django?

onload is a javascript-in-web-browser thing,  django is a
python-in-web-server thing.  You're sending the _result_ of server-side
template processing from the server to the client.

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