On 05/08/10 08:59, Alessandro Ronchi wrote:

> Is there a way to avoid attaching two times the same jquery library in
> admin?

Well, the noConflict(true) is a Feature, deliberately decoupling the
bundled jquery the admin uses from any jquery (and other "$" snaffling
libraries - the "true" stops it eating "jQuery" too) you might choose to


If the django admin didn't do that now that it's using jquery I'd be
whining about it and asking that it do so.

In theory you could probably "re-conflict" it, i.e. grab the
django.jQuery and put it back into the global scope as
 Query (and maybe $ - jquery-ui uses jQuery) ...but I wouldn't
recommend it, just look at the admin jquery as an implementation detail
and supply your own for your own uses.

You could I suppose point at the same source url twice, then the browser
may cache it even though it runs it twice.  But again, I wouldn't bother.

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