Maksymus007 wrote:
> I'm looking for simple way of managing menu - so my question is - how
> i can get currently used URL?

I'm presently using a very simple template-based menu scheme, as each
view tends to use a separate template. I don't need to worry about the
url. Hardly the be-all and end-all, but very simple.

If I have a base.html.djt template with my menubar in it with a block
for each menuitem, then you can use a variable to mark a particular item
current in a child template.  I guess this might be brittle if scoping
rules ever change, but works fine in 1.1:


{% block menubar %}

{% block menubar_blah %}
  <div class="menubar_item {% if current %}menubar_item_current{% endif %}">
    <a href="{% url some.view %}">Blah</a>
{% endblock %}


{% endblock %}


{% extends "base.html.djt" %}
{% block menubar_blah %}
{% with 1 as current %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}

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