Gerfried Fuchs said:
> * Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-20 11:38]:
> > Andrew Lau said:
> >>     makes the package in question unuseable or mostly so, or causes
> >> 
> >> should read:
> >>     makes the package in question UNUSABLE or mostly so, or causes
> > 
> > No, unusable and unuseable are both valid spellings.
> > 
> >*&Database=*
> >*&Database=*
>  But the seconds version shouldn't be used, Andrew (Lau ;) is right. It
> is the first time that I see it documented anywhere, I am not sure if
> WordNet is correct in that respect...

Okay.  Maybe a bug should be filed against the dict-wn package.  ;)

>  I don't really care if it might be valid, unusable should be prefered
> and is less confusing.

It's not in the Pocket Oxford so I'll retract my backing for "unuseable".


Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."

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