Re: CVS segfaulting...

2002-09-30 Thread Andrew Shugg
(with -kb). I'm not sure why the Debian CVS packages don't ship with any of this stuff configured, by default or as a debconf option: something to take up with tfheen@ at some time I suppose. =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Bug#165017: Keysigning page gives obsolete URL

2002-10-17 Thread Andrew Shugg
u could just refer to both services. There's probably a lot of overlap between the two services: the most recent report says it has 1,649,308 keys and the page says it has 1,650,709 keys. Why there isn't just one grand unified (but distribu

Re: sez Content-Type: application/x-perl

2002-10-27 Thread Andrew Shugg
supply its own Content-Type header. Yet another way would be with the Apache configuration directive AddType. AddType text/html .pl This would need to be done on, obviously. I think that fixing to send its own header would be the best solution, as the Remove

Re: web subscription pages problem

2002-10-30 Thread Andrew Shugg
a > > > above. > > > > That's valid, yeah. > > (I'll just remove that ) Either move the from before the to after it, or remove the from after "under the GPL.". Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: sez Content-Type: application/x-perl

2002-10-30 Thread Andrew Shugg
ian web mirror? (I'm not exactly sure how you're intending to implement this.) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: web subscription pages problem

2002-10-31 Thread Andrew Shugg
Gerfried Fuchs said: > * Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-31 08:49]: > > I'm sure that I've seen forms with multiple submit methods out there. > > You mean, like <>? :-) Now that I think of it, yes. =) Andrew

Re: Any way to get a file of the archives?

2002-11-03 Thread Andrew Shugg
nly pack-rat who keeps everything they get. =) It would be nice if the list archives were available as (say) gzipped mailboxes, or public IMAP folders. This may not be a high priority at the moment though. =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.n

Debian's mailing list disclaimer

2002-11-03 Thread Andrew Shugg
s. And having mentioned that dreaded word (policy, not Geocrawler): is any of the stuff on that disclaimer page actually part of Debian Policy? Should it be? Andrew. [1] [2] [3] -- Andre

Re: Congratulations on most confusing and worst website of any distro ....

2002-11-06 Thread Andrew Shugg
ites with full ISO9660 image files to download. Three clicks, no brain usage apart from reading some plain English ... Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself.&q

Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 189-1] New luxman packages fix local root exploit

2002-11-06 Thread Andrew Shugg
acker with read write access to the > Memory" - it doesn't make sense, should "with" be replaced with "gains"? Yeah, that doesn't seem to make any sense at all ... However if you check the web version of the security advisory, it has been fixed.

Re: Congratulations on most confusing and worst website of any distro ....

2002-11-10 Thread Andrew Shugg
unt of hand-holding already present is pretty good, but I'm sure the world would welcome a GUI for jigdo ... Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."

Bug#169843: Misspelling under "Severity levels"

2002-11-19 Thread Andrew Shugg
/*&Database=**&Database=* Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there&#

Bug#169843: Misspelling under "Severity levels"

2002-11-20 Thread Andrew Shugg
Gerfried Fuchs said: > * Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-20 11:38]: > > Andrew Lau said: > >> makes the package in question unuseable or mostly so, or causes > >> > >> should read: > >> makes the package in question UNUSABL

Re: A gnu with a penguin

2002-11-25 Thread Andrew Shugg
you can find with Google's image search ... Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always so


2002-11-28 Thread Andrew Shugg
heir package descriptions. Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."


2002-11-28 Thread Andrew Shugg
ered into a database, and be given a unique index number to be used across all Debian services à la M$ Passport. That should appeal to the Big Brother fans. =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there

Re: Event calendar

2002-12-02 Thread Andrew Shugg
generate the UID property of the VEVENT ... Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." &q

Re: state of the cdrom mirrors report

2002-12-02 Thread Andrew Shugg
.." string returned null, which it can. If you refer to the Perl docs you will see that whenever a filehandle is specified with open(), then parentheses will surround the arguments before "or die". Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: state of the cdrom mirrors report

2002-12-02 Thread Andrew Shugg
Andrew Shugg said: > Josip Rodin said: > > > > > Index: english/mirror/ > > > > > === > > > > > -open SRC, "<$mirror_source" || > > > > &

Re: state of the cdrom mirrors report

2002-12-04 Thread Andrew Shugg
has already been pointed out) there is no standard directory structure for the Debian CD mirrors. The one on is pretty good though IMO. Hopefully the debian-cd people can sort that out sometime. Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: state of the cdrom mirrors report

2002-12-04 Thread Andrew Shugg
. > > And list everything, with the known-good ftp ones only in bold. I think that's a good idea. Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is

Re: Translation Install-Manual into German

2002-12-08 Thread Andrew Shugg
> Well, there are parts of it. As far as I know Joerg Jaspert put some > > > efforts into it. Unfortunately he hasn't found the time yet to finish > > > it... > > > > I stopped, no time. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is it now. > [EMAIL PROTECTED] d.o i

Re: Stolen debian twirl at

2002-12-09 Thread Andrew Shugg
doubt first off. =) Perhaps they can have a "we are not related to Debian" disclaimer with a link to the Debian site. That might make everyone happy! Meanwhile you can check the (web) archives of the debian-legal list, where you email was forwarded to, and see if it's stirred anythin

Re: Stolen debian twirl at

2002-12-10 Thread Andrew Shugg
Josip Rodin said: > On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 12:00:40PM +0800, Andrew Shugg wrote: > > Maybe you could write a polite note to the webmaster of that site, and > > ask them if they are aware of the similarity between their logo and the > > Debian logo which was published in

Bug#172702: update_excuses.html is generated with sloppy code

2002-12-11 Thread Andrew Shugg
can apply it ... (please?) The main problem is that the script doesn't generate the Maintainer lines itself, but gets them from the package descriptions. All that is really needed is for the strings self.maint and t[0] to be given the Python equivalent of Perl's "$_ =~ s

Re: WebSearch Spelling Error

2002-12-12 Thread Andrew Shugg

Re: home page in the information of a package

2002-12-17 Thread Andrew Shugg
gest you file a wishlist bug against the xplanet Debian package, asking for that URL to be added to the package description. Andrew. [1] -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr F

Re: Trouble Getting Perl

2002-12-17 Thread Andrew Shugg
. Whether the security team 'should' still be creating these links for the old way or not, I don't know, so you should raise it with them. Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's alway

Helping with the Debian web pages

2002-12-18 Thread Andrew Shugg
eb mirror is broken, who do I complain to?, I've seen illegal use of your logo/code/chicken soup recipe on the Internet, how do I dob them in? and so forth. Andrew. [1] -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Debian jigdo mini-HOWTO

2002-12-19 Thread Andrew Shugg
a descargado las imágenes y las haya escrito en CD, asegúrese de leer la +(";>spegel [en]) När du väl har hämtat avbildningarna och skrivit ned dem till cd bör du läsa de Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: Debian jigdo mini-HOWTO

2002-12-20 Thread Andrew Shugg
Peter Karlsson said: > Andrew Shugg: > > I don't have CVS write access; could someone apply this patch? I > > haven't updated the translation version number in each file so that will > > need doing. > > Please do not patch the translations this way, the chang

Re: Debian jigdo mini-HOWTO

2002-12-20 Thread Andrew Shugg
le (server down, machine room on fire, ISP routing issues, etc). Do you disagree on this? If so, then there are dozens of mirrors of the Debian web site for what particular reason? =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "I don't w

Re: Debian jigdo mini-HOWTO

2002-12-22 Thread Andrew Shugg
'll notice the world of difference there :) Dear me, I missed those well-documented guidelines. ;) I thought tacking the second link on at the end was the least disruptive change. I will remember that for next time then ... Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Debian Privacy Notice ?

2003-01-09 Thread Andrew Shugg
Someone on debian-legal may be able to help with modifications to the disclaimer document. I posted some suggestions a month or two ago on this list, but no-one was particularly interested. ;) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Jus

Re: webwml/english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist

2003-01-10 Thread Andrew Shugg
oo&bar" shouldn't happen, and we don't have any mirrors at > AT&T. :) I think it would be much better to remove any hard-coded entity fixes from the script(s) and instead use HTML::Entities::encode on everything that is going to be output as HTML. Anything to be

Re: Strange change to the DSA-222 web page

2003-01-10 Thread Andrew Shugg
ould gain privileged access to an > > account there shouldn't be any harm, should it :) > > > > Or am I thinking in the wrong direction? > > "This can lead to gaining unauthorized access to the 'lp'" Or maybe "... to an unauthorized escalation

Bug#127849: GIF Images Still In Use

2003-01-12 Thread Andrew Shugg
g: If you look in /Icons/ you'll see that all the image files are available in at least two different formats. Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Bug#176437: URL checker not checking

2003-01-12 Thread Andrew Shugg
than the children. =) Apart from building the web site, this is another argument for having a dedicated non-human user: to generate the urlcheck, validate and tidy reports. Then if you're MIA someone else can continue to maintain the processes ... please? Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL

Re: Bug#127849: GIF Images Still In Use

2003-01-14 Thread Andrew Shugg
Josip Rodin said: > On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 12:32:12PM +0800, Andrew Shugg wrote: > > > I haven't a shred of doubt that if we just switched to PNG, there would be > > > enough people complaining to make reading this list a pain. :| > > > > Me either. Howev

Re: difference between "task" and "job"?

2003-01-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
but rather than do s/job/task/g in the English page I would advise just doing it in your Japanese translation such that its meaning is clear to you. There are also mentions of 'task' and 'job' in devel/join/nm-step3 which can also just be treated as meaning 'task'.

Re: difference between "task" and "job"?

2003-01-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
I don't > > understand the difference between them. > > We solved this translation with help of a Japanese AM (Applicant Manager). Sorry I didn't write my reply in time to be of assistance then! Will try to be quicker next time. =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAI

Re: SPARC port page

2003-01-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
derstood that Woody included all architectures. This is true; it's the /ports/sparc/ page that is incorrect. (It is not being maintained by the debian-sparc@ people unfortunately.) The sparc install manual for woody is probably a good point for your friend to start reading: http://www.deb

Re: future of developers list

2003-01-31 Thread Andrew Shugg
the local convention (and optionally a different character set Basically letting you have your cake and eat it too, if you're prepared to compromise on the "main" name field. =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: on Realtime Blackhole Lists ...

2003-02-03 Thread Andrew Shugg
ns though; if someone chooses to send a politely-worded howl of protest, the address at the other end is '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. (For all my apathy over the listing, it looks like a fair bit of work has gone into the 5-10-sg blackhole system, so I'm impressed about that at least.) Andre

Re: Question about devel/join/nm-step3

2003-02-03 Thread Andrew Shugg
ave "objectionable" clauses. > > It seems that this sentence is missing a verb. Can anyone give me an > idea about possible completions? > > thanks, > Frank Well spotted, "even thought" should be "even though". Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg &l

Re: where is the Jargon Lexicon???

2003-02-13 Thread Andrew Shugg
ts/index.wml Of course any Debian packages that include links to the Jargon file or other parts of will have to have bugs filed against them for the references to be updated. =/ Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "


2003-02-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
It was almost four years ago so he may not still have the original artwork. But I would suggest you email him directly and ask, or enquire on the debian-alpha mailing list. Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty,

[patch] updates for rdf,rdflong in english/template/debian/recent_list.wml

2003-03-22 Thread Andrew Shugg
ain rather than text/xml. Maybe they could simply be given a .xml extension instead of .rdf? (This is how a lot of sites with RSS feeds do it.) Thanks for your consideration. =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: README for /security/

2003-03-29 Thread Andrew Shugg
comments and suggestions. > > Greetings, > Frank > [...] > 2. updating a advisory (new revision) > - Should be "updating an advisory" ... Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "

Re: [patch] updates for rdf,rdflong in english/template/debian/recent_list.wml

2003-03-29 Thread Andrew Shugg
Gerfried Fuchs said: > * Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-03-23 00:23]: > > Firstly, I know it was alfie's preference to have only the first paragraph > > (as bounded by ...) of the DSA in the RDF file, but this doesn't > > always make good sense. Take

Bug#186740: Encode HTML special chars in $short_desc

2003-03-30 Thread Andrew Shugg
} > $short_desc = $package{$pack}{'short-desc'}; > $long_desc = $package{$pack}{'long-desc'}; > +#$short_desc =~ s/\&/\&\;/go; > + $short_desc =~ s/ + $short_desc =~ s/>/\>\;/go; > $long_

Re: Bug#188524: Reporting page should mention debbugs-el

2003-04-15 Thread Andrew Shugg
t of work involved. The 'querybts' tool provides a convenient text-based interface to the Debian BTS. (Okay, that's introducing lots of new stuff rather than just fixing an offending bit of grammar: sorry.) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http:/

Re: Bug#188524: Reporting page should mention debbugs-el

2003-04-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
eah. Why for reportbug and for querybts though? They're both programs. I think "The querybts tool, which accompanies reportbug, provides..." is a nicer way to put it. Isn't it generally better to link to "";? Andrew. -- Andre

Bug#181872: Patch

2003-04-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
Denis Barbier said: > On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 06:56:23PM +0200, Frank Lichtenheld wrote: > > I think, the solution presented by Andrew Shugg in #186740 is the > > right way to go. > > Nope, ampersnads must be escaped, period. > Example: > Description: escape HTML

Re: sesssion

2003-04-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
on Debian systems. You could try the debian-user mailing list, where a lot of people go for help and get it. =) Andrew. P.S. You did not supply an email address, so hopefully this email to the mailing list will also end up in the newsgroup

Bug#181872: Patch

2003-04-16 Thread Andrew Shugg
Denis Barbier said: > On Wed, Apr 16, 2003 at 10:18:27PM +0800, Andrew Shugg wrote: > [...] > > To clarify what I outlined in #186740, if you were to start with this > > sort of string: > > > > &foo blah & > > > > you would end up

Bug#181872: Patch

2003-04-17 Thread Andrew Shugg
is that if a package description contains HTML entities that the package maintainer is expecting to be normalised by the thing reading the description, then that is a bug in the package description. The script we're discussing doesn't have to cater for it, right? Andrew. -- Andr

Re: discriminatory expression in DWN?

2003-04-18 Thread Andrew Shugg
at (the above underlined statement). DWN said somebody said somebody said something! =) I don't know if this can be made any more clear in the English original without directly quoting from the article, which would at least indicate that the statement came from elsewhere. Andrew. -- Andre

Re: Getting started

2003-04-20 Thread Andrew Shugg
f you frequently contribute useful stuff you'll probably be give CVS access. Andrew, who doesn't have a CVS account, just lurks & whinges. =) -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: failed to built in some languages

2003-04-22 Thread Andrew Shugg
Frank Lichtenheld said: > ashaming weekend for me. > > frustrated, > Frank Try to think of it as an 'educational' weekend with lots of positive learning experience. After all, it's not like you burned down the server or ran over anyone's cat. =) A

Re: Package search improvements

2003-04-22 Thread Andrew Shugg
the problem of not being able to search for non-i386 packages (silo is the first that leaps to mind). Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: mailing list archives being harvested by spammers

2003-04-26 Thread Andrew Shugg
doesn't mean that the problem won't be fixed, just that everyone has to agree on a solution first. See debates in this list's archives every time someone posts a big screaming rant demanding that their email address be removed from the entire set of Debian archives (note: your email

Re: how often were fixed glibc packages downloaded

2003-04-27 Thread Andrew Shugg
filed as a wishlist bug to the Security Team. You might find they have better things to do though. They're busy people. =) Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off th

Re: Spelling Mistake

2003-05-07 Thread Andrew Shugg
s recorded in the bug's history. Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself." "Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a good laugh."

Re: Added a blurb about the office of the project secretary

2003-05-07 Thread Andrew Shugg
g of 'incumbent' is 'person currently holding office'. So how about "Current Officebearer", "Current Secretary" or "About Our Secretary (2001 to present)"? Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "

Re: some comments on bugs

2003-08-24 Thread Andrew Shugg
t the default options are. That shouldn't be too hard. It's also non-intuitive to find the default values on a form when there is no 'clear' or 'reset' button. Using that button will tell the user's browser to take the form back to its default settings, in case

Bug#207095: no dates from package search

2003-08-25 Thread Andrew Shugg
ting through can't really be a very common means of selecting and installing the appropriate versions of the desired packages, can it? How important is it then that the package pages provide this information? Sorry for the rambling, Andrew. -- Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL