guillermooo wrote:

> I suppose you mean in terms of performance? Could you please elaborate
> on the disadvantages?

They're not database-level foreign keys.  So no db-level
integrity checks. You also can't presently use them in an easy manner in
more complex queries (aggregation).  They might be a bit nonobvious to
someone looking at the RDBMS level, not exactly typical db design.

For some applications, you might also find they're "not generic enough"
- django doesn't _require_ primary keys to be integers, but it tends to
get assumed a lot - and each generic relation can only be generic across
keys of one type.

Really, I'd expect a lot of the time there could just be a modelling
issue that could be sorted by a rethink.  I started trying to use them
for a row-level permissioning scheme, but it ended up easier to just
use a foreign key field to a security descriptor table on every model I
wanted to use row level permissioning for (turns out setting row-level
permissions on other apps' models tends not to be very useful since
those apps won't be written to support them...)

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